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    lol, all these people saying its boring or you don't like it- then don't watch it!

    All the people who don't like the flashbacks, well something has obvioudsly gone flying over your head, as this is the whole point of the show tbh.


      My DVD set turned up from MovieTyme today too.

      For all those that are struggling with the early episodes try sticking with it just a little longer. There's just so much about the island that you don't yet know.


        Originally posted by Fei Fong Wong
        My DVD set turned up from MovieTyme today too.

        For all those that are struggling with the early episodes try sticking with it just a little longer. There's just so much about the island that you don't yet know.
        I only ordered mine on Monday, but I hope it come soon! I was gonna pre-order months ago, stupid stupid me.

        What does it say on your order when its shipped, does it say shipped or something else? Mine says...

        "Order Status:
        Order Taken"


          Originally posted by Fei Fong Wong
          My DVD set turned up from MovieTyme today too.

          For all those that are struggling with the early episodes try sticking with it just a little longer. There's just so much about the island that you don't yet know.
          watch upto episode 12 now - thats me blitzed 7 episodes today


            I've been watching this on the BBC, and so far I've found it fairly naff and unconvincing.
            However, I know I'll slavishly watch it again because:

            a) I want to see the monster

            b) the latest episode had the g-man in it!


              i've watched the whole series its definately worth sticking with!!..


                Originally posted by Jebus
                What does it say on your order when its shipped, does it say shipped or something else? Mine says...

                "Order Status:
                Order Taken"
                It'll go to "Order Processing" and then shortly after that to "Order Shipped". You should get an email notification when it does ship. It'll take about a week to arrive from the time its shipped unless MovieTyme keeps some stock in the UK, which they sometimes do on popular titles.


                  It arrived today despite my status not changing.

                  It was sent from within the uk, I'm suprised. They must buy in bulk and post from within the UK? Oh and I never recieved a single e-mail from them, no confirmation of order, no change of status email and no shipping email...


                    Probably just a backlog on the system. No need to worry now you've got it in any case.

                    As I suspected they seem to have stock in the UK. I'd expect this to go on their UK next day service next week.


                      Originally posted by Jebus
                      It was sent from within the uk, I'm suprised. They must buy in bulk and post from within the UK
                      its what they do

                      everything gets shipped from the states to a uk warehouse

                      then they reship them from there - you will never get charged customs from them, i use movietyme for all all products over 18 quid

                      and use for the rest since you will always get chargesd from them



                        Up to epsiode 22 now... trying to come to terms with how good this show is, absolute crackin stuffin, long may it continue.


                          i've been cracking through this all weekend too thanks to movietyme.

                          just got the last disc to watch now, but i'm saving it till tommorrow. really is a great show though, glad i forked out the cash instead of waiting on channel 4.

                          i do wish the actual mystery of the island storyline would move along a bit faster, but i'm willing to let that slide a little as the backstory of the characters is so interesting....

                          and i really love the way that so many of the characters have little connections to each other that they dont even know hurley owning the box company that locke works for etc.

                          ...very clever stuff, which points to there being a greater meaning to the whole thing.

                          Hurley's back story is just great though, certainly my favourite character

                          i'll have to go back and check those lottery numbers too and see if i can use them, wonder if they'll fit in our lottery?...cant remember how many there is or what the highest was.


                            Originally posted by Fuddle

                            and i really love the way that so many of the characters have little connections to each other that they dont even know hurley owning the box company that locke works for etc.

                            When Jin is supposed to make an impression on the bad employee you can see hurley on the television as the guy picks up the dog he eventually gave to his wife

                            this was before you found out that Hurley won the lottery - i thought he was a contestant on the real world or something

                            i did laugh when he took his mum to show her the house and she broke her ankle the house caught fire and he was arrested for being a drug peddler


                              Out of interest who do you think deserves a Gold Globe nomination from Lost?


                                Just finished the 5th Disc, one more left.

                                Anybody have any theories as to what is going on, on the island so to speak.

                                Here are two of my theories:


                                I think John Locke is God, or possibly the son of God. There has been many coincedences where he shows miracle like tendencies such as saying it's going to rain in a minute (then it does). Or he finds Charlie's guitar, whilst helping him of drugs - it just happens to be above them. Also in one of Charlie's flashbacks whilst in confession - the priest says something to Charlie about Temptation and then Locke says exactly the same thing two minutes later in the jungle. He also happened to chuck the knife at Boone and he dropped it hitting the Secret Buried Door.

                                I don't know how the above would work in the storyline but it's so brilliant and really keeps you guessing.


                                It's all a dream, and the young lad Walt is having the dream. It'll end where he'll wake up and all the people in the show are people sitting on an airplane he has saw everyone as he boards the plane and has this really vivid nightmare. What leads me to think this is take the scene where he is reading the comic, and he's looking at the Polar Bear, then all of a sudden one appears. Could this all be because of an over-active imagination of a child, who knows.

                                I have four episodes left, and can't wait to see the Season finale. Roll on Season Two, I just hope they can keep the quality up.
                                Last edited by Miguel007; 29-08-2005, 03:10.

