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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well it seems they've broken all the migration worlds, good work!

    Thought it was a bit ambitious to migrate them all at the same time rather than doing them sequentially and doing a version update at the same time. Seems Bismarck came up for around 10 minutes then died, SE says it may take some time to fix.


      I'm online now, with 300 other people.

      Wonder if it's worth going NM camping with all this **** going on?

      Edit: Whoever recreates the linkshell, please don't make it pink this time XD
      Last edited by Daragon; 23-03-2010, 08:19.


        Yes online and Tsing is all in one peice, just got 1 mule to rename!


          Originally posted by C' View Post
          Nocturnus Mail
          DEF:49 STR+10 DEX+10 VIT+10
          Accuracy+12 "Triple Attack"+1%
          Occasionally absorbs magic damage
          Lv 75 WAR, PLD, DRK, BST, SAM, DRG

          Nocturnus Helm
          DEF:24 STR+6 DEX+6 AGI+6 Attack+8
          "Double Attack"+2%
          Occasionally absorbs physical damage
          Lv. 75 WAR, PLD, DRK, BST, SAM, DRG
          What do you have to do to get these? lol they are pretty hot, gl on the new world btw!


            They are the new SL armours. Come from a Campaign Ops that it appears people need the northlands [S] zones to be under one nation's control to be available.


              well its gone from under popluated to over now, lag is back and 3500 people on jp prime, also bloody linkshell vendor only sell limited amount each day and at set times, fffuuuccckkk.

              Thinking i might just join random EU/NA socials lol


                Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                Edit: Whoever recreates the linkshell, please don't make it pink this time XD
                Dara is correct*.


                You'll probably never catch me saying those words again


                  Originally posted by Rep View Post
                  Dara is correct*.


                  You'll probably never catch me saying those words again

                  I'm actually correct a lot of the time, you're just too little of a man to admit it


                    Been with the moogle npc for while looking at the weapon options, all i can say is ****ing **** you SE, **** you and **** ****ty ****ing quests, **** you for making nearly all the ****ing starter trials KILL THIS ****ING NM 3x on an over popluated server where teams of random alliances fight for a ****y NM.

                    Not only does this **** up normal NM hutning, it ****s up evolith hunting to and then to even finish these god damn weapons into something of sidegrade at best to buyable/old none relic weapons you have go kill these new NM's you need endgame for...

                    to top of it off their like something insane like relic holder adding +6/10 dmg to weapons well before the levelcap increase.


                      to add to that, the server keep booting when in whitegate under the weight of 5000 people on at once, with limit of 700 per area whitegate and jeuno are boot fests. SE you ****ing *****, CB right now is over loaded so your bearly picking up 500 points with everyone thats not doing magian weapons and new ABNM's is doing CB instead for the 100k notes you need for the CB weapons with new weapon skills on them. Can only see it getting worse as jp's stay for magian and nm's during a mix of EU and NA prime time ;_;

                      tried going to whitegate to start the new Alex and Odin quests as they have some decent equip from them, Alex has tanking stuff instead of a pact and Odin DD stuff instead of a pact.


                        So, I'm not quite sure. Are you happy with things at the moment?


                          I'm surprised at some of the outrage over the population, the servers were cut by 50%, what did people expect?

                          I should be back either next Wednesday, or around the 12th if peeps what to start organising stuff. I'd do it myself but don't have time/resources at the minute.


                            I'm reading a lot of similar reports to what Tobal is saying. Servers are practically crumbling under the volume of people trying to get into the worlds and if you try and enter a zone that is "full" you're stuffed.

                            Should have seen this coming.


                              Well at times like this it's only natural to create some kind of "Bring back Seraph!!111!" Facebook group.


                                Originally posted by C' View Post
                                So, I'm not quite sure. Are you happy with things at the moment?
                                Not really, magian system if you choose certain paths is very doable if you put the hours in like kill 3000 lizards, but this time NM's x3 stuff is just bellendtastic, checking the areas you can see a couple of alliance up against each other and CB become unplayable mess like CB was in early months.

                                Looking at it monk as poor side options, the end upgrades just doing on math alone put the NM trial path weapon at maybe 1% better than destroyers, and until the double attack paths(for all weapons) are tested to see what this dbatt does as there 2 options one with normal dmg but high delay, one with low damage, low normal delay and they require you to get drops from ABMN and from reading about it, its no pushover requiring at least 2 parties and well geared PLD's even for teir1.

                                Sam get better deal(surpise) with 89 DMG 450 delay weapon with no thrills, but that (outside of ammo with 86+6dmg on it) the strongst 1 hit sam weapon, time to sell hagun? or do i wait and find out if the next craftable lvl80 weapons turn out to be 87/88/90 damage weapons in 2 month time making the magian process rubbish?

                                any for the moment im just gonna press onwith missions from wotg and alex/odin, while getting booted
                                Last edited by Tobal; 23-03-2010, 13:21.

