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    I wasn't being serious when I suggested that, Jesus.

    Even though it would explain a few things, rep doesn't strike me as the type to buy gil - most students have problems enough paying for essential ****, never mind some far eastern whore den, which is probably the sort of shady business that operates these gil selling websites.


      Chains of Promathia Areas Unfettered! (05/24/2010)

      The next version update will usher in a change of Twilight God proportions with the lifting of level restrictions in Chains of Promathia areas. Tweaks bound to further enhance your adventuring experience in these areas are also in the works.

      The upcoming version update will see the lifting of level restrictions in Chains of Promathia areas. In light of the planned level cap increase, the level and distribution of enemies in certain Promathia areas will also be adjusted to pose a worthy challenge to players level 75 and beyond. A journey of rediscovery to your favorite areas of old awaits

      Level restrictions will be lifted in the areas below:
      Pso'Xja / Promyvion - Holla / Promyvion - Dem / Promyvion - Mea / Promyvion - Vahzl / Phomiuna Aqueducts / Sacrarium / Riverne - Site #B01 / Riverne - Site #A01

      Promathia Missions

      Level restrictions imposed upon mission battlefields will also be lifted, making the Chains of Promathia missions more accessible than ever before. Adventurers who have yet to delve into the dark secrets of the Twilight God may now proceed with easier hearts!
      *No changes are being planned for the storyline or mission progression. Level restrictions will remain in effect for ENM quests.

      A little sad about this really. Got lots of great memores of the LS having fun in places like Promyvion and Phomiuna Aquaducts many years ago and the inclusion of level caps meant that everyone could be involved regardless of level.

      I've never understood the widespread dislike of CoP's mission structure. It actually meant low level players could be invovled and work on one of the game's best storylines as they were progressing through their EXP stages rather than only being useful once they were at or near 75 like most of the other expansions.

      I just hope that the changing of mob levels is done carefully so that people who are at the original level caps can still progress through the missions if they need to. Yes getting aggro on the top floors of Promyvion was challenging it was still doable. But a group of level 30s getting aggro to mobs that are "a worthy challenge to players level 75" would basically end their mission there and then.


        I honestly don't see the need for such changes either. Convenience in regards to equipment perhaps, but the negative really does outweigh the positive.

        Wonder how much more difficult the airship fight is going to be now too? Ultima and Omega with double the hp is going to be a pretty tough win!


          It doesn't sound like they are changing the difficulty of the mission battles themselves. Just adding tougher monsters in certain parts of the zones (hopefully in areas that are of the "standard" path for traveling for the missions themselves).


            It mentions lifting the restrictions for mission battlefields, I'm assuming that includes airship.


              It doesn't actually sound that bad if they're altering the level of the mobs, I have fond memories of trying to gain levels in order to do more CoP missions though. Are Dobson Flies going to be level 80 mobs now?

              As for tonight, Wings Quest? I should have a 4th assualt tag later tonight too.


                Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                It mentions lifting the restrictions for mission battlefields, I'm assuming that includes airship.
                Exactly. The level restriction will be removed but the actual battle itself will remain unchanged I think, thereby making the mission itself easier.

                Originally posted by Rep View Post
                Are Dobson Flies going to be level 80 mobs now?
                That's another thing that bothers me. The NMs in these zones drop low level gear and in my opinion should be killable by people (in appropriate parties naturally) arund that level. What's the point in Swift Belt to people at level 50 if you need to be level 80 before you can even killl the NM?

                Personally, I think the NMs may remain the same level and it will be standard mobs elsewhere that will be changed for EXP purposes (not that any mob in any of these zones will be considered suitable for grinding EXP in this era of Colibri). Then again, I assumed the BCNMs would remain capped until today's announcement so what do i know.

                Originally posted by Rep View Post
                As for tonight, Wings Quest? I should have a 4th assualt tag later tonight too.
                Not around tonight. Got some plans involving the Lost finale that was on this morning. Will probably be signing up for tomorrow's Dynamis too so will be Wednesday after Einherjar before I'm free to do anything.




                    New Trials (of the Magians) Await Ambitious Adventurers! (27/05/2010)

                    Are you one of the many adventurers longing to further augment your equipment with marvelous moogle magic via Trial of the Magians? Then you'll be heartened to know that additions and refinements to the system are on the way!

                    New Weapon Trials

                    The impending version update will usher in new trials allowing adventurers to take weapons already augmented via prior Magian accomplishments and enhance them further. Needless to say, new trial sequences for relic and mythic weapons will be included among these.

                    Adventurers will also find new trial varieties available, such as those affording the opportunity to power up one's weapon skills.

                    These additions are only the tip of the iceberg, however, as future updates promise to unveil the most challenging and rewarding trials yet. It will take every onz of courage and persistence at your disposal to upgrade your weapon to the limit of its capabilities, but rest assured that the prize that awaits you will be worth every step of the journey.

                    The Miraculous Magian Spectacles

                    Another addition will be a new item, the "magian spectacles," which may be purchased from the Magian Moogle for a nominal fee. This handy tool will aid in your trials by summoning a Magian trial log to your side, allowing you to review your progress from dungeons or afield.

