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hidden monochrome gems

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    hidden monochrome gems

    The old original monochrome Game Boy will always have a special place in my heart. It was the first gaming device I've bought and basically started my love for videogames. Out of a feeling of nostalgia and curiousity I digged out my old machine a few months ago, basically to see if the games are still holding up today and I was pleasently surprised that they do just that. Most of the old classics are still a blast to play and I find it even more impressive now, how much charm and fun could be cramped into those little cartridges back then, especially when you're taking into account the limitations of the hardware (for example the simple color sheme with only four shades of grey).

    I've even bought a new game for my 14 year old handheld recently (which is still working, besides missing some pixel lines on the right and left side of the screen^^') and I was beginning to wonder what I may have been missing, as there just have to be some rather unknown and/or underapreciated little games (besides the well known bestsellers ala Mario, Tetris and Pokemon) that slipped under my radar.

    What's this thread all about?
    It's a place where you could and should name those little games that may haven't gotten the attention they deserved. Drop a name or maybe post some screens or write a few words. A place where you can show your appreciation and where you may even find some monochrome gems that you've never heard of before.

    So let's dig out those old grey boxes and let us enjoy some nostalgic feelings and goold old monochrome fun.
    It doesn't hurt if you're old Game Boy is broken (okay, maybe it hurts your feelings) or if you don't have a handheld capable of playing original GameBoy cartridges at all, cause although with Nintendos newest handhelds (GB Micro, DS, DS Lite) the backwards compatibility has been dropped, it's still possible to play those old games on your new Nintendo hardware through the wonders of emulation, which works quite well, mainly cause of the brighter screens of the newer devices (and other emulation related things ala Real Time Saves, which can get handy, when the original cartridge doesn't offer Battery Save or Passwords).

    So, enough rambling already, I'll start this thread with the game I bought recently, it's called "Catrap" ("Pit Man" in Japan) and is a cute little puzzlegame similar to the NES classic Fire 'N Ice.


    What's this game about?
    The title is composed of the words "cat" and "trap" (and is therefore pronounced "ca-trap" and not "cat-rap", sorry hip hop fans).
    It becomes pretty clear that the title is fitting, cause basically you're playing some anthropomorphic cats (a boy and a girl) that have been sent to an underground labyrinth by an angry monster, which they've accidently awakened during its "daytime beauty slumber". The Labyrinth consists of the 100 levels of the game, in which you have to kill all the enemies and avoid being trapped.
    The story doesn't make much sense at all, so after you've read the whopping five sentences, don't be surprised if you'll find yourself scratching your head, which isn't a bad introduction to the game, cause you'll get accustomed to that real soon.
    Don't let this little cute game trick you into thinking it's childs play, cause this one is a real brainteaser.
    Of course it starts out slow and easy, the learning curve is quite decent actually, but it will get tough.

    How does it play?
    It's quite simple, really. You can choose one of the two kitties (doesn't make a difference, they're playing the same) and then you can choose one of 99 levels. Yes, you better believe! You can freely choose any of the levels except the last one (which has to be opened up by clearing all the others). That's pretty neat when you're stuck in one of the levels, as you can just try aother one instead.
    The levels themselves consist of stationary blocks (which can be pushed around) and monsters. You move around the level from tile to tile and you basically have to knock out all the monsters, which is simply a matter of walking into them.

    Sounds easy , but there are some obstacles on the way, in the form of the blocks I mentioned. Those can be pushed around (by running into them, as usual). Furthermore there are ladders to reach higher platforms (cause you can't just jump or climb up blocks) and sometimes there's soil, which you can dig (move) through.
    And that's it basically. A simple concept at heart, that only needs the digipad for controlling your cat, utilized to build some mindboggling puzzles.

    it starts out nice and easy

    but of course it will get harder

    So yeah, what do the A and B buttons do?
    They're keeping you sane! As it does get quite tough in the later levels it's nice that the developers gave you the option to correct stupid mistakes. A rewinds and B forwards your past actions.
    There are also little nuances here and there to keep things fresh over the course of the game, for example there are different types of enemies or some levels even give you the possibility to play with both of the cats at the same time.

    there are some nice tagteam puzzles

    Completing all the levels takes its time, and sadly, there's no battery save. There is an excellent password system though, which keeps track exactely of all the individual levels you've finished.
    There's also a nice edit mode, where you can create your on levels. These are interchangebale, cause you can get a password for your creation and give it to a friend, who can then challenge your puzzles on his own cartridge, something that wouldn't be possible with only a battery save function. There are even some bonus levels in the form of passwords printed in the manual.

    What does it sound and look like?
    Graphic wise it's nothing groundbreaking. The characters are charming and the animations passable, but the nonchanging level grafics get a little old after a while.
    The sound isn't overwhelming either and there's also little to no variety, as the same song is heard in every level.

