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How big is your collection?

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    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
    I don't agree at all. Many SNES games are choppy, certainly the mode 7 ones and at least on my unit, the resolution is off. I have yet to fun a native option like on the Wii. It may be there in later updates though. Lots of tearing on emulators too.
    I'd say the same personally.

    I only have the SNES & MD Emu's for my machine (softmodded so no bigger HDD for me & they run from the disc) & I just can't get on with anything.
    Even faffing about with frame skip etc. doesn't help & is actually my reason for hunting out original SNES stuff's these days
    I did have PC-E & Neo Emu's as well but they didn't work at all.

    I may have missed something here though but are you saying we can EMU on teh Wii??



      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
      I don't agree at all. Many SNES games are choppy, certainly the mode 7 ones and at least on my unit, the resolution is off. I have yet to fun a native option like on the Wii. It may be there in later updates though. Lots of tearing on emulators too.
      I have next to no issue at with the Snes emu on the XBox other than with games like Star Fox all the mode 7 ones are in check and works more than good enough . No issues at all with the screen and playing Snes games through the XBox and if anything they look better than playing the likes of Super Castlevaina IV and Metroid on my Wii or through Super Nintendo its self (which I still have set up) Plus the Capcom CP1 and II emu is brilliant as is the Neo Geo CD and Mega CD emu imo
      Last edited by Team Andromeda; 24-04-2013, 09:38.


        Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
        I'd say the same personally.

        I only have the SNES & MD Emu's for my machine (softmodded so no bigger HDD for me & they run from the disc) & I just can't get on with anything.
        Even faffing about with frame skip etc. doesn't help & is actually my reason for hunting out original SNES stuff's these days
        I did have PC-E & Neo Emu's as well but they didn't work at all.

        I may have missed something here though but are you saying we can EMU on teh Wii??

        I have a softmodded Wii which is handy for trying out SNES games before I buy them. They run pretty much identical to a native machine with perfect resolution and overall image quality. Same with the MD. Much much better than an Xbox.

        TA, are you using a CRT?


          Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
          I'd say the same personally.

          I only have the SNES & MD Emu's for my machine (softmodded so no bigger HDD for me & they run from the disc) & I just can't get on with anything.
          Even faffing about with frame skip etc. doesn't help & is actually my reason for hunting out original SNES stuff's these days
          I did have PC-E & Neo Emu's as well but they didn't work at all.

          I may have missed something here though but are you saying we can EMU on teh Wii??

          I have most the sytems including Spectrum,Amiga and C64 all through a bigger HDD.Honestly can't fault it.

          At the moment am playing Progear and it's spot on, as all the other CPI on the system..I used to own the PCB when I had the cab so I know how it should run.

          Getting rid of my collection was the best thing I done,all my needs are in this one unit and it free's up so much room and time..Am mostly an arcade gamer,so a quick 10-20 minute blast is all I require nowaday


            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
            I have a softmodded Wii which is handy for trying out SNES games before I buy them. They run pretty much identical to a native machine with perfect resolution and overall image quality. Same with the MD. Much much better than an Xbox.

            TA, are you using a CRT?
            Now you know what I never realised you could EMU on the Wii...colour me interested.

            Originally posted by garrz32 View Post
            I have most the sytems including Spectrum,Amiga and C64 all through a bigger HDD.Honestly can't fault it.

            At the moment am playing Progear and it's spot on, as all the other CPI on the system..I used to own the PCB when I had the cab so I know how it should run.

            Getting rid of my collection was the best thing I done,all my needs are in this one unit and it free's up so much room and time..Am mostly an arcade gamer,so a quick 10-20 minute blast is all I require nowaday
            I had always thought about getting a bigger HDD in mine but apparently with the Softmod it's a right old ball ache to do so never did.
            I'm wondering if that might be part of the issue though with everything running from a CD it's just not as good??
            Would be interesting to see how the Amiga & Speccy Emu's fair though.
            Would love some propr old school gaming without the load times & having to dig everything out of storage



              It's the NEO and PCE where it all falls down in my opinion, where SFC and MD seem brilliant.Take one of my favourite games on each system, Garou and Soldier blade, the emulation on both is utter ****e. Otherwise right now I would probably sell ALL my retro kit. The thought of sitting wanting to play those games and having to put up with half arsed emulated versions though, bleurgh.

              Have been giving the collection stuff more thought, and i'm expecting to go down to 5 (maybe 4) AES games and 8 PCE. That will be my lot, utter essentials that I just can't part with.


