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Shinobi - PC Engine vs Master System?

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    Originally posted by Max P. View Post
    Ho, hum, we'll have to beg to differ!

    Played a GG once, that was enough...
    - OK, maybe GG Shinobi is pushing it a bit, though it is definitely a highlight for the Shinobi series, and was critically acclaimed by all when it was released.

    But Shadow Dancer ****es on Super/Revenge Of Shinobi, technically and gameplay-wise. I honestly don't see how there's any comparison. Shadow Dancer has aged better, that's for sure.


      Shinobi is my favourite game of all time, bar none. The PCE version was closer to the PCB in terms of how it felt and played, but as has been mentioned here, was lacking several elements of the original.


        I'd go for the PCE version only becuase the MS version looks like dog eggs.
        3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


          Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
          - OK, maybe GG Shinobi is pushing it a bit, though it is definitely a highlight for the Shinobi series, and was critically acclaimed by all when it was released.

          But Shadow Dancer ****es on Super/Revenge Of Shinobi, technically and gameplay-wise. I honestly don't see how there's any comparison. Shadow Dancer has aged better, that's for sure.
          Steady on.

          I wouldn't say Shadow Dancer ****s over Revenge, both are excellent games. I personally prefer Shadow Dancer myself, and can't understand why it was hated upon so much when it first got released. Graphically it's far more attractive than Revenge, and the music is more dynamic and upbeat, too.

          But Revenge is a classic as well, you can't deny that.


            Revenge is a true classic still, i cant see why anyone would hold it in a bad light, you just cant beat a bit of Terrible Beat.

            Kujakuoh 2 released in the shadow of Revenge deserves its place too in similar action vein, rarely mentioned, such good style.


              Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post
              and the music is more dynamic and upbeat, too.
              For real?


                Wasn't 'Revenge' the Pal name?


                  Max - yeah, it's Super Shinobi in Japan.

                  wheelaa - Yup. I adore the OST for Shadow Dancer. It's so punchy. The music for Revenge is a little more laid back, but still excellent, obviously.


                    Cool. I haven't played it for many years now so don't really remember the music. I'll give it a whirl over the weekend.

                    Its interesting you say the music is punchy, whereas RoS is more laid back. The games are like that too from what I recall. That's why I love the RoS soundtrack so much, it justs suits the game so well.


                      Ninja Cop/Five-O on the GBA is the best Shinobi game.

                      {winkerty wink}


                        People knocking Revenge Of Shinobi as the world gone mad Revenge is the only game in my book to even come close to taking Mario IV crown as 2D Platfrom perfection .

                        And as for the graphics they were better in Revenge too imo, who on earth can forget the graphics and the 2nd backround (Waterfall) when 1st sw that the words fu*king Hell came to mind, then there's the way the enemies explode after being shot , still for me one of the best effects in video gaming history , The magic effects too were far better And until Street Or Rage II came along the soundtrack to Revenge was the best I’ve heard at the time, it does get any better music wise that ‘ THE SHINOBI ‘

                        I did love the Bonus music in Shadow though and the Statue of Liberty backround was awesome back in its day


                          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                          People knocking Revenge Of Shinobi as the world gone mad Revenge is the only game in my book to even come close to taking Mario IV crown as 2D Platfrom perfection .

                          And as for the graphics they were better in Revenge too imo, who on earth can forget the graphics and the 2nd backround (Waterfall) when 1st sw that the words fu*king Hell came to mind, then there's the way the enemies explode after being shot , still for me one of the best effects in video gaming history , The magic effects too were far better And until Street Or Rage II came along the soundtrack to Revenge was the best I?ve heard at the time, it does get any better music wise that ? THE SHINOBI ?

                          I did love the Bonus music in Shadow though and the Statue of Liberty backround was awesome back in its day
                          - Why am I not surprised?

                          The music in Super Shinobi is awesome, I admit.

                          But graphically and gameplay-wise, Shadow Dancer owned it back then, and owns it now. I'm sorry, but that's a fact. Super Shinobi has aged badly, and that just can't be said about Shadow Dancer.


                            Optician for Nu-Eclipse please


                              Originally posted by wheelaa View Post
                              Optician for Nu-Eclipse please
                              Yeah, whatever!

                              While you're at it, order one for yourself as well...
                              Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 08-06-2007, 13:54.


                                Gameplay wise I thought Shinobi and Shadow Dancer onthe MS were better than Shadow Dancer onthe MD, buy hey thats just me
                                I like the MD version of Shadow Dancer , but its not a patch on Revenge in my book . To me its the only time SEGA or anyone else for that matter (bar Konami and Castlevania IV) as ever got to Mario IV God like perfection . It's quite depressing really

