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    does the nomad go through batterys quickly?


      Yup, but it a lovely machine nonetheless (even though the GT has a better screen imo).

      Re Sengoku 3...what a game, serious side scrolling slash'em'up. The bosses aren;t too frustrating, but like most scrolling fighters its easy to get through the level to them, and then you lose a few lives in the fight (until you work out the simple attack patterns). Sweet music too, great game Eastyy.


        No but really, get Burning Fight too.

        Nice choice!



          Yep its why i got it i love combos thought i have heard there are some frustrating bosses though
          There not 2 Bad.
          Burning fight is good aswell for a final fight clone. Alot of people slated it but I don't think it's that bad, then again it only cost ?12.00 so I couldn't really lose.

          Yeah you got a good deal on that Nomad. I had a look at a about 6 mounths ago on Eaby and they were gonig for ?90.00 + Boxed with extras. Haven't kept my eye on price since.

          I'm not the Megadrives biggest fan ( have 2 tho ) and I have to many hand helds so I didn't bother.

          Think for the period it was released it was a kick ass idea and wished Nintendo did something similar with the Snes but they didn't, they released the Virtual Boy instead

          Excellent purchase enjoy


            got a HUUUUGE package today containing -

            Shining Force 3 PAL
            a Saturn 3D controller
            ST Key region unlocker cart
            Street Racer PAL
            GT-24 JP
            Virtua Cop US
            Athlete Kings PAL
            Nights PAL
            Street Fighter Alpha 2 PAL
            Some golf game, and possbly something else (last few are unboxed)

            Also got Pilotwings 64 unboxed, and a few ninty related things.

            Unfortunately, gotta wait til Xmas to play em, so expect the piccies then!



              Just need the system to play the stuff now

              Think i have bought the games i have really wanted

              matrimelee/rage of the dragons/art of fighting 3/real bout 2/blazing star/ninja masters/last blade 2/kizuna super tag/sengoku 3


                Originally posted by wheelaa
                Anyway, my stuff from the the last while. Japanese md of course ...
                Aha .. I espy a poor man's version of Tetris

                Hope you didn't pay much more than $20 for that at the most. Even though it seems to get touted around on ePay every now and again for ludicrous amounts. Usually by dojar (I think he was asking ?100 ... I sincerely hope no-one paid him that!!)



                  Yes, its a fake, I admit it. ?11 though from Howling, so happy with that. (Although bizarrely in japan some sellers try and ask for 10,000 yen for it on yahoo..and even more bizarrely never seem to sell it)


                    Originally posted by 112
                    Yakumo, out of curiosity, on yah website (jus stumbled onto it the other day and spent ages (heh did you like that) look at yah exstensive collection) is that the very same wan chai connection game scanned into your pc as the one i gave you, many moons ago?

                    Also, play night truth on the jap saturn will yah and tell me whats goin on cos i think i finished the game but i dunno what goin on. lol

                    Well if your real identity is a Chinese guy living in the north west of the UK then, yes this is the very same copy It's now back in it's home country.



                      Been on a Megadrive acquisition mission

                      So far I have -
                      Gynoug (Jpn)
                      Thunder Force III (Jpn)
                      Thunder Force IV (Jpn)
                      Gunstar Heroes (Jpn)
                      World of Illusion: Starring Mickey and Donald (UK)

                      And I'm currently awaiting the arrival of Genesis versions of Castlevania:Bloodlines and Contra: Hard Corps. I really want a Japanese version of Contra, but I can't justify a good ?120 atm, but at least I can still play it for the mo. Strangely, I really don't think I'd blow ?150 on Vampire Killer. Odd.

                      It was actually the Missus who got Gynoug and WoI. She got those for about 2quid each off Ebay. I explained about all the great Disney MD games, and she's well impressed. Bless her. She was on Ebay earlier, looking for Quackshot and Castle of Illusion. I love this woman so much.


                        picked up some bits n bobs from the tattered remains of what used to be the once great CEX retro basement nothing overly rare, just standard stuff meant to pick up ages ago.
                        All saturn-
                        U.S VF2 -mint!
                        U.S Decathelete -mint!
                        All Japan Pro Wrestling fea Virtua Fighter
                        Fighters Megamix (couldnt remember if the jp version had Pepsiman or just Fighting Vipers??)
                        Picked games up for a quid each so not so bad and loving All Japan Pro Wrestling!
                        3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                          When I got back a copy of Captain Commando PS1 was waiting for me - superb. Also in Spain got the GBA Final Fantasy 1 & 2 pack - very nice - and not retro but yesterday got Zone of The Enders the 2nd Runner for ?6 in Crime Converters whilst waiting for my daughter's prescription. Happy with that.


                            Originally posted by m0nk3y
                            And I'm currently awaiting the arrival of Genesis versions of Castlevania:Bloodlines and Contra: Hard Corps. I really want a Japanese version of Contra, but I can't justify a good ?120 atm, but at least I can still play it for the mo. Strangely, I really don't think I'd blow ?150 on Vampire Killer. Odd.
                            Well that's good to hear, especially as you can get them for about ?60 and ?80 respectively these days.


                              Originally posted by m0nk3y
                              And I'm currently awaiting the arrival of Genesis versions of Castlevania:Bloodlines and Contra: Hard Corps. I really want a Japanese version of Contra, but I can't justify a good ?120 atm, but at least I can still play it for the mo. Strangely, I really don't think I'd blow ?150 on Vampire Killer. Odd.
                              a good guy here called son_of_bael had contra for sale - think he wanted ?75 for it and its mint i believe


                                Originally posted by wheelaa
                                Well that's good to hear, especially as you can get them for about ?60 and ?80 respectively these days.
                                And this is why I really should stop using VGI as a price guide for games. And the mateys taking the piss on Ebay with their Buy it Nows certainly don't help. Well, at least I have nice cheap US versions of the games. But at around ?60 I'll certainly be getting a Japanese Contra at some point. Still not fussed about Vampire Killer though, it's always been Castlevania to me (with the exception of PCE DracX).

                                And one of my mates popped round with a very late B'day prezzie - a brand new in box 6button MD pad. Smashing. Bloody hate the original 3 button one.

