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Analogue Pocket

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    Eh, I’m not sure on the MCD thing. I’m personally of the view that now the SG and NT are discontinued, it’s likely that at some point in the future they will do an SG 2 and NT 2. SG 2 could add MCD and 32X compatibility. NT 2 could add built in Super Gameboy/Gameboy Player functionality, maybe NES compatibility too. Not to mention both could feature Analogue OS functionality like the Pocket.

    For this announcement though I agree, I don’t think it’s going to be another major hardware announcement. I honestly do think it will be Neo CD compatibility for the Duo.


      I honestly expected the next Analogue announcement to be a delay of the Duo to 2024


        I think realistically it has to be assumed that Duos won't start arriving till Jan 2024. I hope for those that ordered one that's not the case, to be clear! But based on their track record with new hardware it feels plausible.


          If that were to be the case I think I'll cancel. (Again) I'm actually thinking about just getting an OSSC again and only using genuine hard/software since I have pretty much all my favourite games again now and getting rid of the Super HD System 3.


            More colours...


              I like pretty much all of those. Really nice.

              *throws black Pocket in the bin*


                Could not resist the blue. So have 2 well will soon

                Time to sell the black one then. Can’t see any reason I need 2 of them. Really. Last thing I buy from them I swear. It.


                  My uh... friend... might have also caved and got themselves a second one.


                    You have to at least tell us what colour!


                      Think all of this batch are quite nice (wasn't so mad about the transparent ones), but went with green.


                        Nice, dude. That's what I would've gone with

                        Pretty much all of them are great, though.


                          Does anyone that bought a new colour actually believe. They will ship on Monday as the e mail says

                          I have my doubts knowing analogue let’s see hey


                            Originally posted by arcnas View Post
                            Does anyone that bought a new colour actually believe. They will ship on Monday as the e mail says

                            I have my doubts knowing analogue let’s see hey
                            They did so with the glow in the dark and transparent units. I reckon their production line is caught up and they're creating demand this way before putting the Pocket on regular sale in the standard colours. Or they'll keep making more variants or cycle through these existing ones.


                              Ok that’s good. Then. I see all colours on eBay at £400. This world hey. Terrible.


                                Yeah, I got one of the transparent ones and it shipped and arrived quickly as promised.

