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    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

    foot was destroyed and looked exactly like it had done earlier in the series when the island still remained afloat. This would indicate that at somepoint a bomb had gone off and destroyed the statue in the original timeline anyway, so perhapse it wasnt the bomb that made the island sink at all but somthing else entierly.

    My point there mate was the Foot being destroyed shows the island sank sometime after the Black Rock had appeared (the only time we've seen it complete I believe?).

    Of course, the nuke could have been responsible for the Foot and we've been in some strange timeline since the start. But I suspect the Foot was destroyed in another way, which we may never find out. Maybe the statue was pulled down by those on the Black Rock after a betrayal, or to get Smokie out, or something like that. Maybe it was just old and fell down.

    But if the nuke had taken out the statue, it would have taken out the Temple and the Barracks as well, which are, by my reckoning, closer to the Hatch / ground zero than the Foot.

    I think the Bomb Not Going Off just doesn't hold up. Juliet says "It worked!" and everyone is back where they belong, but it does seem an ongoing discussion with people I know who watch the show. Most do not believe it based on the fact Jack and everyone didn't die when it exploded

    I'm not so sure why people think the island wouldn't sink if nuked. It moves, which would imply it's not tied to the Earth's surface in an understoon geographical sense. Maybe it is just floating around on the sea

    Having to spoiler everything in this thread is a right pain! We need two seperate threads


      I know, I don't get why people think the bomb didn't go off either. It seems pretty obvious from what they've shown: nuke went off, but because it was combined with the weird energy under the hatch it threw the original survivors forwards in time in the original timeline while also creating a parallel timeline in which the nuke going off has changed things.

      What I find funny is when people say it doesn't make sense and how can there be two timelines. I think "You're watching a show that has an island that moves, a monster made of smoke who can take the form of dead people, a Scotsman whose conciousness can travel through time to different points of his life... and two timelines seems weird???"


        I've even heard, "But we don't definitely know the smoke monster is Locke, he just said Sorry You Had To See Me That Way which could mean anything!". Hey, at least they're watching it and enjoying it


          I reckon that when the series does eventually finish, it will have a number of possible endings which viewers can decide amongst themselves how it should end. Also, after this the producers will air a follow up episode which completley explains it all. I mean there are no doubt hundreds of small details which we all missed or have forgotten about, as a year is a long time when you have to think back 5 series worth of unanswred questions......

          The lats episode (episode 3) was dissapointing indeed....... I can't give a toss about Claire, who must be sick of acting pregnant now....... The cliff hanger this week was going to be obvious and when it eventually came up I wasn't really pining for the next episode to explain it, I a far more interested in Lockes side of the camp......

          A lot of characters from the series are popping up now, and Ive read online from various cast members who have remainined semi-tight lipped about their involvement in the last season - I reckon they will cameo in the latter part of the series with the black smoke dude doning various disguises to trick the island members much like the devil tricks peeps in the Bible.

          All in all i am looking forward to teh return of Mr Eko, Michelle Rodrigez, and DemondO....

          I can't remember what has happend to Alan Dale, did he die or something? Last think i remember about him was that he was in bed unwell when Ben paid him a visit.



            Originally posted by 112 View Post
            I can't remember what has happend to Alan Dale, did he die or something? Last think i remember about him was that he was in bed unwell when Ben paid him a visit.


            He'll be dead in the alt timeline (nuke exploded when he was on the island I believe). In the normal timeline, with everyone on-island except Desmond, we've not returned to The Real World yet.


              Originally posted by Matt View Post

              He'll be dead in the alt timeline (nuke exploded when he was on the island I believe)

              I don't have the smarts for this. If the

              events that lead up to the Nuke being detonated required people to travel back through time who wouldn't have existed/been there due to the nuke being detonated, then WTFBBQ!!!1


                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                I don't have the smarts for this. If the

                events that lead up to the Nuke being detonated required people to travel back through time who wouldn't have existed/been there due to the nuke being detonated, then WTFBBQ!!!1

                We see Charles on the island the same day the nuke goes off (with The Others), and we know he only leaves much later when Ben takes control and kicks him off. So it's safe to say he was there.

                Oh, and in case it comes up (and it kind of is, with people speculating on the end of the series), ALL events that happened up to the nuke going off happened in BOTH timelines. For example, Ben as a kid gets shot, healed by Others, it turns him into the person we know he is. That happened before the nuke went off. We know Sawyer etc were in Dharma in the 1977 timeline going to the original timeline as Ben shows Sun a picture of them. But then Ben should have known about that before. He didn't seem shocked by the photo, but it's unlikely he'd never have seen it.... so I guess he kept quiet about them travelling back in time but Richard had told them they would? Yet he did try and kill them before they'd travelled back in time....

                So it's now a bit more confusing that I thought.... as the nuke must have gone.... sorry thinking out loud....

                It's all about the interaction between the nuke and the magnetic energy over the Hatch.

