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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    as of 19:47pm, ASA full moon fountain fight shout @3 rare.


      Thanks aut I have been away since Friday so no FFXI. Have managed to find unencrypted wifi signal tho so got some Net access on my PSP


        Ok i just downloaded the 14 day free trail and i must say im completly lost, im so noob i need somebody to run me around for a while and get me up to speed, any kind forumites help me out please?


          what server you on?


            Unicorn, why can you move from server to server or your locked to one , or if i go to a new one do i have to make a new character, i could delete my char as im only wandering around the elveish kingdom at the moment, sorry i dont know what the city is called.


              those still posting onthis thread are on seraph for the moment, its about to be merge with bismark on monday night. If you feel like staying where you are, the place your in is called San'doria and SE added some tutorial npc to help out new players.

              look for

              Alaune - Southern San d'Oria (G-10), should get you on your way

              big edit - i've been told by others that you can now pick you server when selecting a new character, so just delete and start again, so you can do that if you want. (it has been 6 years since i made my only character )

              some more - appears our server is locked till after merger on monday.

              Servers, also known as "Worlds," are instances of the world of Vana'diel on which players reside. Multiple servers exist because the population of the game is too great to share a single server. Servers are typically named after a summoned being or type of monster from the Final Fantasy series...
              Last edited by Tobal; 20-03-2010, 10:50.


                The merge is Monday? I could have cursed gear or anything in my delivery box and can't afford to renew content ID till end of next week.

                I still hope they know what they're doing by merging so many servers.


                  3 hrs wasted, still i don't do this kind of thing much lately


                    Aye if you want to play with the people on here I would suggest remaking your character on Bismarck or Seraph before you invest to much time


                      Originally posted by Tsingtao View Post
                      Aye if you want to play with the people on here I would suggest remaking your character on Bismarck or Seraph before you invest to much time
                      Closing servers aren't accepting any new characters and migrations. So only Bismarck out of the two is possible


                        One the last day we kill Medusa, 1hr'ish fight


                          BTW logged on this morning to tidy up stuff and have a last run round Seraph, Sandy actually has North Gustaberg if anyone needs the OP and can get on before 3.

                          Having a mooch around before log off at DA ready for the first HNM on Bismarck.


                            Sad day indeed. Goodbye Seraph!

                            I don't know why but part of me is hoping that this whole thing fails spectacularly and wish that some massive disastor involving mass deletion of characters occurs just to watch with amusement the chaos that would unfold.


                              It doesn't seem that well planned out to be fair. There's going to be so much put on the playerbase when it comes to getting along, or reorganising stuff (Dyna etc).

                              Was there a reason for this? Under-population? It could go from one extreme to the other; overcrowded servers.


                                Lucky I remember to reactivate last night, I had all kinds of high priced bubbins in my box, plus a fair bit of gil's worth of AH sales I'd forgot about XD

                                Edit: Overcrowding is a worry I had too. I understand the economy is slightly better on Bismark though, whether it remains so after the merge however is anyone's guess.

                                RIP Seraph, hope they bring you back for XIV!