    Final thoughts
    But all these audiovisual nitpicks pale in comparison to the charm and playability of this little gem. Its easy pick up and play mentality and the myriad of features, which are quite astonishing for such an early GB title, are the reason why this game hasn't aged one bit. It's friendly enough for beginners and offers a real challenge for puzzle pros in the later stages. The Rewind and Password functions ensure that it's never getting frustrating and the edit mode gives it longterm appeal, even after all the levels have been solved.
    So what we have here is one of the best puzzlers on any handheld console and if you're into those games, you've just've no excuse not to check this out. Although afaik it hasn't been released in europe (which is quite a shame really), the US version can be found cheap and rather easily on fleabay.
    Last edited by Ryo Saeba; 19-01-2007, 08:40.

    I had a Gameboy with a few games when I was a kid, but I sold it, and bought a Game Gear

    I'm not really a handheld fan, but I often see Gameboy retro reviews, and some of the best titles look really tempting. I think I'm going to buy a few and give them a go.

    This Catrap looks o.k. As you said, it doesn't have much variety in the visuals theme, which is something I couldn't stand. From what I gather, the characters are well designed, and the actual gameplay is probably decent too.

    I know some people will really like the look of this. It's not a title I'd put on my must-have list though.

    Thanks for the info. I've never seen the game before, so now I have gained some knowledge. 8)
    Last edited by Leon Retro; 19-01-2007, 09:01.


      haha i had pitman on a dodgy pirate cart! the original GB was superb


        This archived Insert Credit topic does a good job:


          I've got a lot of affection for the original GB. Remember getting it on the Japanese release in '89 from one of the import places buried within a shop on TCR in London for £130 with SML. The little Jap boxes are superb.

          Ok, anal packaging mode off now.

          It's retired now but I still play mono GB games on the GBLight.

          A few faves from the early days (not necessarliy obscure, I'm afraid):

          Makimura Gaiden (or Gargoyle's Quest)
          Asmik-Kun World (Asmik's pink dino mascot digs up weapons and items to defeat foes - get to the end and play it backwards!)
          Final Fantasy Legend (Sa-Ga)
          Flipull (was it Plotting in the west? - incredibly simplistic puzzler that had me cursing for a while)
          and, of course, those early Gradius and Castlevania releases

          Ooh, gone all nostalgic now
          Last edited by Wil; 19-01-2007, 10:29.


            I've played a couple of Super Robot Taisen in monochrome for the original Gameboy. The very first game in the series came out on GB first.

            Super Robot Taisen
            Super Robot Taisen 2 Gaiden.

            Those are the two Gameboy games and they are pretty good strategy games for what they are. There's loads of monochrome SRWs on the wonderswan, but I don't suppose they should be included here.

            Quite a few of todays Japanese RPG series started life on the original GB. I even put my Original GB games through my GC on the Gameboy player sometimes when I'm at home. Mind you I do turn the sound down.
            Last edited by AdamJW; 19-01-2007, 10:52.


              Revenge of the Gator. I win
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                Revenge of the Gator. I win
                I've got the Japanese version of that - something like 66 Crocodiles or something. Great little pinball game - great music.


                  the gb version of parodius (sp?) is superb too, ace gfx and sound and double dragon!


                    Already mentioned, but Gargoyles Quest is my killer app on the original GB. I am a massive fan of anything Makaimura related, but particularly love Red Ariimaa. All of the Gargoyle games rock, especially Demon's Crest.


                      One of my favourtie Game Boy games as a kid was Burai Fighters, but I'm certain it's not that much of a hidden treasure, am I right?


                        Any of the Kirby Games are worth getting,

                        Kirbys Dreamland
                        Kirbys Pinball Land
                        Kirbys Dreamland 2
                        Kirbys Blockball
                        Kirbys Star stacker.

                        He really was the darling of the original Gameboy with a great set of games.


                          Harvest moon 1 + 2 = Both work in GB and GBC, nice black cartridge too.

                          A game where you have to manage a farm, grow crops and manage your money. Sound fun? not really.

                          But alas it is very enjoyable and extremely addictive.
                          The gameboy one is nice because it's simpler than the other versions.
                          No dating/marrige, no harvest sprites, etc, simple, fun, addictive.

                          I've spent hours playing it on the gameboy colour and on the Super nes.
                          It's got that charm and pleasant atmosphere that makes it a chilled game which you can relax down and play for a while. Which is nice


                            I know it's *only* a pool game but I spent hours playing Side Pocket on the bus to college yonks back.


                              This is my little monochrome gem...

                              Cracking game IMO, some quite impressive graphics & very playable.

                              Still gets the odd play now

                              Other than that my other fave GB game was The Adventures of Batman (Cant get a pic of that though as my copy is still in the loft)


