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DreamingOn (Updated 18/01) - BlueStinger

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    I’ve now played Sonic Adventure for a good number of hours and I’m now 80% through Sonics quest and have completed Tails and Knuckles sections. Overall the experience has been a good one.

    The open world (adventure field) parts are so basic and straight forward I really wonder how I managed to hate them so much first time round. The areas are very small and the little glowing ball things tell you almost exactly where to go should you get stuck. Easy.

    Then we have the action stages themselves. Obviously the core of the game are the Sonic levels and, while they are fun, they present little challenge (something that will prove to be a recurring issue), have a few camera and collision detection problems and the most fun parts are ‘played’ with little (if any) user input which is something that has always bothered me about Sonic games generally. Aside from the vanilla Sonic levels – the highlight of which is running down the side of a skyscraper – there are also a nice set of sub-games. So far I’ve snow boarded, raced a dodge-em f-zero style, indulged in some starwing inspired dog-fighting and played some sonic pinball.

    Apart from Sonic himself you get the opportunity to play through the story from the view point of one of the other five characters. Tails levels primarly involve racing Sonic or Eggman to the end of the stage and are good fun but over too quickly. Knuckles is searching for the missing parts of the master emerald which this involves treasure hunting around levels with a handy master emerald detector to guide you. Again good fun but far far too easy.

    Next up I will playing as Eggman’s renegade robot – Gamma, Amy the annoying pink thing and perhaps the worst character in gaming history – Big the Cat. Lastly there is also Sonic’ adventure itself to polish off having left it on the “Lost World” level where the camera does its best to ruin your day.
    Last edited by Welrain; 14-11-2010, 18:42.


      Strange, I always enjoyed the Big sections. Fishing at a relaxing pace in colorful environments.


        Yeah, I've never got all the Big hating too...? The robot sections were far more mundane.


          Ha ha, I never minded the Gamma levels, I always found Knuckles to be by far the weakest section. It was a shame they returned in SA2, though that games Sonic sections made up for it


            I find the Big the Cat levels frustrating. It's a platform game I don't want to relax...I see issues ahead when I get to Sega Bass Fishing.

            My favourite character so far has to be the renegade robot – Gamma. His levels with their shoot-em up and time attack vibe were right up my street so I was quite disappointed when they came to an end so quickly. I can’t say the same for Amy’s levels. They pretty much involve running away very slowly from a robot trying to catch you and there is far too much talking and not enough action going on for my liking. Fortunately the levels are over relatively quickly and there are very few of them.

            So now with 4 out of the 6 characters done I’ve decided to move on the Big the Cat levels. These involve fishing for a frog (would that make it frogging?) and little else. Unfortunately it’s absolutely frustrating and I’ve only managed to complete one level and even then I don’t really understand how it happened.
            Last edited by Welrain; 18-11-2010, 17:27.


              Been playing Sonic Adventure myself recently aswell (360 tho) but I have completed it before on Dreamcast about 10 years ago. Really enjoying going through it again. So far I've completed the Sonic stages. As you mentioned the camera can be annoying at times especially in that lost world level. Overall though I think it's still definitely worth playing although that could be nostalgia speaking more than anything else. Special thumbs up to the Robotnik Boss music. Stellar effort.

              The channel that gives you Sonic music requests and the occasional sonic videos. I ask you don't PM me with requests and post them in music requests instead
              Last edited by jamesy; 19-11-2010, 12:14. Reason: Can someone embed that link please?


                Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
                I'm suprised by all the comments that the DC offered nothing new or revolutionary. I thought that finally having consistently arcade perfect ports rather than the ropey old crap offered on other consoles and 60Hz support in PAL land was pretty revolutionary. It was for me anyway.
                As a piece of hardware it was top:
                4 ports
                60Hz on PAL games

                As for the games, it was the first to offer the arcade experience in your home. PS2 caught up and overtook it in the quantity stakes, that's all. Both had their own essential purchases.


                  DC-UK #1 - The Cake Issue

                  Thanks to Ebay I’ve now completed my DC-UK collection which allows me to perform a little swap and make DC-UK the magazine of choice rather than the Official Dreamcast Magazine. While I still be reading and blogging about both, much like all those years ago I much prefer DC-UK as a magazine. So that said, on with issue one:

                  The Content:

                  COVER: Trickstyle

                  COVER ARTICLE: King Konsole

                  DC-NOW – “Reviews you can trust”

                  Trickstyle (9), Sonic Adventure (9), Virtua Fighter 3tb (9), House of the Dead 2 (8), Sega Rally 2 (7), Expendable (6), Incoming (5)

                  DC-EXPRESS – “News, Views, Hype, Happenings”

                  UK Launch Bonanza, European Launch, Behind the UK ads, Sega shakes the US, E3 Rocked!, Quake 3 rumours, Resident Evil on DC, Competition Time, DC Weather Map, Big Speaks out, Axe-appeal, Sonic Cocktails, Top Trumps (Virtua Fighter)

