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Gradius V - Discussion [16th Feb - end of March]

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    Organic wall of death hints! If you're using Type 2, just do round sweeps with your lasers and get right down in the bottom right corner if you want to play it safe. Type 1 players can switch to Double, form a tight circle around their ship with the options and then do the same.




        I have a great anecdote about Gradius V. See, I'm mostly hopeless at it for the short time I put into it, can get to the worms on Level 4 on a credit. Great, a little further each time like and I'll have it sorted as it's just down to practice getting good at the game. One thing is I don't think GV is that difficult compared to the other Gradius games...

        Anyway, some bloke bought a bunch of games from me on eBay and he wanted to come around and get them. Not a problem, any gamers are more than welcome like. Claimed he was into shooters hardcore like, loves R-Type especially and "the funny one from Konami" so I mentioned about GV 'cos it was my #1 game at the time like. He pops around, we start up on two-player and he blasts through the credits like there's no tomorrow before we even get off Level 1 I have my best game ever though while he's sat there watching me, I had to pause it while we sorted payment and stuff, packed his car and this was right before the worms like, no lives lost or anything. I come back after seeing this fella off and the dreaded pause syndrome awaits; insta-death, couldn't get back into it and lost all my lives at that point. He left thinking I'm the greatest Gradius V player ever

        Oh well, I guess you had to be there like This is still on my PS2 HDD, it's "one of those games" (as I like to put it) that I need to have if I'm on the move like so I'll hopefully get some time in now it's on replay and post some dodgy scores as it's the taking part that counts, right? I had a quicky last night, spider boss got me.
        Last edited by Commander Marklar; 19-02-2007, 07:23.


          Quite possibly the best schmup of the last generation IMHO.

          Just too hard for someone like me who's reflexes have diminished somewhat with age. Going to dig this out again though as I want to see it on the LCD under component.


            Still not had a chance to play this yet. Tomorrow evening for sure. I've been so busy


              Just managed to snuck in a few goes.

              Love the guy saying "wow" whenever you blow up something big.
              Love the graphics - all the morphing firey effects on the red mooneye thingies is lovely.

              Because of the tiny hitbox, it feels a lot faster than other Gradii games. You start off much faster too I think and the speedups have less of an effect.

              If you lose a life, your options stay hanging around for you to pick up to a certain extent which is nice. Is it something like 1 less than the number you had? Not sure.

              Love the plot with the anomaly on level 2.

              As usual the aim is really DON'T lose a life AT ALL! As soon as you've lost your protective barrier of options, you are galloping up diarrhoea drive without a saddle. It feels so nasty too - spent all that time collecting the damn things and then they are all too easily gone. I keep forgetting to get a force-field which I guess will help.

              How many options can you have around you?

              I know I only got on to level 1-2 on my 3rd go, and I've not played it before beyond checking the disc works so that's my excuse. But... it seems pretty easy to me. I obviously be eating my words later when I struggle to get beyond 1-3 or something It's the slow bullets that get me - obscured by explosions etc.

              Very enjoyable so far. Certainly not feeling it as much as Border Down or Psyvariar2 or Mushi though. It's got the "one more go" factor a lot though. I need to sleep, but I just know I'll have one more go straight after this.


                What's your decision for choosing a ship type? I chose Type 1 because it was the first on the list I'll give the others a go soon.


                  i have only really played as type 1.....i think there are a few i have never tried


                    Dagnammit, still waiting for this to come through! The month will be over before I get a chance to show you how much I own* at this game.

                    * = suck, obviously.


                      I quite like the way type 3 lets you extend the options out. Good for taking out cores imo - but my lack of high score and distict lack of others using this type may mean I'm misled.


                        I may have to give the other types a try, namely Type 1, from looking at the high score thread. Will be given some serious time this evening.


                          Type 4 with the spinning options.. lovely!

                          Although I'm still finding it very hard to pull myself away from GH1/2 to put any time into gradius.. Feck. I need to have some sick days or something.


                            Type 2 is probably the most fun to use, and the best one for getting through most of the tricky spots in the later levels. Type 1 rules the school where bosses are concerned, though!

                            Edit: tip time again! For the chap having trouble with the eyes on level 2, just stay really close to the floor. Your hitbox is small enough for you not to actually touch it, and the eyes will glide right over you and leave themselves open for attack.
                            Last edited by Klatrymadon; 20-02-2007, 19:36.


                              I've yet to get this set up. Crisp is staying at mine later this weekend so whilst I'm slogging it out on FFXI I'm going to have to set up a TV and a few consoles for him so he doesn't get bored. So I'll probably get on it then.

                              If I can get back up to 1-life'ing my way up to stage 7 I'll probably make some vids.

                              The best part about this is I remember the more difficult spots so I can jump straight into practice mode and straight to those particular sections. I'll probably have a couple of days practice before trying a 1-credit run. When you get well into loop2 one go lasts an exhausting hour and a half or so.

                              Type 2 - 2p (orange laser) side FTW!!1


                                Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                                When you get well into loop2 one go lasts an exhausting hour and a half or so.
                                Yeah, it's extremely long for a shmup, even on the first loop!

                                I love how the first boss gets another core.

