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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    The server population is the cause we were down to about 900 at peak times, back in the day taht was nearer 3000. I think Bismarck has a similar population though slightly larger than us so should turn us back into a real server again.

    Just fighting Seraphs last ever Khimaira right now...


      My only concern is the potential threat of returning players once this level cap increase kicks in etc. I don't think 12months ago anyone expected half the content that was recently announced. With half as many servers it could fill up faster then anyone would notice.


        Originally posted by Rep View Post
        It doesn't seem that well planned out to be fair. There's going to be so much put on the playerbase when it comes to getting along, or reorganising stuff (Dyna etc).

        Was there a reason for this? Under-population? It could go from one extreme to the other; overcrowded servers.
        I had Argus practically all to myself for like an entire week (and only lost ToD when I was away).

        Some days I decide I want to after a new NM for gear and get there to empty camps and NM spawns in a matter of minutes.

        Yeah this "underpopulation" was a real ****ing pain.


          Although I'm still convinced we won't see a western release of it this year (a japanese one perhaps despite promises of worldwide launch) FFXIV might make all these changes redundant as there will be mass flocking from one game to the other.


            And there we have it the last Hauteclaire of Seraph dropped for Pretender at last!

            Time to go dance in Whitegate till the server goes down


              At 15:07:12 the lights went out on Seraph for the last time...

              Got a couple of pictures from DA, will find somewhere to post later.


                Update notes are up. Just glancing through and noticed this:

                Hand-to-hand combat rating has been raised from rank C to B+
                Isn't that a climbdown from what S-E originally promised? Didn't they originally announce PUP would be getting A rank H2H?

                The reward items obtainable with Conquest Points have been altered as follows:

                Grand Knight's arrow -> Temple Knight's quiver
                Gold Musketeer's bolt -> Iron Musketeer's quiver
                Patriarch Protector's arrow -> Combat Caster's quiver

                *These new enchanted items can produce ammunition with identical attributes to the former items.
                *Players possessing the former items may trade them to a Conquest Overseer to receive the new items.
                Oooooohhhhhhh!!! What is this? If this is what I think, I'm liking the sound of this.
                Last edited by C'; 22-03-2010, 15:02.


                  The DAT mining us underway some nice items starting to pop up.

                  BLM / RDM heaven in an item...

                  Karka Ring
                  MND+6 Magic Accuracy+1
                  Lv 75 All jobs

                  Galdr Ring
                  INT+6 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+1
                  Lv 75 All jobs

                  Not mention with the level cap raise AV may fianlly be killable, think we have about 10 JOL sets waiting.
                  Last edited by Tsingtao; 22-03-2010, 16:10.


                    They might drop from Shadow Lord, who'll be the new AV anyway


                      I hoping to avoid any new AVs / PWs, but that honking enourmous dragon looks fun. We're going hunting tomorrow see what we can find looks like they're going to be instanced based on the release notes like ENMs.

                      I know SoU will be off recruiting in Whitegate as soon as the King windows are over. I'm banking on servers being back late to get in on the fun, anyone beleive they'll be up at 03:00?

                      O.o new teleport earrings just popped up in the DATs for all the towns and cities in the Zilart and original areas. Betting they'll be easter rewards...
                      Last edited by Tsingtao; 22-03-2010, 16:20.


                        The update notes show that the new teleport earrings are Synergy recipes.

                        Also, there is no level cap rise with this update.

                        Zilant Ring
                        DEX+6 Accuracy+3
                        Lv 75 All Jobs

                        Yes please!
                        Last edited by C'; 22-03-2010, 16:26.


                          Boo, I haven't read the POL bit should go and check really...


                            Looks like the shadowlord armour is made of total win, its like melded a shadow ring, Kirin Osode and the Askar body together.


                              Bet he's going to be fun to kill

                              The 9k bonus xp ring looks kinda nice as well, waiting to see the weapons will anything beat the Hauteclaire...

                              DRG just got its own mercurial waepon!


                                Oh Christ here comes the DRK burn and maybe even PLDs back on GSes.

                                DMG:85 Delay:444 "Regain"
                                Additional effect: Terror
                                (NO THIS IS NOT A TYPO!!! Shadowlord GS)
                                Lv 75 WAR, PLD, DRK