                  DC-FACES – “The names behind the games”

                  Craig Sullivan (Trickstyle Designer)

                  DC-NEXT – “Games to watch out for”

                  Soul Calibur, Toy Commander, Hydro Thunder, Marvel vs Capcom, Power Stone, UEFA Striker, Tokyo Highway, Soul Fighter, Ready 2 Rumble, Monaco GP2, Speeddevils, Mortal Kombat, Jimmy White’s 2

                  DC-WORLD – “Everything Dreamcast”

                  Hints & Tips (Sonic Adventure, Trickstyle), Coining it (Ferrari 355, Crazy Taxi, Zombie Revenge), Import Reviews (KoF’99, Dynamite Deka 2, Pen Pen trilcelon, Get Bass, Psychic Force 2012), Surf’s Up, Playtime, Team Diary


                  Editorial Intro, Vox Pops, Import Chart, Expert Witness, Letters, Subscriptions, Next Month, Brain in a Jar


                  Really they should have called this the Trickstyle issue – on the cover, 5 page review, interview with the designer, the expert witness is a proskater playing the game and some hints & tips for good measure. Unfortunately they make the mistake that the have called Trickstyle – Trick Style throughout the whole issue but see the funny side as they acknowledge this error in the issue itself.

                  A few pages in and the sense of fun is clear right from the initial Editorial (Casper Field is the Editor) and the staff introductions. It’s already made the “stylish” O.D.M look abit humdrum. Rather radically it’s the reviews up first and the only real surprise is Sega Rally 2 scoring a 7 because of shallowness.

                  “Dreamcast has already double the pre-orders Playstation had when that came out”

                  Into the DC-EXPRESS section they is lots of excitement about the upcoming launch of the Dreamcast both in Europe and across the water in the USA. The respective countries ad’s are also looked at – apparently the ad agency is looking 18 months into the future as they are planning for the long term. I suspect their predictions were wrong. There’s some silliness with an interview with Big the Cat (or Maurice as he prefers to be known), Part 1 of Great Videogame things (the Axe!??!), some dangerously neon cocktails (which I will be trying out!) and Virtua Fighter themed top trumps.

                  The DC-FACES star this month is Trickstyle’s designer Craig Sullivan. A quick check reveals that he’s still with Criterion and is now the Creative Director – I wonder if he still skateboards? The article does have some interesting background on both the designer and the game itself. Next we have the a brief history of the Dreamcast to date plus all the usual stats, a guide to the internet and a quick primer on multiplayer gaming followed by a stack of previews in the DC-NEXT section.

                  “Living Life, Playing Dreamcast”

                  DC-WORLD is one of the highlights of the magazine and particularly the import section. It starts with a decent little article discussing the “shadowy world of import gaming” – the why’s, the how and the where. At this stage as only the Japanese launch has happened it is based around that. There is also a look at a few Naomi based games that will be coming to the Dreamcast in the future.

                  The issue comes to an end with a quick look round the Net (amusing PureJam – Britain’s number one urban music site - is now a site about making jam), a quick look into the making of DC-UK magazine and the third party licensing and acquisitions manager for Sega Europe picks 5 games (all Dreamcast…shock!) to keep himself entertained if he was a brain in a jar……madness.
                  Last edited by Welrain; 20-11-2010, 15:45.


                    Fair enough Sega Rally rally was a bit of a let down but to score it lower than the abysmal Trickstyle seems crazy. I seem to remember that turkey being hyped to all hell though so perhaps that was it.


                      Indeed - perhaps some favoritism towards Trickstyle for the world's first review?


                        Loving this walkthrough of the Dreamcast mate. This particular era has a special significance in my life so it's nice to re-live the social side of things that was happening when the system was released.


                          I bought Trickstyle a few months back after enjoying playing it round my friend back in the day. God the tutorial stuff, it's incredibly frustrating. Not only is it extremely harsh, it makes you do stuff you generally wouldn't do in the game. I just wanted to play the racing levels!

                          I still also can't quite work out how to grind as it seems you need to have the board facing directly on otherwise you won't join it.


                            Another ebay purchase arrives – £148 for 70 plus games.


                              Amazing turn around! In turns out that I was simply trying to hard with the Big the Cat levels and not relaxing into the affair. So with a different mindset and a better understanding of what I was supposed to be doing I whizzed through the rest of the levels and enjoyed them thoroughly.

                              Now all that remains is the last few levels of Sonics…ummm….adventure. I left poor Sonic stranded in the lost world, struggling with the camera and finally visiting the game over screen! Once I started concentrating properly, as the ease of the game so far had dumbed my senses, I made good progress and found the level to be quite fun and imaginative. The camera will still a bit of a hassle but I learned to take things quite slowly to compensate which is ironic given the emphasis on speed throughout Sonic’s many adventures. What I assume is the last level awaits – The Final Egg.


                                Originally posted by GMass View Post

                                Another ebay purchase arrives ? ?148 for 70 plus games.
                                And I assume 67 of those have cracked cases?

