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Last night's Top Gear

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    Screw football; Top Gear much better!


      Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
      It also mentions a new team member but that might be a joke/something daft.
      isn't it?


        What? It's back tonight for the new series?


          Yup, BBC2 8pm.


            Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
            isn't it?
            The TV guide said its a stuntman they can set on fire


              Originally posted by Malc View Post
              Screw football; Top Gear much better!
              Bububut Spain vs Italy!

              This is what PVRs are made for. I'll watch the football while it records Top Gear, and be annoyed by Clarkson on my own time later tonight


                top gear is deffo a sky plus job, can ffwd thru Clarkson sucking his breathe in, wiping away false tears of laughter and generally fawning over whoever the interview is this week.


                  Stuntman needs a bit more thinking through, that was a bit pointless tbh.

                  Stars in cars needs scrapping altogether now I think, I'm so bored with that section now.

                  Police cars had me laughing hard.

                  Scuderia was although the first half of the review was a bit pants. The fact he called it a 'road test' yet only took it round the track at 100+ all the time also made me laugh, road test indeed.

                  I think I've missed a feature?

                  The what's coming up in the series looked good though.


                    Not seen it yet, someone at work was saying this morning Clarkson has been paid well over ten million for this series, sounds non-believable I know but is apparantly due to the success of it being sold abroad (Australia being the latest Country to buy it) he is on mega money.


                      It'll probably be repeat fees and sales as you say David. I wouldn't imagine his actual fee for doing the series from the Beeb is more than a fifth of that but when you add up all the other revenues then he'll be coining it in. Think he'll get paid for every repeat on Dave etc too


                        was a solid rather than spectacular start, the coming soon trailer looked very promising.

                        the star in the car feature is just cheap 15mins of filler now and like i said earlier i just zap thru it.

                        thought the 1 gallon super car race was amusing and liked the slightly silly police car bit at the end.

                        clarkson razzing a ferrari round a track and going 'whoo this is fast' doesn't really add much either.

                        the stuntman bit was also pretty tepid.

                        still even average top gear is better than most other telly so nice to have it back.


                          Thank heavens for Sky+! That way, we were able to fast forward through all the Justin Lee 'I really love the 80's' Collins and Alan 'I'm extremely f*cking annoying' Carr parts!


                            I really liked the supercar race. That was an amusing way to show how in efficient those things are, and while I hate Clarkson's 'head in the sand, everyone's wrong except me' mentality with this stuff (especially funny when it backfires), I did laugh at how he span it into a feature on fuel economy.

                            The Prius versus BMW thing was just a piss take, though, because driving at 30-50 around town, which is how most driving is done (not as fast as it'll go around a track), the Prius would have stomped it. Driving at top speed around a track, braking hard and accelerating all the time, uses a lot of fuel? Whatever next!?

                            Stuntman was rubbish and pointless.

                            The police car thing was funny, though. Hammond's hairdresser-mobile and Jeremy's spiked wheels cracked me up


                              I'm looking forward to the Nissan Skyline GTR vs shinkansen bullet train later in the series.

                              Like others have expressed, the celebs in a car section needs scrapping or replacing with something else, it's certainly getting tired and stale now. The police car segment had me in stitches especially with Clarkson's input.


                                Thought it was brilliant. The police car bit was amazing, got to love James Lexus with Rozzers on it.

