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    What i really want to know is why Richard never ages, where did he come from and the symbolism behind the statue and how long its been there. Gah, so long to find out the answers too!


      My bet is that

      Richard arrived on the ship that we saw, which is probably the Black Rock.

      I'm guessing he made a deal with Jacob to act as his protector and that's why he never ages.

      The statue's an odd one because it's could be

      Taweret, the Egyptian godess of Fertility (misspent youth meant I picked that up straight away). The bottom half is all wrong for that one though as she's supposed to have the legs of a lion. In fact the top half was kind of wrong too as it didn't look much like a Hippo.

      It could also Sobek, which is the guardian of the Nile and the king. Then again it could be just some composite thing they've made up for the show.

      The Egyptian theme seems to be quite prominent as it was on Jacob's tapestry.

      Wouldn't surprise me if that's where he's from originally.


        Aaaargh I can't believe it ended like that! At least in the last couple of seasons you kind of had a hint of were it was going next, this time I have absolutely no idea.

        Great stuff though, can't wait for the final season!


          Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
          I'm thinking that

          Locke doubts the existence of Jacob and is taking his people to prove that they have been following a false 'god' and there for effectively killing him (well, the idea of him). Now whether the island has told Locke about Jacob or whether he is basing this on the realisation that Ben had never seen Jacob will determine how it plays out, as I believe Ben has been lying about getting instruction from Jacob to maintain control - but this isn't to say that Jacob doesn't exist which I'm hoping is the case and that it is in fact Locke himself.
          Its funny how you can be sort of on the right track but so completely wrong at the same time >_<

          Are you guys thinking that as well as

          this new bad guy being able to take the appearance of other people (that would make sense of BadLocke not being around when Ben was confronted by his daughter) that he is in fact also the smoke monster? I've heard others saying this and I'm just not buying it.

          I'm thinking that the smoke monster has far more to do with the strange properties found inside the island than this god-like baddie! More so since the Dharma burst through one of these pockets causing metal objects to be pulled into the hole. If the island is riddled with these pockets and holes then maybe once two parts of the island are mixed (Ben 'summoned' the monster by releasing some liquid into a hole) the reaction travels around through the push and pull of the islands inner power. It's presented as being a sentient entity, but that could possibly be just our perception of it?

          What are your thoughts on the 'Loop Hole' that allows Jacob to be killed? Surely if it was just a case of a 'normal' person stabbing him to death then BadLocke wouldn't have needed to go to such lengths to arrange it? Maybe the person had to be not from the island but changed as Ben is when he become an Other? But then surely that could have been done to anybody?

          I think the key to all this is what Jacob says at the start of the episode about bringing people to the island. BadLocke says it ends in war and death (or something like that), but Jacob says with that comes progress. For things to change on the island they need outsiders to come and interact with it? Maybe the island is meant to be a tool that will further the human race (bit like the obelisk in 2001)?

          It seems very obvious that Jacob saying "they're coming" is leading up to the Lost group jumping to that part of the time line, but I'm hoping it means something else.

          Loved it when Ben said "But what about me?" and Jacob was all like 'What about you?" He had it coming tbh!!!


            The loop hole as I saw it was that

            only the leader could go in to see Jacob (we had a lot about protecting leaders and their importance) and, even though no one realised it, as Locke was actually dead, Ben was still officially the leader. So all that remained was for the anti-Locke to convince Ben to do his bidding (hence all the foreplanning and appearing as Alex and demanding he do just that).

            So has everything flipped around now that Jacob has actually been killed. Is this why we got the inversed logo

            Fantastic finale. Can I really wait 8 months for it to start again? Arrrggg!



              the relatively easy task of having Ben kill Jacob was made into a drawn out saga because of the arrival of the passengers of flight 815 and then their departure from the island messing things up?


                Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post

                I don't understand the 2 Locke thing...

                Yeah, for example how did 'fake' Locke know that Ben killed the real Locke?

                EDIT: Not really that much of a logic jump I suppose - we've seen two characters gain knowledge from dead people already..

                Last edited by D J Kix; 18-05-2009, 12:07.


                  Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

                  the relatively easy task of having Ben kill Jacob was made into a drawn out saga because of the arrival of the passengers of flight 815 and then their departure from the island messing things up?
                  I think.......

                  that the loop hole thing between Jacob and 'Locke2' (aka nameless dude in black clothing) is that only one person can be granted a viewing with Jacob, and that has always been with the leader........ therefore only the leader can effectivly speak, touch, harm him. As such Ben being the 'current' leader (as Locke2 is not officially the leader) meant Locke2 got a viewing with Jacob and could kill him through manipulating Ben.

