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Dreamcast celebration!

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    Forgot to mention Samba De Amiga....remember smashing my light playing the game with my mate.


      Shenmue is one of the most overrated games of all time IMO. It's boring as hell.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
        Shenmue is one of the most overrated games of all time IMO. It's boring as hell.

        Its dated very badly but in its day it was something astounding (at least for me). Everything about it from the characters, the insanely bad dub, the epic music, driving around in a forklift truck and buying capsule toys whilst petting a kitty on your way to play Hang On were just things that gelled together perfectly to create this sublime experience. BTW, whilst you're here: Do you happen to know where I can find some sailors?


          Originally posted by replicashooter View Post
          I played a lot of outrun 2 on Xbox. The c2c version whilst great had these xrappy canned sound effects when overtaking cars that I didn't like. I'll take a look at that ps2 version you mentioned as it seems quite interesting

          Did the graphics have that chunky fat pixel arcade feel as the Xbox aced the visuals aspect and the controls were so crisp.
          Not sure about the visuals compared to Xbox - it looks great though, smooth framerate and supports prog scan. Controls extremely responsively too. Check it out

          This is the one I am talking about btw:
          Last edited by wakka; 03-12-2015, 08:53.


            Originally posted by wakka View Post
            Not sure about the visuals compared to Xbox - it looks great though, smooth framerate and supports prog scan. Controls extremely responsively too. Check it out
            I shall. I was looking into this earlier on and it turns out there were slight graphical downgrades from O2 to O2006 at the arcade level that was reflected in the ports and these must be what I didn't like. One amazing thing about the PS2 version is it supports a force feedback wheel so I'm now very interested in that version, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

            At one point I was toying with the idea of making a mini arcade machine of Outrun 2006 using a PSP and fabricating a steering wheel to analog control but the accelerator and brake always were a sticking point.


              Originally posted by Leon Retro View Post
              I remember seeing Soul Calibur for the first time in late-summer '99 and thinking it was incredible. For some reason I decided to wait for the Pal machine to launch a little while later. I think I bought the machine solely for SC, because it was such a must-have title. Namco were nice enough, like most DC devs, to put a 60hz option.
              Soul Calibur also sold me the machine. There was something about one-on-one 3D fighters in the 32-bit era, about how many of them wrung every drop of performance out of their respective machines, but none of them quite managed "everything". For instance, VF2 was super high-res and had an amazing framerate, but 2D backdrops and no lighting. Bloody Roar had 3D backdrops but low-detail fighters and overall looked glitchy. Tekken 3 had really detailed characters and animation but it was very low-res.

              Soul Calibur just seemed to have the whole package. It was bright, colourful, had wonderful music and great art, with a cast of interesting fighters and superb high-res graphics.

              In honesty, I don't understand how anyone can prefer Edge to Calibur, unless you're really attached to the Edge Master mode's weapons (which was the only feature I felt Calibur was missing). Edge was a great game in its time, but I thought Calibur knocked it out of the park. At the time I thought SC was pretty much fighting game perfection; the only problem is that the balance of it was a bit suspect (about half of the cast was just better than the other half). I also resented the loss of Li Long as a character, but that was more a personal thing.

              The sad thing about Calibur is that I feel it hit its peak with 2, but has since fallen by the wayside. V in particular was very disappointing (last full-price game I pre-ordered; sold within a week). Namco just seem to be throwing everything at it to see what sticks.

              Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
              I think the majority do (I'm a MvC1 fan myself)! I don't know what Capcom were thinking with MvC3/UMvC3. The drastic change of art-style really didn't work imho.
              They probably did it to cut costs. Remember the Morrigan sprite on Capcom Vs SNK 2?

              Originally posted by Katsujinken View Post
              Sonic Shuffle What a pile of stinky. Not for me, hoped it would’ve been.
              Everyone knocks this, but I played a bunch of it 4-player with my flatmates and remember having a good time. Terrible against the AI though as the computer used to blatantly cheat. Maybe I should avoid giving this another go to shatter those memories, as people are so negative.


                The Xbox was my favourite console of that generation. Then the GameCube in second place. I didn't love the PS2 very much back then. But now I really enjoy the PS2, as it has lots of abstract and arcade-style games to have fun with
                I was a total XBot at the time . Never really liked the PS2 at all (and no I don't blame it for killing off the DC) and the Cube was the biggest letdown of a console from Nintendo at the time . Their In-House support was pretty lame imo, other than Zelda with Lugi being rubbish (more so for a NCL launch game) , Mario Kart a joke and even Mario Sunshine was sub bar and felt unfinished (by NCL standards, by other 3rd party platform standards it was great)

                Not sure about the visuals compared to Xbox
                The XBox version looks better . That said SP uses a different shader and the water doesn't look as good as it does the original Outrun II on the XBox
                Last edited by Team Andromeda; 03-12-2015, 09:41.


                  [MENTION=5490]wakka[/MENTION]: The Xbox is a phenomenal machine, you should really get one.


                    Outrun 2 on PS2 is an amazing port. Almost as good as the Xbox version visually. Touch of frame rate drops in places but it's so close it's impressive. All with 480p too.


                      Will do at some point [MENTION=13863]speedlolita[/MENTION]. Just wish they had released a 'mini' version. I like the crystal machine best so I'll prob get one of those and softmod it.

                      Anyway, this is meant to be about DC


                        Eh you really don't need a softmodded machine. Would be nice but isn't necessary.

                        Playing games off the HDD is pretty lovely though.


                          [MENTION=5941]Asura[/MENTION]: Tekken 3 was running in interlaced - so about as hi-res as you'll get out of a PS1!


                            Originally posted by wakka View Post
                            Will do at some point @speedlolita. Just wish they had released a 'mini' version. I like the crystal machine best so I'll prob get one of those and softmod it.

                            Anyway, this is meant to be about DC
                            I made my own mini, it looked like this:

                            But I used a crystal case instead. Great mod, very satisfying to do as I'd upgraded the RAM to 128MB, got rid of the DVD, added a laptop HD and integral wireless to create a great media center/emulation station way back when. I'll have to dig it out again at some point when I get a television.







                              Not other sytems, DREAMCAST!!!!!!!


                                The Xbox is the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast - totally on topic.

                                @replicashooter: Huh neat, saw that some years ago as I recall.

