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Last night's Top Gear

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    Originally posted by Alastair View Post
    (I found the cows head in bad taste in particular), I just think as usual with TG people are a bit quick to over-react good or bad.
    I agree. But then I sat back and thought hold on its all panto.

    The whole thing start to finish. Poor James always being ganged up on and ignored as slow and pompous. Clarkson always winning. Hammond as the sidekick out of Life on Mars. Its kitch and crap and it just about gets away with it. if you think of it an hour on this load of tosh is unbelievable. Talk about emperors new clothes. Stick Clarkson in a Belfast sink and lets watch him spend an hour trying to canoe up niagra falls, you'll still get people watching saying its great, not surprissingly they dont love cars but then as said earlier this is no longer the niche car show but a mainstream entertainment programme

    If you run out of pertol you die, if you get stuck you die, if you run out of fuel you'll die, if you blag blah blah. No you won't they were being followed around by a massive support crew with millions of ? to bail them out of any trouble.

    Its all just fun but sadly only for them. As a 10min part of the show great but as an hour special, you'd be better of with 30mins of 5th Gear and 30mins of Autumn Watch


      Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
      ... you'll still get people watching saying its great, not surprissingly they dont love cars but then as said earlier this is no longer the niche car show but a mainstream entertainment programme...
      I see where you're coming from with that and I have the same perspective, for me it's an entertainment show that features cars, I don't watch it because of my love of cars, I read EVO magazine for that.

      Originally posted by Spagoli View Post
      Its all just fun but sadly only for them. As a 10min part of the show great but as an hour special, you'd be better of with 30mins of 5th Gear and 30mins of Autumn Watch
      5th Gear is so boring though, all the cinematography is blatantly ripped off from TG yet they still don't get it right, none of the presenters have any personality and all the wacky stunts they do are so low budget and uninspired that it just comes across as a bit of a student effort or something. For every episode I've watched there's probably been 1 article worth watching and the rest is all filler. In the last series they had a feature each week of what car of these 3 is best. To decide all they did was line them up and talk about them. They didn't get in them, didn't drive them, didn't even turn the engines over, it was all, "looks better, better depreciation figures" bollocks to that.


        Great episode, loved all Clarksons comments that seemed to be there purely to court controversy "Brazilian electrician" ooh, naughty!

        Good race, should have had a motorbike instead of a push bike though, would have won by miles. Loved the boat.

        Caparo was insane, so so fast and so so broken (like when I saw it at the press launch, always breaking down)! They really need to test the top of the range Catherham though, that'll go over a speed hump and will beat all the other cars I'm sure!

        Didn't like Cowell, should have left him out. Nice that they were honest it was filmed a while ago, I'd never have noticed if they hadn't mentioned it!

        Oliver's coming home

        Wasn't too bothered about the rollerblader with a rocket up his arse either but it took some balls I guess!


          I thought the scenes with The Stig on public transport were hilarious, especially reading the Metro and throwing it down in disgust when he saw the story about Hamilton.


            Apart from the rollerblader bit, I thoroughly enjoyed all of last nights show! Even the Cowell section with slagging each other's shows off The guy has far too many cars for his own good though. Both him and Ramsay have R8's. Grrr!

            Did LOL at that bit with the Stig/Metro/Hamilton


              Good show I really enjoyed.

              The Cowell "tosser" bit was funny, and you've got to laugh at a guy who buys a Lamborghini and doesn't even know the name of it.
              Last edited by VR46; 12-11-2007, 11:26. Reason: grammar


                You've just reminded me of the bit in the news of the guy who took his Lambo the fast way down the mountain pass, ouch!!


                  Yeah it was much better tonight. The race was actually interesting and wasn't jinxed by silly stops to allow Clarkson to win. The Caparo was a great review as it was very different to anything else (1:10 round the track - crikey! - plus I have raced it in PGR4). The arrogance-ometer imploded with Clarkson and Cowell on screen at the same time.

                  As said, the only crap bit was the roller blades. I'm never bothered with these races of a car vs something else, like the race between the Veron and the Eurofighter last week. What's the point?

                  The best one was the souped up Jaguar vs the supercars. Shame they fired it off the end of that aircraft carrier.


                    I wish they had more motorbikes on Top Gear. Get Hammond to review some - he's the bike fan of the three. And they should have a 'bike Stig' too. Then they could have bike vs. car races with the two Stigs: a bit like the Fifth Gear version, except entertaining.


                      They were actually shocked that a car is the slowest way to get around London at rush hour? Anyone who's ever been there at that time of day could tell you that it's not only frustratingly slow but also suicidal. God help you if a bus wants to get into your lane.

                      I honestly don't know why people subject themselves to driving in London. I avoid it like the plague.

                      Oh, and:


                        Just started lads ..


                          so far so boring


                            Did I miss Ferrari, Porsche, Bugatti etc... going out of business? Whats with all these old/mundane cars?

                            The transformation into Fifth Gear is almost complete.


                              That d00d with the flag on the finish line wasn't paid enough >_<


                                lol. I liked it overall but my god the sit around talking bit is getting really forced and annoying now.

