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(Retro) What have you been playing this week?

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    Originally posted by ikobo View Post
    Viewpoint on the AES. I love this game, it's a thing of utter beauty. I also hate this game, it's hard as **** and I don't think i'm ever going to finish it. I've battled most of the NEO shooters to completion, pulstar, last resort etc, but this one just always beats me. Maybe one day!
    I feel your pain, in fact I carry it from the VGI days to now... F****** Totem pole boss >_<


      I can't lie.

      I heard the Chariots of Fire theme in the background whilst people were being interviewed in the Olympic Aquatic Centre and I had to have a blast on Hyper Sports and Track & Field!

      I got a perfect in the clay pidgeon shooting!


        I tried Hyper Olympic on my Famiclone, but don't have the TV the shooting will work with


          Originally posted by Kit View Post
          Started a new game of Super Mario Bros 3 on the GBA. Going to see how far I can get without using the flute.

          First time I've beat SMB 3 the legit way (no flutes) and I really enjoyed myself; some of the later platform design were a joy to play and really well thought out - they contained just the right amount of challenge in my book. ;D

          Moved on to Final Fight One for the GBA. When I played this at the arcade years ago I mainly played as Haggar and pretty much bulldozed my way through enemies, but I've gone for Guy this time round - liking his ninja skills!
          Last edited by Kit; 05-08-2012, 19:06.


            Been wanting to try out Chrono Trigger for a while now even though I am not a massive RPG fan and finally got round to buying it a few weeks ago (DS Version). Am only about 90 minutes in at the moment but am really enjoying the story.


              Beat Final Fight One.

              Managed to unlock the Guy and Cody Street Fighter Alpha costumes along the way. There's some amusing dialogue when you play through with said costumes - like Guy questioning why he's ended up re-living 1989 and recognising familiar faces from the Alpha series.


                On with Wild Arms downloaded from PSN. Played and completed it back in the day on the PS1, it is still as awesome as I remember!


                  Built myself a Ghostlop cart for the AES, been playing it loads over the last few days, brilliant game.


                    Still making my way through Final Fantasy I... stuck at the Ice Cave and keep getting one hit killed by things. Argh!

                    I've also been playing Rayman Advance (original Rayman for the PSX) on and off, and am really struggling to progress any further. The platforming is hard but I can make it through the levels. It's the end boss battles that floor me - they take about 10 hits to kill, which in Rayman land is bloody loads!

                    Contemplating getting Super Ghouls N' Ghosts for the GBA but as that's an extremely challenging game I'm only going to get it once I've beat Rayman - no way I can have two tough games on the go!


                      I've been playing a NES game called 'Trog'.

                      I found it up in my loft, hidden away since I fired it up via the NES emulator on my phone and the memories came flooding back.


                        Recently picked up Zelda: A Link to the Past for the GBA - thanks Buster Broon.

                        I've played the 3D Zelda's (OoT, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess) to death so it'll be interesting to see the series routes. So far I'm at the first temple and the thing that's hit me instantly is this is not as forgiving as the 3D ones; you mess up and your soon dead.

                        Will play some more tonight but so far I've really enjoyed what I've played.


                          Sorry, what happened to Wind Waker (and Skyward Sword)?

                          If you enjoy Link to the Past, you NEED Link's Awakening - probably my second favourite Zelda just behind Ocarina.


                            Yes, I still need to play through those but I figure I might as well give the 3D Zelda's a rest for a while.

                            Link's Awakening looks interesting and from what I've read it's set outside of Hyrule which makes a nice change.

                            Also, slight update! I just beat the first temple in A Link to the Past.


                              A Link To The Past is amazing, my favourite Zelda and one of my favourite games ever

                              I'm playing Super Mario Land 2 on the Gameboy at the minute


                                Been playing fatal fury on my neo geo and I.can safely say I am carp at it

