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    Originally posted by gingerj
    he had a story in the last 4 eps? I thought all he did was save the dog?!?
    Well, yes. Not a big story, granted, but he was a known character before he saved the dog.

    "Want me to tell you a secret?" etc.


      Originally posted by charlaph
      How come the bald guy could walk instantly despite having his condition for 4 years. Even if he was a hardcore army guy his muscles would have weakened over that time.

      Sorry, I caught some of last nights while the wife was watching it and this annoyed me. Looks pish tbh.
      Maybe he had lots of physiotherapy... maybe he *could* walk, just not very well. Not that this is relevant. The point about him is:
      - What happened 4 years before (and what did he do before that)
      - Why was he carrying all that hardware (aside from having a Rambo fantasy)

      TBH I don't really care about their background stories anyway.


        It's suposed to be a miracle? Blind man bangs his head, then can suddenly see etc.


          And in the previous 3 episodes he spent most of his time sat cross legged carving a whistle did he not? So perhaps he wasn't feeling up to a lot of running around.


            It makes no sense, I'm sorry to say but ep 4 is rubbish.


              Originally posted by Nijo

              TBH I don't really care about their background stories anyway.
              Bad news, this is 90% of the series. Better stop watching now


                Yeah, I knew that was coming.


                  MovieTyme are now shipping the first season of Lost: - mine's been sent today @ ?27.99. Bargain \o/.



                    Hmm I want to order this, but it still has the street date down on it..


                      That's what it said in the email. This is from my account details, order history - the brackets are the order status (Order Taken, Processing, Shipped).

                      Order #(Order Taken)
                      Order Date: Saturday 09 July, 2005 Order Total: ?27.99
                      1 x Lost: Complete First Season (2004) (Shipped) ?27.99

                      MovieTyme often seem to be able to ship a week or two early, not sure why they haven't changed the street date to in stock, but it is in their Latest Releases section.

                      Hmm - just checked my credit card statement, and there are no pending transactions, but maybe it's just not gone through yet, anyway, the email was quite clear it was shipping.
                      Last edited by MartyG; 19-08-2005, 08:56.


                        Wonder if that means 'its ?27.99 shipped',as opposed to 'your order has been shipped'.

                        You'll have to let us know.


                          Yes please, if you could find out that would be great as I'd love to get my hands on this early!


                            Mine's processing too. It will ship from their US warehouse and be here within the week - certainly will be early before the 6 September release date in any case.

                            They don't change items to show as in stock on the site until the official US street date but if you order now it'll process in the next few days assuming they have enough 1st batch stock to fulfill all pre-orders first.


                              Interesting, I've pre-ordered it from Amazon US, and that costs ?25, including shipping.

                              However, I don't think I'll be getting it shipped to me anytime before the 6th of Sept. If it turns out that MovieTyme place do ship it early, I'll cancel the Amazon order, and re-order it from there.


                                Does anyone know when Season 2 starts in the US? Season 1 was mint!