                I wish I'd read this thread sooner... so many missed opportunities to claim an original Xbox would take up more space than a decent collection, haha

                I haven't counted but I'd guess I have around 100 games at the moment, mostly for the Playstation. A lot of them are in a 'for sale' pile waiting for the next free listings weekend when I can be bothered to put them on ebay. If this PSIO thing sees the light of day it'll be a godsend for me, as I can then sell my PS1 games besides the ones I'm most attached to. Right now there are a bunch of games I own that I play very occasionally, or I'm looking forward to playing in the summer when I have the time, but that I'm not too bothered about owning a physical copy of


                  Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                  I have a softmodded Wii which is handy for trying out SNES games before I buy them. They run pretty much identical to a native machine with perfect resolution and overall image quality. Same with the MD. Much much better than an Xbox.

                  TA, are you using a CRT?
                  My Wii Is modded to play copies and emu's , plus I also have a number of Snes games downloaded to my Wii from the store (before I modded the Wii) and I still also have my USA Snes set up and I can honestly safe I can barely see any 'meaningful' differences playing the original Snes game to that playing 1 on my XBox,also like I said I think the CP 1 & II is fab as is the Mega CD and Neo Geo emu and most of the classic 8bit systems and consoles and its not bad for handheld emu either.
                  I think the XBox is great for emu of old classics systems and never looked back since putting in a 300 Gig HD and installing all the classics and even 13 seasons of the Simpsons and the like (its a great Multi Media system too when modded)

                  BTW I play my XBox through Component. I'm not that fussed about playing games on my CRT 32' Philips these days has its too much hassle in changing the TV leads- The only exception is some of the Saturn High Res games -where you get that lovely screen shimmer that is lost on modern TV's and where it looks fab.


                    My point is that you won't notice the difference unless either you are on a crt or the emulator has been updated to run in 240p.
                    The difference is like night and day. Even Final Burn and Neo all run with a disgusting interlaced image.


                      Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                      It's the NEO and PCE where it all falls down in my opinion, where SFC and MD seem brilliant.Take one of my favourite games on each system, Garou and Soldier blade, the emulation on both is utter ****e. Otherwise right now I would probably sell ALL my retro kit. The thought of sitting wanting to play those games and having to put up with half arsed emulated versions though, bleurgh.

                      Have been giving the collection stuff more thought, and i'm expecting to go down to 5 (maybe 4) AES games and 8 PCE. That will be my lot, utter essentials that I just can't part with.
                      Garou and soldier blade; both perfectly emulated and running in 720p on my original xbox.


                        Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                        It's the NEO and PCE where it all falls down in my opinion, where SFC and MD seem brilliant.Take one of my favourite games on each system, Garou and Soldier blade, the emulation on both is utter ****e. Otherwise right now I would probably sell ALL my retro kit. The thought of sitting wanting to play those games and having to put up with half arsed emulated versions though, bleurgh.

                        Have been giving the collection stuff more thought, and i'm expecting to go down to 5 (maybe 4) AES games and 8 PCE. That will be my lot, utter essentials that I just can't part with.
                        Treasure those AES Slugs man ... the net is full of boots nowadays


                          Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                          Garou and soldier blade; both perfectly emulated and running in 720p on my original xbox.
                          Really? I have two modded xbox consoles, and both are miles out on the emulation. Either things have massively changed with the quality of emulation on them or you're mistaken.


                            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                            My point is that you won't notice the difference unless either you are on a crt or the emulator has been updated to run in 240p.
                            I thought you were on about how the games run ?. My point is I can barley see any difference at all between playing a game on the XBox emu to that of playing it on the Snes (the same goes for the Mega Drive and a host of other 16 bit and 8 bit classic systems and handhelds) in terms of effects and how the games run . I'm not at all fussed about trying to run the games on my old CRT at all bar the High Res Saturn games for the stated reasons these days


                              Originally posted by spinpug666 View Post
                              Not to turn this into a big willy contest but...

                              I think Spinpug is winning in the picture stakes!

                              If I won the lottery, I think I would build a house with a purpose built game room where I could have a wheel set up with Gran Turismo 5, all my favourite retro consoles connected up to a CRT and modern consoles connected up to a HD TV. Also I might sneak in a mint condition cabinet of Time Crisis!

                              The actual reality is that I won't ever be able to and if I get married, have kids and buy a house, then the main TV will be used by everyone. In some ways i like that, I never enjoyed gaming in a room on my own and always liked people watching, commentating or playing along with me, so I guess it's not too bad...

                              Still envy those of you with a dedicated room though!


                                Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                                Really? I have two modded xbox consoles, and both are miles out on the emulation. Either things have massively changed with the quality of emulation on them or you're mistaken.
                                What do you think is miles out and i'll check it out
                                Last edited by dvdx2; 24-04-2013, 19:29.

