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DreamingOn (Updated 18/01) - BlueStinger

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    Ah that bright red tower yeah, I remember reviews slating THC and it's sequel for not having licensed vehicles. But they actually do. It's just that (because it's a petrol head game I'm guessing) it refers to cars by their chasis, which I gather from Initial D is how the Street Racers identify their cars. (What with the initial star being an AE86, rather than a Corolla).

    Btw GMass, the power of your weapons on Millenium Soldier doesn't appear to be consecutively picking up weapons of the same time, but ammunition levels in each weapon. The Orange plasma beam was 5 way spread, until I dropped below 200 units, then it dropped to 3 way spread. At 100 I think it drops to a single beam. I noticed this because I picked up and switched to Flame Thrower for a bit, then back to that and noticed that the power hadn't changed on the orange plasma thingy doo dah. [edit] yep, definitely based on how much ammo you have in incriments of 100.

    Personally I can see why I never really got on with it. I just find it an incredibly generic and bland game with very little personality outside of the intro FMV. Typical of Rage's late 90's PC efforts IMO.
    Last edited by MikeRox; 18-10-2010, 14:44.


      Originally posted by Legendary Wolf View Post
      S-video is very good, especially on CRT screens as there is little difference in visual quality compared to scart, especially 32" or smaller. It only starts to drop once you increase the screen size or use HD.
      Shoulda gone to specsavers, the increase from s-video from its original composite source is barely noticeable imo, and the colours are off compared to an RGB signal. I dont mind a scanlined composite or s-video picture, but to say it's anything comparable to RGB is well off.


        Depends on the device IMO. I used to play GC in s-video, and it was far superior to composite. There was no dot crawl etc. However the colours needed boosting via the TV otherwise it looked washed out.


          Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
          Shoulda gone to specsavers, the increase from s-video from its original composite source is barely noticeable imo, and the colours are off compared to an RGB signal. I dont mind a scanlined composite or s-video picture, but to say it's anything comparable to RGB is well off.
          I didn't say it was comparable to RGB scart, I said scart. RGB will obviously be superior but on smaller CRT screens, the difference between S-video and scart is not as pronounced, and if you lack scart and a VGA option it's your best bet.


            Originally posted by Legendary Wolf View Post
            I didn't say it was comparable to RGB scart, I said scart. RGB will obviously be superior but on smaller CRT screens, the difference between S-video and scart is not as pronounced, and if you lack scart and a VGA option it's your best bet.
            Scart's just a type of plug, not a signalling method. You can use a scart lead to carry composite, s-video or RGB signals (providing the source can generate them and your screen can accept them).


              Hello all,

              I've been working away on the site!

              I've done a little work rewriting of the millennium soldier expendable posts..can't quite find a style I like but will hopefully one will develop as things proceed.

              I've also added scans of the ODM review for Millennium Soldier Expendable to this post:


                It's coming on nicely, I can't wait to see it develop. Make the most of next month though, Dreamcast went into a drought after that Think it was like 3-4 months before the good stuff started again after the launch wave.


                  Originally posted by MikeRox View Post
                  Think it was like 3-4 months before the good stuff started again after the launch wave.
                  Soul Calibur should be "out" in about 5 weeks


                    Dreamcast Week 4: completed all the Sonic and Tails levels on Sonic Adventure. Don't think I'll bother with Big The Cat or Amy. VMU batteries have died. It's hard to type using the game pad on Dream Key.



                      Another lesson learned tonight. I’ve gone ahead and set-up my Dreamcast with the official scart cable and happily launched into playing games on my Samsung LCD without realising that the image was being stretched to fit the widescreen! Somehow I’d totally forgotten that widescreen wasn’t the standard when the Dreamcast was originally released. At least I’ve managed to fix that before I played on. With a little bit of research I found that very few Dreamcast games support Widescreen at all.

                      Ref. Title
                      035 Donald Duck Quack Attack
                      052 F355 Challenge : Passione Rosa
                      087 Metropolis Street Racer
                      120 Rayman 2 : The Great Escape
                      164 Starlancer
                      184 Tokyo Highway Challenge 2
                      191 Toy Commander
                      192 Toy Racer
                      194 Trickstyle
                      207 V-Rally 2 Expert Edition
                      208 Wacky Racers


                        I seem to remember that Fur Fighters renders a widescreen area (being a European game) but it's letterboxed, so you get lower resolution.


                          I think I read that somewhere as well. I'll add it to the list when I get to it...might be some time.


                            I've now played this for a good few hours and I'm ready to move on. Thanks to the handy cheats to increase lives and credits I made it all the way to the end (ps. the ending sequence is great). It gets a lot harder to the point of frustration and when you finally get to the end you are confronted by a rock hard boss who has regenerating health! Utter madness. I can't believe for one second that anyone - ever - has made it to the end of this game on the 9 measley credits available, I suspect I used more than that on the last boss alone. Regardless this is a game I will return to when I fancy some quick arcade action but will probably only play 1 credits worth at a time.


                              Yeah Fur Fighters had a Widescreen mode. Ah man that game was great, some of the best console shooting death match gameplay since Goldeneye IMO.

                              Yes put Millenium Soldier away and play a decent DC launch title


                                I liked Expendable actualy, though it was poor in comparsion to that very simular game that was relased around the same time on the PS1 that starred Bruce Willis, for some reason i cant remember its name though.

                                Fur Fighters does have a widescreen mode, it is a good game, really good actualy, but its another one of those Dreamcast titles that I find really hard to play these days due obvious reasons relating to how the controls work.
                                Last edited by rmoxon; 22-10-2010, 19:08.

