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Post everytime you get ANYTHING retro. We want to know (^v^)

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    Originally posted by ikobo View Post
    I may have fallen spectacularly off the retro wagon..........

    Need details




        Originally posted by ikobo View Post
        And there goes your + credit balance for the year. Retro your only weakness


          LOL seriously it's like groundhog day watching this retro thread sometimes, as one of you lot usually gives in, buy something retro get bored & sell it in the trading forum & then repeat must admit im curious what Ikobo has given into this time hehe.


            We should mark the items with a UV pen, so we can track who has them, and where they've been in the past, it'd be fascinating.


              It wouldn't be so bad, but 50%+ of these games and the system used to be mine anyway! Like I said, if you're going to fall off the wagon, do it big time...........

              I won't be keeping all of it, so i'll add the final damage to my yearly spend after I clear the unwanted bits out.


                Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                It wouldn't be so bad, but 50%+ of these games and the system used to be mine anyway! Like I said, if you're going to fall off the wagon, do it big time...........

                I won't be keeping all of it, so i'll add the final damage to my yearly spend after I clear the unwanted bits out.
                Good god that's alot of Neo Geo games to buy in one go. While it's a lovely haul, would you not consider buying games one at a time and playing them to death before moving to the next? I force myself to do that in order to avoid buyer's remorse and the general confusion of not knowing what to play next.

                I used to have around 60 english AES games. I got hooked on collecting but rarely played anything. I've now got less than ten and keep it there. Everyone time I buy a new one I force myself to sell one. Not mention the ludicrous amount of space they take up.


                  Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                  It wouldn't be so bad, but 50%+ of these games and the system used to be mine anyway! Like I said, if you're going to fall off the wagon, do it big time...........

                  I won't be keeping all of it, so i'll add the final damage to my yearly spend after I clear the unwanted bits out.
                  Ha ha ha Ikobo goes straight in to the lead of most spent this year, Colin you are mental still way to do it in style but im disappointed where is your euro kizuna and ssk4


                    Like I said, I won't be keeping them all, but couldn't be arsed with the hassle of looking for all the ones here that i'd want seperately. I've owned all of them before, so know what I like and don't and will only keep the ones I rate. Ten or so will be going at least, but the deal was as a bundle so I took the lot knowing i'd make some of the price back.

                    On a side note, can anyone tell me how to get in to the geometry settings of that little Sony KV141TU crt? The picture is lovely, but is offset to the left by about 10mm.

                    Right, i'm off in to work to do a bit of overtime to relieve my spending guilt.
                    Last edited by Colin; 26-02-2012, 09:43.


                      Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                      It wouldn't be so bad, but 50%+ of these games and the system used to be mine anyway! Like I said, if you're going to fall off the wagon, do it big time...........

                      I won't be keeping all of it, so i'll add the final damage to my yearly spend after I clear the unwanted bits out.


                        Haha ... I knew it'd be SNK related (though I thought it was going to be a cmvs).

                        I take my hat off to you mate ... you never do it by halves

                        Garou MOTW is on my list of wants, but I can't see you parting with your fave Neo title. Not for now anyway

                        Enjoy it mate, lovely collection and the perfect TV for it too (a quick scoot around the net should sort you out with the service menu code. For mine it's (in standby mode: i, 5, vol+, tv). Make a note of the defaults before you change anything.


                          Originally posted by neil2k View Post


                            Originally posted by Jamie View Post
                            Thanks pal

                            went to ebay as soon as i saw it and spoke to Laurent over at Neoayato and its going to be ordered shortly


                              Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                              Like I said, I won't be keeping them all, but couldn't be arsed with the hassle of looking for all the ones here that i'd want seperately. I've owned all of them before, so know what I like and don't and will only keep the ones I rate. Ten or so will be going at least, but the deal was as a bundle so I took the lot knowing i'd make some of the price back.

                              On a side note, can anyone tell me how to get in to the geometry settings of that little Sony KV141TU crt? The picture is lovely, but is offset to the left by about 10mm.

                              Right, i'm off in to work to do a bit of overtime to relieve my spending guilt.
                              Should be the same as this


                                Haha nice one Colin!

                                I was thinking either SNK or PC Engine, though I am sure the latter is a matter of time.