                    Trial Objectives Revisited

                    Certain trial objectives have been reevaluated and will see target quotas reduced among other adjustments. You need not fear if you've already embarked on a trial, for these changes will also be reflected in trials underway at the time of the update.
                    Interesting that they only mention weapons again as I'm sure we were supposed to be getting armour trials for this update.

                    The upgrading weapon skills thing confuses me as apart from upping everyone's damage it won't actually really help anyone. The most damaging weapon skills will remain the most damaging so nothing will change overall. If they feel certain weapon skills need improving (i.e. all the Great Sword ones, Blade: Ku etc.) then why not just change how they operate?


                      Campaign Battle is really getting on my nerves now, the server is overcrowded. Out of the last 10 battles, average exp is ranging from 300-900, where before it would be 2-4k. Even Shadowfang went down in around 40seconds.


                        Clearing Wam. Farm Raid, Egg Conservation, and Azure Experiments last night puts me on 49 clears, it's a shame we failed Bloody Rondo or i'd have made Captain. This PLD annoyed me afterwards though, sending me tells saying please setup correctly next time and get more DD.

                        ASA repeat tonight? If we get Jaymc (who i've already spoken too) and Draco, it just leaves us needing a WHM.

                        I've got two people lined up for What Price Loyalty (Zannaxys and Dvenja) if people want to jump right into that afterwards.


                          That Bloody Rondo attempt really pissed me off (hence why I pretty much disappeared right away).

                          It was clear when we started that the PLD had no ****ing clue what we asked of him when he stood there with his back turned taking a pounding.

                          I've attempted 5 FL clears now. 3 cleared and 2 fails. Both of the fails were with PLD who were geared to an amazing degree. The 3 wins were all where I was tanking (although to be fair the hydra win was a TP burn setup).

                          So I'm sorry Rep as I know you're generally not happy with me tanking these things on NIN but I'm not leaving anything down to chance with these fights now. Using pickups for generally DD is fine but it seems we can't rely on them for something as important as following basic tanking instructions like "kite the boss".


                            Originally posted by C' View Post
                            So I'm sorry Rep as I know you're generally not happy with me tanking these things on NIN but I'm not leaving anything down to chance with these fights now. Using pickups for generally DD is fine but it seems we can't rely on them for something as important as following basic tanking instructions like "kite the boss".
                            I don't follow, if I've ever made any comments about you tanking it's just banter about the whole PLD vs NIN tanking debate. I don't actually remember any though. I just assumed you liked coming as RNG for stuff after you mentioned something about it last year. I've expressed a dozen times if I want a tank as part of the team, it's you or Hudoo. In all fairness though no one could have predicted the PLD was going to straight tank it, just by looking at him dispelled any "pick-up" worries. Like I said, what pissed me right off were the tells afterwards, blaming the setup and ranged attack jobs for the failure. I thought I had a picture but apparently not.

                            Collected all 16 Hexes again for ASA, so eager to start that as early as possible tonight.


                              I've obviously misunderstood a couple of things then.

                              It annoyed me that the PLD being unable to follow (or not understand, his langauge implied that he was proficient but not fully fluent in English but I only picked up on that afterwards) the kite instruction basically cost us the run. I kited for a good minute or more as RNG/SAM when I pulled hate at the end. Should have been a joke for a job with actual survivability and movement speed equip.


                                Good news everyone!

                                Moblin Maze Mongers Manufacture Monstrous New Maze: Adventurers Aghast! (01/06/2010)

                                President Goldagrik and his grammatically-challenged gang of gil-grabbing dungeon delvers are back, this time with a new maze that promises thrills and chills for adventurers the world over!

                                Intrepid reporters have uncovered a voucher for the newly-formed "Revitalization Team." Nominally established to allow overextended adventurers to let off some steam, it would seem the Moblins' idea of rest and relaxation calls for pitting clients against the most fearsome foes ever to grace their dank and dusty caves.

                                Fell Formidable Foes: Reap Rich Rewards

                                Within each Revitalization Team labyrinth awaits the maze master Sadistiq. After giving first-time challengers a "member's card" that will make it possible to record their progress, he will provide a choice of formidable foes which you may pummel to your heart's content to relieve the stress of adventuring and—if all goes well—procure some serious loot in the process.

                                After choosing your foe, the "relaxation period" will commence. Challengers will have 15 minutes to pound away on their target to the best of their abilities. There will be no pushovers here, so you'll want to cooperate closely with your comrades. Fear not if you cannot fell your foe, however. You may still be eligible for a prize if Sadistiq deems that you have worked off sufficient stress in your attempt.

                                Still Crueler Challenges Await!

                                When your time is through, you'll want to show your member's card to Sadistiq once more. Prove your mettle, and you'll be granted the opportunity to take on even more fearsome foes.

                                An adventurer's life is far from easy. Why not take a few minutes to let off some steam Maze Mongers-style?
                                Starting to get a little worried about this update. Never get a good impression when their updates have to resort to MMM. At least this one gets a bonus point for having a moblin named Sadistiq.

                                Perhaps the next exciting update announcement will be New Synergy Receipes Abounds Crafters Far and Wide!!1!!1!!!
                                Last edited by C'; 01-06-2010, 09:01.

