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Shinobi - PC Engine vs Master System?

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    Shinobi - PC Engine vs Master System?

    Whats the best version do we think, i cant remember much about the PC Engine version but for sure the Master System version is a classic of that machine.

    The PCE version was woeful compared to the arcade!

    * No power ups!
    * No close up attack!
    * Level 2 is missing!
    * No Bonus rounds!

    The master system version is ok considering the limitations of the console, but hardly great either. I loved it at the time!


      I haven't played the PCE version but I'll say Master System anyway because its a Sega console.


        all this shinobi hate

        i bought my way into PCE because of this game (and Splatterhouse)

        even though some stuff is missing its still a class game

        but i've never played the master system version, so i cant compare them


          Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
          all this shinobi hate
          lol it's because of the shinobi love we have that anything less than the best is a felony!


            Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
            all this shinobi hate

            i bought my way into PCE because of this game (and Splatterhouse)

            even though some stuff is missing its still a class game

            but i've never played the master system version, so i cant compare them
            Oh mate, you need to sample the MS version. It's fantastic. I noticed in Burton-on-trent Gamestation a few weeks back they had a Mk1 MS with Shinobi for ?15. I was *this far* from buying it, but I've already owned several Masters Systems over the years.

            Shinobi on the MS really shows what the machine is capable of. And the music!

            Not played the PCE version but by all accounts it's not bad, Asmik did the conversion I believe. The lack of bonus rounds would kill it for me, though.


              PC version is class , and eats the Master system version alive when it comes to graphics (it more or less the Arcade)) . But in gameplay terms the Master System version is the best imo , just a shame the Scrolling can be bit on the jerky side


                Spot on TA. Shinobi on pce is gorgeous. Its almost a shame that R-Type is the game most people hold out as the game that showed how arcade accurate the pce could be.

                Revenge of Shinobi FTW of course. Shinobi is unplayable, unwieldy, cheap, soulless gack in comparison.


                  Originally posted by AllYourBase View Post
                  lol it's because of the shinobi love we have that anything less than the best is a felony!
                  I claim my prize for spotting the most shameless use of Vanilla Ice lyrics!


                    From the technical viewpoint, PCE Shinobi is far superior to the MS version.

                    But, the absence of the bonus round from PCE Shinobi (and all the other features as mentioned by AllYourBase) is unforgiveable, so MS Shinobi edges it for me personally.
                    Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 07-06-2007, 17:46.


                      Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                      all this shinobi hate
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        I've not played the MS one but i do really like the PCE one as a stand alone game, its good fun with nice graphics and sound for the time.


                          Never played either but compared to (the utter brilliance) of Super Shinobi on the MD is there any point?!


                            Originally posted by Max P. View Post
                            Never played either but compared to (the utter brilliance) of Super Shinobi on the MD is there any point?!
                            Super Shinobi - utter brilliance? I wouldn't go that far.

                            Shadow Dancer and even GG Shinobi were better games, for a start...


                              Ho, hum, we'll have to beg to differ!

                              Played a GG once, that was enough...

