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    Originally posted by Wil View Post
    Yeah, that's probably it

    But where am I going to get my Juilette fix now? Apparently she's in the remake of V and, I guess, there's always that bit in that film where she does the lady dirty with Angelina Jolie.
    As Le Fleur said " you ain't goin' nowhere Blondie "......... I reckon she'll be around....

    As long as freckles is unscathed that all good to me........ Juliette might however be a sacrifice the island wanted lol........

    Im suprised Jim Robinson never made an appearance in the last episode......



      Originally posted by 112 View Post

      Im suprised Jim Robinson never made an appearance in the last episode......

      Probably more to do with his Ugly Betty/24/Ragu advert commitments! Although I think his character died in at least one of them...


        Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
        Wil, you seem to have given all this some thought so do you think

        that all the times we have had characters appearing giving advice or just being seen (Jack's dad for example) have been BadLocke? If 'dead is dead' then how is he able to be both Jack's Dad and Jack's Sister at the same time? Or did she not die and maybe she has been fooled by BadLocke? There are a bunch of people (including the Australia air-hostess from Cold Feet) holed up at the Temple, maybe BadLocke has been tricking them all?

        The scene when the air hostess and a bunch of others walk passed the caged Sawyer and Kate still haunts me - what does it mean??
        After the finale I'm going to go with

        anti-Jacob being smokie, and Flocke (fake Locke), Christian Sheppard, Yemi, Dave et al. I'm not sure about Claire, though. That was a weird one - her being taken rather than Aaron. I'd say that it was him who was using the cabin, though. Maybe he was trapped there and only escaped after the ash circle was broken?

        Ah, I'm getting all confused again now.

        I'd like to know actually why the Others are there. What do they actually do? Were they all

        worthy 'candidates' like Frank could be?

        Why did they want Walt and what experiments did they do on him to consider him 'special'. The whole wanting kids thing seems to have been forgotten about for the mo.

        Oh and was that

        fish Jacob was eating at the start a red herring?

        Last edited by Wil; 18-05-2009, 13:31.


          I reckon Evil Locke is actually real Locks dad twice removed. Work that one out!


            Originally posted by Wil View Post
            Oh and was that

            fish Jacob was eating at the start a red herring?


              Originally posted by Wil View Post

              Bye bye Juilette (I liked you) but I guess Sayid will survive.

              Yes indeed, Juliette will be missed, although I have a feeling we may see her again!

              I personally DON'T think Sayid will survive, as he is wearing Horace's overall's when they are trying to escape the village and get to the Swan. He and Jack entered the village from underground where the H-Bomb was and came up in Horace's house. When Hurley finds the VW Camper in the future, or when he did find it in a previous episode, the body in the camper was wearing a Dharma jumpsuit with the name Horace on it!

              I think the white flash at the end of the last episode is supposed to make you think that the bomb went off, but reminds me of the last episode in the first series of Spooks, when Tom's girlfriend and her daughter are trapped in a Spook-specced-secure-house with a C4 bomb that might have gone off at the end of the episode at the end of the countdown except that the screen fades to white. You don't find out what has become of them until the next series.

              And, I also think that Miles was right when he said that what they were doing with the bomb was actually what happens anyway, so them detonating the bomb is perhaps what they need to stop, if you get what I mean?

              I don't think this Locke is a bad or evil Locke or doppelganger, I reckon he is Future Locke - think about that one. This program is ALL to do with time travel and people popping when and where they are not supposed to. Or perhaps with all the time travel that Locke endured, he got split into TWO Locke's? Oh I don't know!

              Man this stuff is complicated, can't wait to see it all tidied up next year. I'll have a kid by then so thank the heavens for torrents and or Sky+!

              Last edited by funkydan; 18-05-2009, 15:04.


                When Hurley finds the VW Camper in the future, or when he did find it in a previous episode, the body in the camper was wearing a Dharma jumpsuit with the name Horace on it!
                I thought it was Roger (Workman) on the overalls Hurley finds. Ben's dad, still in the van after Ben gassed him (which is another odd one as it means that after kid Ben was accepted into the Others, he must have returned to, or infiltrated, Dharma later on in life).


                  Good stuff, enjoyed the final flourish to the show.