                  Also, i guess it is a given that the hut they burnt down where Jacob was meant to be in has been 'used' by Lock2 dude for some time, scheming and manipulating everyone.

                  I kinda wished Dezmond would have come back to teh show and that the dissapearance of Claire was explained too.........

                  Maybe in the last seaon - all the cast will come back in some way or form in a grand finale - how ace would that be?! Mr Eko and Charlie back to build a church! and beat everyone up with their Jesus stick!



                    Originally posted by Wil View Post
                    The loop hole as I saw it was that

                    only the leader could go in to see Jacob (we had a lot about protecting leaders and their importance) and, even though no one realised it, as Locke was actually dead, Ben was still officially the leader. So all that remained was for the anti-Locke to convince Ben to do his bidding (hence all the foreplanning and appearing as Alex and demanding he do just that).
                    Locke was made the leader before he left the island - wouldn't that mean that with him gone that they were effectively leader less until he returned? I suppose it could default back to Ben.

                    Unless that was part of the loophole -

                    Jacob could only have been killed by one of those leading The Others, one of his own.

                    I don't fully buy that though - I'm pretty certain that the proper loop hole is that fake-Locke could only gain access to Jacob's lair (perhaps the only place he could actually die?) by taking the form of someone chosen by the island who had then gone back to the real world via resetting it's position and died there.

                    Bringing them back as a body allows whoever it is to take their form. That way they'd have been out of time, back in it, and then gone back to being out of sync again.

                    Doesn't explain why he wanted Ben to kill Jacob though as surely he knew it was only a matter of time before the body was found? I understand if fake-Locke couldn't for whatever reason, but why such an elaborate scheme?

                    Surely fake-Locke already knew where Jacob was really hiding so why didn't he just march someone up there and get them to do it?

                    Unless it's more complicated again and that the person who does it must actually want to, not just be told to.

                    Then again perhaps fake-Locke didn't know where he was. The cabin hadn't been used by Jacob for some time and we'd seen Jack's dad there with Claire. It's like he was hanging around there to see if he'd come back.

                    Speaking of Claire, where the hell is she?

                    Not sure any of that reasoning even makes any sense!


                      Originally posted by D J Kix View Post

                      Yeah, for example how did 'fake' Locke know that Ben killed the real Locke?

                      EDIT: Not really that much of a logic jump I suppose - we've seen two characters gain knowledge from dead people already..

                      BadLocke becomes another person I guess its not just their physical appearance but memories too? It was a mind **** that Locke told Richard to go take a bullet out of Time Jumping Locke, but to find out that its was BadLocke that told him to do it is pretty WTF!?


                        Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

                        the relatively easy task of having Ben kill Jacob was made into a drawn out saga because of the arrival of the passengers of flight 815 and then their departure from the island messing things up?

                        Why was it an easy task? Ben's whole journey in the show has been of him beliving himself to be special and doing everything for the island/Jacob. It's only recently that it's all come crashing down around him. In the end, it wasn't even fake Locke ordering him to kill Jacob that made him do it, it was Jacob basically telling him that he didn't matter when he replied to his tirade with a simple "what about you?"

                        But what happens now that anti-Jacob is in power? I'm guessing that setting off the H-bomb doesn't actually kill everyone in 1977 but, combined with the energy pocket, throws the losties back to 2007. The past won't change, Chang loses his arm, The Swan still gets built, Radzinsky gets put down there to push the button to contain/dissapate the energy every 108 minutes and eventually blows his brains out. 815 still crashes. What happened, happened and dead is dead. Bye bye Juilette (I liked you) but I guess Sayid will survive.


                          How about this,

                          the Locke in the metal box is in fact BadLocke's body and BadLocke is actually Locke pretending to be BadLocke!


                            Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                            How about this,

                            the Locke in the metal box is in fact BadLocke's body and BadLocke is actually Locke pretending to be BadLocke!
                            Yeah, that's probably it

                            But where am I going to get my Juilette fix now? Apparently she's in the remake of V and, I guess, there's always that bit in that film where she does the lady dirty with Angelina Jolie.


                              Theorising is pointless at this point - I'm just going to wait.

                              Who says we've seen the last of Juliet? I don't think (I hope) they changed anything personally, so she should be around.


                                Wil, you seem to have given all this some thought so do you think

                                that all the times we have had characters appearing giving advice or just being seen (Jack's dad for example) have been BadLocke? If 'dead is dead' then how is he able to be both Jack's Dad and Jack's Sister at the same time? Or did she not die and maybe she has been fooled by BadLocke? There are a bunch of people (including the Australia air-hostess from Cold Feet) holed up at the Temple, maybe BadLocke has been tricking them all?

                                The scene when the air hostess and a bunch of others walk passed the caged Sawyer and Kate still haunts me - what does it mean??

