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Ebay Nightmare

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    Wait, I saw 3k being mentioned. Did you pay £3000 for some Sega CD games? (only read two pages of this topic)

    Anyway, eBay and PayPal both suck. Selling anything of value on them is like trying to play Russian roulette.


      Originally posted by Max P. View Post
      This is a really odd topic. I don't think you have a case that stands up to any scrutiny. You bid and won on an open auction to which the only statement relating to condition is this:

      All the highlighted games are in good to mint condition with ?The Adventures of Batman & Robin? in superb condition and with the SPINE CARD
      EVERY game comes complete with manual and disc

      If the few highlighted games are significantly not as described then you may have a case as regards the value of those specific games...maybe. Other than that it is 'buyer beware' and you were not. Sorry to be harsh but it seems very clear to be honest that the seller appears not to be in the wrong.
      ^ This.

      IF there is an eBay rule that states the buyer must provide a description of the items condition, you have a leg to stand on imo as there is no actual mention of the condition of most of the games, but then this is picking at bones...

      Personally, I'm a cynic, especially with regard to eBay.
      I'd have read the sellers comments as 16 of the games are in good to mint condition, therefore the other 83(?) are not in good to mint condition, so much be worse than good
      I'd have walked away.

      I have a feeling if you go to small claims court, you might find yourself loosing another 150 quid...

      It's unfortunate, and I feel for you, but I think you've learnt your lesson.



        i feel your pain - no one likes getting stuff through the post, only to find its half wrecked or broken - especially when you were told otherwise (we have all probably been there). You did take a big risk handing over an incredible amount of cash without more evidence of the condition what you were actually getting.

        but 3 grand on mega cd games???


          That fact that it works out to 35quid a game is shocking, it would have been better to just pay full price for the rares and collect the rest.
          The auction is very lazy, but the feedback is high enough and perfect. But massive multi coloured text and hyping with added emotional angle would have made me rather cautious.

          Are the games as bad as he says or is it a case of buyers regret?


            You'd need about 40-50 copies of Snatcher to get that value.

            Can someone point me to the original auction? how many games was this?

            If it's hundreds of discs, I would have collected in person, or demanded youtube videos showing them all.


              had one or two dodgy ebaying tales in my time, mainly discs described as good or "great" condition and then arriving scratched to c*nt. so in general i side with buyers over sellers. if i had not seen the listing, i would side with the OP. but since the listing has beeen linked i also find in favour of the seller. he has not advertised the set as mint. just the handful of highlighted games. infact he hasn't even described 90% of the items, which should set alarm bells ringing. he's also said he's sourced the games from all over the world. in other words they are bound to be in **** conditition. to spend 3k on a collection of old games, and games you won't even play (let's be honest, madness..) i'd at least want the games to be 2nd hand, not 4th, 5th, 6th hand.

              not to sound harsh but this is more story of someone with far too much spare cash to spunk up the wall on pointless old guff, rather than a case of fraud i'm afraid. the OP wanted a full Mega CD collection in a quick fix, and bid on the auction without reading it properly. i feel more sympathy to some minimum wage kid who has been conned out of 150 quid on a duff xbox or something, than a case like this. going by the photos of his house OP has a really good job without enough meaningful stuff to spend his cash on, and is willing to drop huge sums at the drop of a hat without actually investigating what they will get for their money. that's how situations like this often arise on Ebay.


                Wow, a lot of judging going on in this thread. Surely it's nobody's business what mr wistles decides to spend his money on?

                Agree that more questions should have been asked before bidding, but I feel for someone being disappointed after dropping such a large sum. Hope a good conclusion to this tale is reached.


                  what i'm saying is i question the actual worth of money to the OP. when you consider the cost of living in England now, is 3k on a load of old rubbish the action of someone who has basic understanding of the value of money. if he does, then he may simply have been clinically insane at the time of bidding. had a look at his posts, he lives the life of riley as far as gadgets are concerned, so i question how much he considers what he's buying as he spends so much on home entertainment anyway. as someone else said, case of buyers regret imo. probably seen a new TV set or limited edition imported home entertainment amp he wants, and decided the Sega cd collection was a waste of money.


                    Originally posted by For Sheezy My Neezy View Post
                    what i'm saying is i question the actual worth of money to the OP. when you consider the cost of living in England now, is 3k on a load of old rubbish the action of someone who has basic understanding of the value of money. if he does, then he may simply have been clinically insane at the time of bidding. had a look at his posts, he lives the life of riley as far as gadgets are concerned, so i question how much he considers what he's buying as he spends so much on home entertainment anyway. as someone else said, case of buyers regret imo. probably seen a new TV set or limited edition imported home entertainment amp he wants, and decided the Sega cd collection was a waste of money.
                    I see you are back spouting as much crap as before.

                    It is totally up to the OP how he spends his cash and if he does have plenty of money then bloody fair play to him. To call it a basic understanding of the value of money is just stupid. For sure I would never have spent that much I what I consider to be a terrible console but that would never give me the right to suggest someone who has, doesn't know the value of money.

                    Anyway sorry to hear this happen Mr Whistles. I am with the majority though who have said the ad while vague, will probably have enough correct info to stop any form of refund. Good luck with whatever route you take with this.


                      Originally posted by for sheezy my neezy
                      what i'm saying is i question the actual worth of money to the OP. when you consider the cost of living in England now, is 3k on a load of old rubbish the action of someone who has basic understanding of the value of money. if he does, then he may simply have been clinically insane at the time of bidding. had a look at his posts, he lives the life of riley as far as gadgets are concerned, so i question how much he considers what he's buying as he spends so much on home entertainment anyway. as someone else said, case of buyers regret imo. probably seen a new TV set or limited edition imported home entertainment amp he wants, and decided the Sega cd collection was a waste of money.
                      There's no reason to be a twat about it. It's pretty bizarre to describe a complete Mega CD set as 'a load of old rubbish' on a forum where a lot of the members really enjoy collecting retro games. I'm sure probably a lot of games in that set ARE rubbish, but collecting is collecting (even if it's buying the whole collection in one go). Who cares if he's well paid? You just sound really jealous.


                        Originally posted by Fastware View Post
                        Are the games as bad as he says or is it a case of buyers regret?
                        I've been asking him to prove it in this thread since he started it. He was more interesting in complaining then actually proving that the games were that bad.


                          This sheezy guy is just a nasty little troll and really should be ignored. Just read some of the rubbish from his other posts.


                            Originally posted by For Sheezy My Neezy View Post
                            what i'm saying is i question the actual worth of money to the OP. when you consider the cost of living in England now, is 3k on a load of old rubbish the action of someone who has basic understanding of the value of money. if he does, then he may simply have been clinically insane at the time of bidding. had a look at his posts, he lives the life of riley as far as gadgets are concerned, so i question how much he considers what he's buying as he spends so much on home entertainment anyway. as someone else said, case of buyers regret imo. probably seen a new TV set or limited edition imported home entertainment amp he wants, and decided the Sega cd collection was a waste of money.
                            The Mega CD is a cult system. An entire Mega CD collection is not "a load of old rubbish" and is worth a lot of money to collectors, especially in mint condition. The issue here is that the buyer was expecting the collection to be in good to mint condition but that is not what he got, it's probably his own fault for not double checking the condition of the items on a dubious auction. No need to get personal.


                              Can we maybe get this thread locked now? The OP seems to have gone and I cannot see any good coming from leaving it open.


                                Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
                                Can we maybe get this thread locked now? The OP seems to have gone and I cannot see any good coming from leaving it open.
                                I'd be quite interested to hear what the outcome of it is.

