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    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
    Just need Third Strike now! Great choice though.
    Already got 3S on XBLA and PS2 - I wanted to check out the previous iterations of SFIII which are only on DC.


      I see. The DC version of 3s has a true 240p mode though..

      Although, it's got no unblockables which is rubbish. Best on XBLA though yeah.


        Yet another Game Boy to add to my rapidly-expanding collection of Game Boys. Thanks to Alf81!


          I do like that Gameboy Light!


            Fresh from Arcade Forge, the SLG SCART:


              Scanlines, scanlines everywhere.


                It's all about the scanlines, my enclosure from Arcadeforge has arrived too


                  Natural scanlines are better.


                    That's a handy little unit but why does it need a power supply when the SLG-3000 can work passively?


                      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                      Natural scanlines are better.
                      true, but my wife has categorically banned a crt from our house

                      still my mmmonkey special doesn't do a bad job and cost a fraction of the ones you'd have to buy from arcadeforge or an xrgb

                      my picture does it no justice, i'm having a mare trying to take a decent shot of it


                        For various reasons had to cut back on gaming and modding recently, but been having a bit of fun with cart modding the last week or do...

                        Label could be better, its just a inkjet printout, but looks okay. Got some MD stuff done also, but no labels yet.


                          Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
                          That's a handy little unit but why does it need a power supply when the SLG-3000 can work passively?
                          Generally speaking, it doesn't need a power supply as it can get power from the Scart cable itself. The optional power supply is just for problem cables, or consoles that do not output enough voltage over Scart.


                            Originally posted by mmmonkey View Post
                            For various reasons had to cut back on gaming and modding recently, but been having a bit of fun with cart modding the last week or do...

                            Label could be better, its just a inkjet printout, but looks okay. Got some MD stuff done also, but no labels yet.
                            Looking good Pete.


                              Despite having a nice lot of JP/US Cube stuff and selling it all I've just gone on a bit of a spree today.

                              PAL Super Smash Bros Melee
                              Indigo PAL Cube, 1 pad, 1 memory card, PSU + composite cables
                              2nd official indigo pad
                              Official RGB SCART cable

                              I figure as most PAL GC games have a 60hz mode I wouldn't bother with NTSC, and most of my fond memories were when I only played PAL anyway.


                                Just finished two more carts today Getting better at cutting and applying labels now.

                                Bare Knuckle 3 - English Translation (tried to make a label that looked close to the original label), Sonic The Lost Levels (label downloaded from web) and my previously posted StarFox 2.

                                I know I could just get a flash cart for some of this, but there's less fun in that for me.