                How about we still only have 2 timelines, but the nuke going off both sank the island but the island duplicated / moved at the exact time to another area / timeline?

                I'm having trouble reconciling all this. The nuke went off and THAT caused the multiple timelines. That's fine. But why did it only sink the island in one timeline? I can happily see how it can both sink the island and send Jack etc back to their original timeline where the island still exists, but Sawyer and everyone had to be in 1977 for BOTH timelines to exist (ie Island timeline 2007 relies on Ben being shot in 1977, which only happens if everyone went back).

                **** this I need a break


                  I reckon it could be something like... at the point of the explosion, when the two timelines are created, because of the weird mixing of energy all of the destructive energy from the nuke is pushed into one timeline (the new one) and the strange energy under the hatch that causes time travel is pushed into the other timeline (the old one). Or, the energy under the hatch causes weird **** to happen, that's why everything is the way it is, sit back and enjoy the ride

                  Time travel paradoxes are fun

                  The writers actually put one in deliberately just to mess with people; while travelling through time in season 5 Richard gives Locke a watch in 2007, and then Locke travels back in time to 1954. In 1954 Locke gives Richard the watch and says "Remember to give this to me in 2007". So... Richard only has the watch because he got it from Locke... but Locke only has the watch because he got it from Richard... where did the watch come from in the first place?


                    Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                    The writers actually put one in deliberately just to mess with people; while travelling through time in season 5 Richard gives Locke a watch in 2007, and then Locke travels back in time to 1954. In 1954 Locke gives Richard the watch and says "Remember to give this to me in 2007". So... Richard only has the watch because he got it from Locke... but Locke only has the watch because he got it from Richard... where did the watch come from in the first place?
                    He got it from

                    a Polar Bear



                      It's gob smackingly amazing that we can be having these discussions about a TV show that's been going for so long. The fact it hasn't imploded is incredible. It could have crawled up it's own arse long ago, but they've managed to keep it going.

                      Does anything come close to Lost for ambition and complexity? It's unique. Huge Brains are behind it!


                        Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                        The writers actually put one in deliberately just to mess with people; while travelling through time in season 5 Richard gives Locke a watch in 2007, and then Locke travels back in time to 1954. In 1954 Locke gives Richard the watch and says "Remember to give this to me in 2007". So... Richard only has the watch because he got it from Locke... but Locke only has the watch because he got it from Richard... where did the watch come from in the first place?
                        It's some kind of perpetual exchange between the two.

                        Richard gives Locke the watch in 2007 then Locke gives it back to him in 1954 only to get it back in 2007 and pass it on to Richard in 1954. Locke then gets it back in 2007 and then goes back in time to 1954 and gives it to Richard, who in turn gives it back to Locke in 2007...

                        I'm confused....


                          Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post

                          The writers actually put one in deliberately just to mess with people; while travelling through time in season 5 Richard gives Locke a watch in 2007, and then Locke travels back in time to 1954. In 1954 Locke gives Richard the watch and says "Remember to give this to me in 2007". So... Richard only has the watch because he got it from Locke... but Locke only has the watch because he got it from Richard... where did the watch come from in the first place?
                          The watch came from Richard, as it was originally his. If the time line was going normally without peeps jumping back and forth - it would have played out that Richard had the watch and that would be it. Now because Locke had to gallop around through time like a bat out of hell, it got screwed around, but ultimatley its Richard who had the watch as he later gives it to Locke to give to him earlier........ if that makes sense.

                          The events that lead to the watch being handed back and forth in time like a merry go round are still fact and exist in time therefore what happened originally (which is Richard ORIGINALLY having the watch). Capiche?

                          Now the real question IS........ is if I have missed something and the watch was infact someone elses. I don't know the specifics, as Ive completely forgotten a lot of the previous events in lost seeing as its been going on for so long......... I just had to explain your dilema as best as I could and that it was really quite simple......... I hope.



                            Locke will give the watch to Richard on the Black Rock at some point, its Locke's Watch not Richards which is why Richard asks him which belongs to him when he is a child, or was that a compass?




                                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                                ...or was that a compass?
                                Sorry, it was a compass, not a watch

                                But the compass definitely doesn't come from anywhere, I read an interview where the writers said they'd written it that way on purpose to give people a cool thing to ponder. From the Lostpedia:

                                Richard Alpert gave Locke a compass, instructing him to give it back to him the next time Locke saw him. ("Because You Left") When Locke time-shifted to 1954, he gave the compass to Richard in order to prove he was from the future. ("Jughead") In 2007, the individual posing as Locke told Richard to give the compass to Locke, thereby creating a time loop. ("Follow the Leader") It is also something of a self-contained paradox, since the compass was never created.

                                So like I said, the first time Richard ever has the compass is when Locke gives it to him in 1954 (which is how he has it to show child Locke when he's testing him in the 60's) and the first time Locke gets the compass is 2007 when Richard gives back to to him. Like Jebus said, Ouroboros