                  After thinking some more about this, I am wondering if it is Jacob that is the bad guy, not the other way around - The red herring fish being caught by Jacob might have been too much of a give away though.

                  And what did Jacob mean when he said they're coming - I thought that was very interesting, and the look on Locke's face of surprise and anger was quite telling.

                  And being pushed into the fire, was that a reference towards hell or a reference to rising back again from the ashes! - Possible.

                  Also, we assume that Sayid rigged the bomb to actually detonate, how do we know he didn't actually do the opposite? - I'd also point out that the white flash at the end was more reminiscent of the island flash backs.

                  Where is Claire...

                  Add in what Miles had to say (although the time lines are way off) and I think we could end up with the season 6 starting in the exact same manor as season 1.


                    You guys are all quality, love reading all the theories.

                    All this discussion just shows the beauty of Lost, fantastic


                      Yeah, agreed.

                      I read one person's theories and nod along in agreement thinking it all makes sense, then someone comes along with a different bunch of theories that totally contradict the first set but make just as much sense.


                        Originally posted by Wil View Post
                        I thought it was Roger (Workman) on the overalls Hurley finds. Ben's dad, still in the van after Ben gassed him (which is another odd one as it means that after kid Ben was accepted into the Others, he must have returned to, or infiltrated, Dharma later on in life).
                        Yeah, Horrace was dead on the bench in Dharma town. Ben found him there on returning.

                        Funny how I remember that but it wasn't until someone in this thread mentioned it earlier, that I realised Radzinski

                        was the one who blew his brains out in the Hatch.

                        Doh! There's too much going on in this program to take it all in with one viewing

                        It must mean that at some point Ben goes back - I'm guessing it's relatively soon after he's taken to be saved as they probably wouldn't touch him as an adult after everything else that's happened (the Oceanic lot infiltrating them).


                          Dunno why but this UK promo of Lost (which first grabbed my attention when I saw it and got me watching) just popped in to my head and I had to track it down.


                            Crikey, it's weird watching that knowing how the relationships have developed over the seasons.


                              Originally posted by SS004 View Post

                              Add in what Miles had to say (although the time lines are way off) and I think we could end up with the season 6 starting in the exact same manor as season 1.

                              That would be brilliant. They end up on the plane just before it goes down, with memories of everything. Iif you could do it all again would you change anything?


                                Total mind ****. Some random, unorganised thoughts....

                                The nuke will almost certainly have caused the problem which lead to the hatch - they won't blow up half the island, so I'm going with the nuke's blast being absorbed and adding more power to the island.

                                The blast in turn will send the 77'ers back to join those in 07. Easiest way to get the two groups back together and have a story finally joining all the disparite parts.

                                I think smokie is Flocke (I like that name ). Ben sees a carving in the temple of the stone statue facing off against the smoke monster, so it's easy to draw that conclusion (and possibly wrong as well, this is Lost after all).

                                The loophole is a way for black shirt guy to kill Jacob. That doesn't necessarily mean Jacob isn't the bad guy. Quite possible the reason he can't kill Jacob himself isn't because of any "rules", but because he's not corporeal - he could be the smoke monster taking human form. That's unlikely I guess, but maybe Jacob had already killed him. That doesn't seem to be the main idea of their brief chat though.

                                The new islanders said "They're the good guys" when trying to stop Miles going to the island in the first place. Ben has always said that as well. They'd appear to be on the same side, both with Jacob. If Ben really was a good guy, that would be amusing given all he's done.

                                It all ties in interestingly with one of the original ideas of Lost that smokie is Judgement, and the list Ben worked from to kidnap people (given to him by Jacob) was to save the good, worthy people.

                                Flashbacks of Jacob interacting with characters - any significance in the time eras they happened in? Kate when young, Sawyer when young, Locke at current age just after he is pushed from window so before the flight; Sayid after he has escaped the island. That's the interesting one. Or maybe he was just there for them when they needed him the most?

                                "They're coming" likely means the 77'ers. They are the ones Jacob has interacted with.

                                Richard must be from the boat at the start, which is the Black Rock. Maybe eyeliner is a pirate tattoo

                                So much going on, need to think it through again
                                Last edited by Matt; 18-05-2009, 22:27.

