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The Shield

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    Season 5 is already showing, episode 6 aired the other day.

    Shaping up to be the best season yet


      Originally posted by MartyG
      The thing I really like about The Shield is the blur between the good and the bad. You know that Vic is always on the take, but he always gets the results despite his methods. You just can't find yourself rooting for Kavanaugh, even though he's not really the villian at all.
      I was just thinking the exact same thing while watching Kavanaugh move into the Barn in Episode 6 ^^


        Season 5 Episode 5 ! what an epsiode!

        I knew the strike team had to have something up their sleeves, but bloody hell that was tense! Really had me wondering: "**** is Mackey really pulling this **** at a time like this!?"

        Forest Whitaker flipping out at the end was ace too, from the teaser for episode 6 it looks like he is gonna crack out his angry side \o/.

        Last edited by Zanza; 21-02-2006, 23:23.


          Yeah Season 5 ep 5 was one of the finest hours of TV ever made, I almost died it was so intense. Could have easily been an end of season episode it had so much going for it.

          Episode 6 is amazingly good too

          Episode 7 tonight!


            Just finished watching Episode 7.

            Best ending in an Episode I have seen in a very long time.


              Holy **** yes, that was just immense.

              I love how they just kept on applying the pressure, building it up and up and up until SLAM everything comes undone with one of the most surprising and cold final scenes ever

              . Incredible.


                Superb - how do they keep making it better & better ? The sense of tension now is palpable like it's actually coming off the screen.


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                  Superb - how do they keep making it better & better ? The sense of tension now is palpable like it's actually coming off the screen.
                  I know what you mean, there's been a couple of times when the tension got so much I sort of stopped breathing, until my brain kicked in and realised i was holding my breath.

                  It's just so unbelievably awesome!


                    Yes, this season has been outstanding. There have been a few high profile series on top form this year (24, BSG), but The Shield has really reclaimed its form after what was a shaky season 4 (it wasn't bad, but by the show's admittedly high standards

                    the break-up of the strike team

                    didn't work for me).

                    This season though... as mentioned, the tension is through the roof. Episode 8 was insane. Especially the way it built to the end.


                      The last 5 minutes of episode 8 were some of the best TV drama I've ever watched - Everything including the facial expressions of the actors was absolutely rivetting.

                      I expect this show to clean up at the Grammy's or whatever the TV equivalent of the Oscars is - if not it's a disgrace.


                        Wow, I completely agree. That end completely shocked me.

                        I honestly cannot see where this series is going, unbelievably good. There has been a lot of noise recently in the papers about American TV being better than it has ever been - I completely agree with the statement, and The Shield right now is right at the top of the pile.

                        Season 5 is quite frankly the best thing ever shown on TV.


                          I'm not sure I'd go that far (The Singing Detective will always hold a special place), but it's certainly the best drama on television at the moment, and as you say, this in face of 24 and BSG currently on top form as well.

                          American Drama has been wasting everything else for the past seven years now with Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, 24, Lost, BSG etc.

                          There's a moral complexity and depth to The Shield which the likes of 24 and the rest lack though. It also helps that the writing, acting and directing are first-rate. Best series (so far) since the original IMO.


                            Just watched episode 9 and the awesomeness continues. All other shows should just give up and go home.


                              *Anticipation raises for later tonight*.


                                Watched the latest yesterday... episode nine was absolutely immense. People often laud 24 for its cut-throat tension, but nothing's getting anywhere near this for the moment for the sheer out and out intelligence, pacing and electrifying acting.

                                When Kavanaugh and Vic confront each other full on in the canteen.

                                And when Vic's strike team just about get hold of the money they need to get Lem out of prison before the police bust in to the house. ><

