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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Is there much chance of swapping Thursday's event with Friday's? I'd really like to fit in 2 limbus runs a week, but until July I won't be around Thursday evening


      Another 0.2 parrying skill whilst hanging out at Kreutzet's spawn area last night.


        Anyone know the exact process involved in replacing your augmented item reward for the add-on expansion packs?

        Been doing some reading up this morning and got me thinking that I should change the stats on my MKD headgear.

        Reobtaining the key item is easy now that the goblin NPC sells them but when do I have to drop my current one? Before I obtain the key item for the BCNM or simply before I enter the BCNM itself?


          Fun again with our 8 man Genbu kill last night and Hudoo got the drop he was after. Really reinforced that even with the low numbers we have, there is definite possibilities to after a certain level of NM for drops.

          With that in mind, with the bank holiday weekend coming up, is there any possibility people would be available to have a go at taking out Oupire. That katana would be the final piece of my Magic Damage Taken set (would be a standard MDT-21% and -26% in Resentment Cape areas) and the other drops I believe have a bit of gil value on the Auction house so would obviously pass on all for helpers to lot.

          It’s a timed spawn so I’d just hang out in the area until it’s available and reports of it being killed by a party or less. Would just need at least one (preferably 2) people to Stun the ga spells and standard tank/support/DD setup apart from that.

          Some testimonials here:

          Sadly not many details on what the droprate on Narigitsune is but I know it isn’t 100% drop.
          Last edited by C'; 29-04-2010, 11:21.


            I guess I could help out, provided I know EXACTLY what I'm supposed to be doing prior to engaging, rather than just a general 'attack ****'

            If I end up 'learning by doing' then chances are I get insulted, and that does not gel with me too well.


              Ok, but there are some things that people expect individuals with 75 in certain jobs to know already (i.e. Trick Attacking a RNG is generally a stupid thing to do).


                Ok, that one's a fair enough point I guess. But in my defense, at the time I had accomplice ready to use, you seemed to have had enough hate anyway and TA was otherwise going to waste.

                When the complaint of the first run was that it took too long despite being well in the clear time, I decided to go for it


                  I don't understand, are you saying he was suppose to have had the hate?

                  The problem people have, and as outlined in your original post, is that you shouldn't be relying on people telling you what to do, where to go. If we're doing a BC, NM, read up on it etc. Things like, i don't like pulling etc, you're a THF, it's part of your role. You should know every aspect of the job by now and how to apply it in just about every situation.


                    Here we go, using the 'Dara fails at pulling' one again - look, either I pulled those two fomor which magically became 10 or I stood there waiting on them to stop having their tea party or whatever the **** it was which could have been all day.

                    And no, I wasn't saying he was supposed to have the hate, he had it anyway and as my sneak attack didn't seem to change things I thought about Trick attacking, spare of the moment thing, I apologise, won't happen again sir can I go now?


                      You're misunderstanding Rep's complaint. That pull is hard and no one can lay any blame on anyone who pulls it with links.

                      Rep's concern is that we go into Limbus all buffed up and ready to start then when you're asked to pull we get a response along the lines of "lol, you want me to pull?" It's pretty much generally accepted that if there's a lone THF in the group, they will be the puller.

                      As a THF75 it's your role to get good at pulling and be confident doing it. Not just to shrug your shoulders, proclaim that you're **** at it and hope it goes away. Mistakes happen, some pulls are hard and will link in even the best situations and that's fine.


                        While I'm not the world's most confident puller, in that particular instance I had to make a judgment which was pretty much the wrong one on reflection. To pull straight away or to sit there and to waste time waiting for the pair to seperate which might never have happened. I chose to pull, assumed that I would end up with 2 fomors which were all that were seemingly in the immediate vicinity and ended up with 10.

                        Now I can accept that, what I cannot accept however is that enough fuss is made about me not pulling, yet as soon as we pretty much wipe due to excessive numbers of mobs, the finger pointing begins again. Regardless, as I say it's a learning experience and despite that event seemingly happening twice to me now, I'll know what to do for the future.


                          You guys doing Limbus now?

                          Might see if i can trip along sometime, still no play time at the moment but one day I'll log on. All the sky gods should be killable with 6 really (Genbu's an easy solo just time consuming), a decent NIN or PLD/NIN rarely gets hit other than with Byakko and then its just stun cycle. Only Kirin really should need an alliance these days.

                          You lot tried Omega yet?

                          Ah I remember them, use sac pulling if you're worried about hate. Saves wipe on link, its always the SMNs that pet link if I remember right.
                          Last edited by Tsingtao; 29-04-2010, 14:47.


                            Just in case anyone isn't aware I'm out of the game for a bit due to video card dying during Argus camping on Saturday.

                            Was due to build a new PC at the end of the month anyway so I'm just looking at bringing this forward, hopefully end of the week/weekend.

                            Make sure you save some fun stuff for when i return.


                              how do i do something about this with windoer.

                              as you can see it petty unreadable.


                                There's a widescreen version of these dats which tidy everything up. Looks swish, been using it for years.

                                For that pack you need to close FF and Playonline completly and overwrite the program files directory.

