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How big is your collection?

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    About 30 ps3 games and 20 others


      Mine is shrinking by the day right now. My aim is to get down to only having my AES and PCE and about 40 games.


        Mine's on it's way down too, i've lost interest to be honest, probably just keeping some PS1 and SNES stuff (mainly RPG's). I tend to play any new stuff on PC these days, so use Steam alot.


          Sane here. Got about 40 Steam games


            My collection is huge!!! everything on my site is my own item - plus I have loads of none Sega gaming stuff too. Sadly I don't have a massive gaming room because the missus would go ape **** so most of my stuff is in storage.


              Originally posted by garrz32 View Post
              Here is my collection...all the games I'll ever need are in the original X-Box(no extra room required)

              Nice! That's my exact set-up except I have a Wii instead of the ps3. And I have a Mame'd candy cab. You're right, a chipped Xbox is all you need really. The history of videogames in a box


                At one point hundreds of PS1/2 and GBA games, along with various retro tat I picked up along the way. It's all gone I'm happy to say, I rarely play anymore. I have a PSP GO and a *cough, cough* Neo Geo X. I have my PS3 for region A blu rays but I don't even own a controller for it, let alone any games!
                Last edited by SuperDanX; 23-04-2013, 08:53.


                  When people have Xboxes loaded with roms, I find they rarely play them.


                    True enough. But I have shelves stacked with original games, and I rarely play those, too.

                    There's something about quantity that's so off-putting...


                      True. It's hard to play 7000 games, but they're there when you need them and not taking up shelves with dusty boxes I usually just play the same couple anyway. It depends if you wanna collect or play.
                      Last edited by ExMosquito; 23-04-2013, 09:15.


                        I have a couple of those white Ikea shoe box things. It's pathetic, really.

                        I have around 200+ VC games on my Wii to make up or it. I'm just missing my Saturn favourites, the majority of which are now on XBLA.

                        PS4 for me next gen, then I can cover PS2 as well.


                          Originally posted by ExMosquito View Post
                          True. It's hard to play 7000 games, but they're there when you need them and not taking up shelves with dusty boxes I usually just play the same couple anyway. It depends if you wanna collect or play.
                          This is so true,used to have a cab with classic PCBs and Cave shmups,got fed up with the room these things take up and the cost of each PCB.
                          I've did the collecting part so I know how much time and room it took.I think about the time i spend on Ebay and websites looking for bargains when I should have been playing the damn things, lol

                          So decided to get rid and invest my time into the classic Xbox,the beauty of it is am playing games ,instead of sorting/dusting and adding to a collection that I never had time to play.


                            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                            When people have Xboxes loaded with roms, I find they rarely play them.
                            Why would they? Xbox are loud and rubbish. Not to mention emulation is awful.


                              Collecting games and playing games are entirely separate hobbies really. Not to say that you can't do both, but I try to steer clear of unnecessary clutter. I also find if I have more than one new game to play (even two new games) then it kind of spoils my enjoyment as I flit between them.

                              My collection at my parents house is from when I was a kid. I've probably got around 200, 250 games across a range of platforms going back to the NES, but I'm just guessing really. In my own flat I just have my Vita and PS3 games. The only 3DS titles I have so far are digital.
                              Last edited by wakka; 23-04-2013, 11:56.


                                Was around 3500+ games over many systems but currently sitting at around 500 and by the end it will be at around 75 over a couple of systems

                                Had to sell up as part of a divorce settlement but it was hard at the start, but once certain games from my collection had gone (harmful park, garegga) it's became alot easier to part with

