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    I believe the general gist of the story arch is all planned out, but the writers probably do write a lot of the episodes on the fly, allowing them to chop and change certain aspects.


      Lets put it this way, I don't believe that they have any idea how it ends because I believe they don't want an end, as long as it stays on the air and is popular it is profitable.

      The show could run and run for a LONG long time.


        IF you read director, producer and story writer comments (goto and the lost forums, they have confirmed that there are 5 seasons, they know whats gonna happen, although they have stated they may change certain bits. they are still thinking about the overall ending, the best way i thought about it ending was go right up to the finale, and make it a multi million pound movie!! how many people would go and see it!

        just check the website and forum, plus the official and unnoficial lost forums, everything is there.



          I understand what you're saying but just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true. The creators of Prison Break originally said it would be a 9 episode mini-series and was created as a filler for while 24 wasn't on. Then it was a two part series, now they say a trilogy (If I recall).

          At the rate they aren't explaining things 5 seasons wouldn't be enough to wrap everything up unless they start speeding things up to a phenomenal degree. Even when they do explain things, they then procede to pose another five questions, drip feeding all the way.

          Don't get me wrong, I like the show but I don't believe they will stop at five seasons.

          So long as we're all still watching and it's making money it will continue to be made, in my opinion.

          I just PRAY they end it before it becomes stale and ends up getting cancelled and we don't have another "Invasion" on our hands. I started watching that then found it was cancelled and there'd never be 'an end' so stopped. Yet they still sell the DVD's to what is essentially an incomplete show.


            The thing with lost is you can only prick tease the audience for so long, so saying it'll be made until people are bored might be one of the most precise comments said about it.

            People are getting bored. People, like me are watching and loving it but how many people have stopped watching it that you know? Two friends of mine are bored of it now and they absolutely loved it.

            If they're gonna milk it, then they need to wrap up the island mystery before the end, close the island mystery and milk it with Jack and co doing something else, like being the new others or whatever. I dunno i'm not script writer

            5 seasons would be ok with me but i can easily see ABC abusing it for money and people becoming bored with it. I have no idea if what I said makes sense....!
            Last edited by Dezm0nd; 17-02-2007, 21:13.


              Originally posted by Boggy View Post
              The thing with lost is you can only prick tease the audience for so long, so saying it'll be made until people are bored might be one of the most precise comments said about it.

              People are getting bored. People, like me are watching and loving it but how many people have stopped watching it that you know? Two friends of mine are bored of it now and they absolutely loved it.
              Exactly. I must admit, when the episodes "came out" I used to be desperate to see it that night but now, I can wait a few days...

              With shows like 24 and Heroes on, they take priority in our house. It just feels like they are taking the piss out us with lost. Take the most recent episode. What did that have to do with anything? So far the entirety of season 3 had been about jack and the others. We finally go back to the island and a completely new spin on things is given with no pay-off regarding anything else.

              I personally think the problem is that they have introduced FAR too many main characters without tieing up any of the original ones. Heroes achieves more because there are slightly fewer characters all of whom get enough of an episode to interest you. Heroes also achieves the amount of characters because it introduces them one at a time and almost immediately gives you a clue as to why they were introduced.

              Lost has upward of 15 characters and concentrates on only 1 per episode, yet can chuck up to 3 or 4 new ones at you, but you won't find out about them for another 10 episodes.

              When was the last time we had anything new on Claire, Charlie...What about Hurley...we never really did find out much about him. How about Sayid? They just killed one of the more interesting characters as well in Eko. What about Locke? Rather than tieing up anything to do with them, we get a Desmond episode that introduces yet MORE mystery into a show that is already bursting with it.

              Coupled with a schedule that seems at times like the network want it to fail and the show has become one long frustration.

              BUT, I will continue to watch it because I've come this far...for now.
              Last edited by Jebus; 17-02-2007, 21:23.


                I think you're missing the point of Lost entirely. The whole show is about mystery, if they suddenly gave the secrets away they would kill it off in an instant. I think they've probably given away too much about the others, I preferred them when they were completely mysterious and could have been anything. As they stand now I find them a little disappointing.

                As for killing off Ecko, he wanted off the show so they had no choice.


                  No, I think you are missing my point. Of course Lost is about mystery. That doesn't mean that have to give away everything, but it also doesn't mean they have to give away nothing.

                  Maybe you enjoy being constantly fed mystery after mystery with no answers. Maybe you enjoy being given yet another story arc which just serves as a distraction to the fact they've given yet another episode which answers nothing.

                  That's my opinion mate, it doesn't mean I'm missing the point. It means that after 2 1/2 (nearly) seasons I'm getting fed up with being drip fed when there are other shows that do it so much better.


                    But they do give away something in nearly every episode. The last episode was full of new stuff about Desmond, and I personally thought it was one of the better Lost episodes so far. Interesting that it was almost all flashback too, as I found the flashbacks in season 2 often rather pointless.


                      I know what you mean Kotatsu, I really do but from a personal point of view it's just become frustrating. Sure they gave away a lot of new stuff about Desmond, but they gave away NOTHING about the original characters, some of whom have been ignored now for a LONG time.

                      I know they give away something in nearly every episode, I just don't think it's quite enough. Are they saving Charlie and Claire for a rainy day? Claire may as well not be in the show the amount of coverage she gets. As for Hurley...well he may as well not be there.

                      It's got the stage where I could happily miss out on the "new stuff" in favour of some loose ends being tied up.

                      We still have absolutely no idea what the "monster" is as such, after 2 1/2 seasons.


                        Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                        Well it's mostly shot in Hawaii. It's pretty funny how they feel the need to stick British flags everywhere as well as the usual underground signs etc. I'm surprised they didn't have a buckingham palace guard standing in the background too.
                        still looks alright

                        i noticed the Scots guard poster outside the career office

                        the guy is holding a gun the british military doesnt use, infact it looks like an American soldier


                          I think the Charlie and Claire stories have run their course, which is why they're evidently going to kill charlie off soon.

                          Hurley is a popular character though, and his 'numbers' story is still unresolved. I'm sure we'll see a lot more of him throughout this season.


                            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                            Also nice that 720p torrents are easily available now and the 360 is ever so happy to stream them. Wonderful stuff.
                            Out of interest, what method of streaming them are you using? Also, presumably we are talking about the same x264 rips as well? Try as I might I CANNOT get transcode 360 to work

                            It'd be so much easier if someone somewhere ripped them to 720 WMV files!


                              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                              Out of interest, what method of streaming them are you using? Also, presumably we are talking about the same x264 rips as well? Try as I might I CANNOT get transcode 360 to work

                              It'd be so much easier if someone somewhere ripped them to 720 WMV files!
                              I can't use transcode 360 as I don't have a media center PC. Instead I transcode using WinAVI. Takes a while for a 720p file as my PC is pretty old now, so I generally just batch up a few transcodes and let it run overnight.

                              I'll be buying a new Vista PC sometime this year so will give transcode 360 a try then.


                                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                                Out of interest, what method of streaming them are you using? Also, presumably we are talking about the same x264 rips as well? Try as I might I CANNOT get transcode 360 to work
                                I don't have a probaby transcoding almost any file. The trick is to switch off AC3 audio in the transcode settings. So the downside is you lose 5.1 surround sound.

