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    Originally posted by Fuddle View Post
    although i was expecting that girl to be a bloke the whole way through
    Same,i thought her gift was that she could still piss standing up.


      Originally posted by Nick Pavey View Post
      You must of missed the one before last mate. Not the Desmond one,before that.
      Holy cow, you're right! I missed episode the feck did I manage that?! I've been hankering after the return of Lost for 3 months and I go and miss its return by a week! DOH!


        How many chances to ask proper questions, i.e. the real questions you'd want answered if you were actually there, were wasted by characters in that latest episode?

        Very, very frustrating.


          Bit of a filler episode I'd say, and a big let down after the great Desmond episode last week.

          Still, at least Bai Ling was in it, and she's always easy on the eyes.


            Wtf was the bit about the guys beating up jack all about?! Mentalist weird stuff happening now.


              Presumably it's because of what it said/meant.

              Either way it was hardly conclusive and now they are resorting to mystery within flashbacks as well as everything else.

              That said I thought it was an ok episode, I'm enjoying Jack/Juliet and I hope he rags her eventually, he deserves to spray at some point.


                Feel compelled to say this.....this latest episode is in my opinion one of the worst ones to date and being a huge fan of the series, it is hard for me to say.....ok rant over!


                  I felt this was a bit of a return to the low moments of previous seasons where they give us a potentially huge episode one week and then follow it up with one of complete filler the next. But just in case we get totally fed up, lets slip in that the Others don't live there and that one of the stewardesses is now with them. That'll keep the fans off our backs....

                  No wonder they say they have enough ideas for 7 seasons, if they carry on at this rate, they'll need at least 3 more seasons to answer all the questions.


                    I'd say that the fact the 'kidnapped' survivors are now 'others' is a pretty big story revelation. They weren't killed or anything, just chosen to live a 'better life'. As for why, guess we'll find out in a year or so!


                      So anyone have any ideas where the rest of Jack's tattoo came from? She only did the one line yet he's got another one above it?

                      And they

                      live on `the` island and work on the other one (and don't even like going there)?




                        Explaining the tattoo was a real stretch - why get a tattoo in Chinese when holidaying in Thailand....?

                        Does not compute.


                          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                          Explaining the tattoo was a real stretch - why get a tattoo in Chinese when holidaying in Thailand....?

                          Does not compute.
                          Chill out. I'm sure all will be revealed about the tattoo by 2009.


                            She had the gift that allowed her to see you for who you really are (he was there to 'find himself' after all) but once this is revealed to you the deal is you have to have that knowledge marked on you for all too know. His Tattoo said something like 'He walks among us but he is not one of us' and this was then made abundantly clear to Jack as he is beaten and thrown out of their community. Maybe having the words written in Chinese was part of this outsider theme? She tells him he he is a great leader of men, perhaps he will go on to take over from Ben?


                              Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                              Was a good episode I thought, nice change of pace and Im intrigued to see whats gonna happen with both sides of the story now in the next episodes.
                              I thought this also, good viewing, not really one for going into all the in-depth possibilities/meanings myself.


                                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                                She had the gift that allowed her to see you for who you really are (he was there to 'find himself' after all) but once this is revealed to you the deal is you have to have that knowledge marked on you for all too know. His Tattoo said something like 'He walks among us but he is not one of us' and this was then made abundantly clear to Jack as he is beaten and thrown out of their community. Maybe having the words written in Chinese was part of this outsider theme? She tells him he he is a great leader of men, perhaps he will go on to take over from Ben?
                                This is a post from a spoilers type site -

                                So what do jack's tattoos really mean? I'll give you a hint... it isn't "He walks among us, but he is not one of us." In fact this is nowhere near correct. Our friends at settled that a LONG time ago:

                                A word by word explanation of the 4 Chinese characters on the tattoo:
                                The first character(鹰) means eagle.
                                The second character(击) means strike, as a verb.
                                The third one(長) means long.
                                The final one(空) means "sky","space",void,"empty".
                                These characters are pronounced ying ji chang kong (in PinYin)

                                These four characters are taken from a famous poem written by Chairman Mao Tse-tung (MAO Zhedong). It can be roughly translated as "Eagles high, cleaving sky", or more simply, "the Eagles fly up on the sky". But the poem itself has a deeper meaning. In the end of the first stanza, the poet asks, "who masters fate's rise and descent?"

                                So there you have it. When Jack said "that isn't what it means" he wasn't kidding!


                                I see the connection here being Jack is one of the few people who can decide the fate of others. With his medical skill he if faced with the moral duty to save lives, even that of his 'enemy'.

