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    I don't understand the 2 Locke thing... Anyway, yeah great episodes. I kind of think the accident was the bomb now, as Miles suggested. Juliet's death was horrible, if in fact she is dead.

    The casting of Jacob is a little strange, too. I kept thinking, "Dexter killed you"

    I NEEEED to see next series now. Can't wait!


      Yep it cetainly lived up to the hype. Roll on season six.


        Also, I wonder if

        there is some significance to Jacob's touching everyone. Every time he met someone he'd make contact somehow. Even with Hurley, just before Jacob left the taxi he sort of put a few fingers on his shoulder while telling him about the next flight. And I take it that was Charlie's guitar?


          You son of a bitch!

          That ending made my hair stand on end!
          Glad I got back into it this season, really couldnt wait to see the next episode it was like the old days were back and strong
          Roll on the last season indeed!


            That was a bit mad wasn't it. More questions than answers!


              Cracking episode.

              I wonder if this means that Terry O'Quinn is out of the next season as Locke's purpose has been fulfilled. However I'm betting that the effects of the nuke will have something to do with keeping him in the show.

              What interested me the most was the negative Lost title at the end. Maybe we are looking at dimension hopping next season?

              Damn 8 months is a long wait


                I think the the alive Locke is probably the guy we see with Jacob at the beginning of the episode

                Last edited by gware; 15-05-2009, 22:08.


                  My take on the usual

                  black Lost title, turning to white. Is that for the first five seasons, we've had a very long con going on by the man in the dark shirt. "The amount of trouble", he said it has taken him to get to this

                  point. As in the first five season

                  have been dominated by the character's obsession with destiny. The white Lost logo, like Jacob said, at the end to Ben, "you have a choice". Therefore i guess season 6 could be free-will season? Even Mrs Hawking, mentioned to Penny in the hospital, "For the first time, she doesn't know what

                  happens next"...

                  When i watched this, it hit me, when we first see

                  Frank's reaction to what's in the box. I knew Locke was in there. (Got me a bit worried about our chosen one.) They gave enough hints in the episode, Dead is Dead. With the camera hanging on the moment, new Locke put his shoes on. The big smile on imposter Locke, when Ben mentions, he knew Locke was going to be resurrected, yeah right. Stupid Ben, the con-man being out conned


                  What you have to ask yourself

                  for next season. Is, can Jacob be killed, is the real/total sense of the word ? I doubt it. When i first watched Lost (feels like ages now) i always thought if was funny, how Locke describes what we assume was the Smoke monster, back in the fifth episode of the first season. As, "A beautiful white light...". The camera doesn't even show it. Then when we do see the (smoke) monster as the series go on. It's black. What with all the Yin and Yang, black and white. The good vs evil symbolism. I always had that feeling that either Locke did see the, "smoke monster" it looked and thought here's a good chess piece for me to play with



                  which would be great, if Jacob is a "smoke monster" (not a monster though) too ? A white smokie if you will. Being the reason it didn't attack Locke. Which in light of this finale. The way Jacob was very knowing, what was going to happen, very sacrificial. Seems eventhough he was going to be killed, he knew this would lead to a bigger move. His faith in the better side of humanity. As if the imposter Locke (smoke monster/dark shirt guy) had him in check, but Jacob has check-mate coming... (Like Obi-Wan in Star Wars, "You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.."


                  I did really like

                  the way Jacob in the end has a name, but the dark shirted man hasn't. Jacob appeared (in the flashbacks) to people as himself, nothing to hide, spoke honestly to them. Where as we find out dark shirt guy, must have took many forms, tricks and deceives. I really think the Egyptian, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Islam and Taoist imagery, symolism and elements, through out the show. Will in the end, show that in Lost's Mythology, all these, have the same elements and people have brought them to the Island (maybe left with them too). You wonder if Jacob and Dark shirt man, pre-date these. The final question, where did they come from ? Gods, Demi-gods, Aliens ? Universal constants


                  The main theme of the show for me and in the end. Will be,

                  that a person has to find a right selfless path. Otherwise, we are all




                    The Unnamed man who assumes the appearance of Locke, did he also assume the appearance of Jacks Dad? We know now that people are not ressurected on the Island. Taking the image of Christian, who then led Locke down the path to death essentially. Putting the Island in Jeapordy.

                    There's no way Jacob is dead though, surely. After all this time, just to be stabbed and burnt and not seem bothered by it? He's almost Godlike.

                    The negative LOST title at the end just said to me that they're going to be changing time zones again, matching the whiteness of the time skips they experienced at the start of the season.

                    It's pretty mad to think that you learn about new layers of war within the Island.

                    First off it was Flight 815 Versus The Others, which then led us to find out the war between The Others and Widmore and now Jacob Versus Shapeshifter?



                      must avoid this thread until I watch the finale!


                        Jus watched the last episode, and i am SO glad i watched the recap episode shown before it in the states........ helped clear a lot of things up. It would make sense if they show that here in the UK before the finale as im sure some peeps still have questions about possible plot holes.

                        Amazing episodes! Great finale....... dunno how they will top it next season, but they always seem to don't they?



                          I guess it's safe to assume that the 'shapeshifter' guy can only assume the appearance of someone who's died? Looking back it does certainly seem that way to me (Locke, Ben's daughter underneath the temple, Jack's dad, Mr. Eko's brother). Eko's brother from a while back certainly did give something away at the time, think he said 'You really think I'm your brother?' just before the smoke monster killed him (been a while, can't remember exact quote).

                          Last edited by Hohum; 16-05-2009, 18:45.


                            Dezm0nd, yeah, he

                            must have taken each characters' appearance. Like he said to Jacob the, "trouble he went to" and the very Devil like form he's portraying. Hiding his true self. Where as Jacob never hid himself. Now we no why the smoke alarm went of, when Christian visted Jack at the hospital obvious clue, now ! He see no good in humans. The first line, in the episode sums their position


                            Dark-Shirt Man : Morning.
                            Jacob : Morning.
                            Dark-Shirt Man : Mind if i join you ?
                            Jacob : Pleaseee...
                            Dark-Shirt Man : Still trying to prove me wrong arn't you.
                            Jacob : You are wrong.
                            Dark-Shirt Man : Am I ? They come fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same...
                            Jacob : It only ends once, anything that happens before that, just progress.

                            I don't

                            think he's dead either, but you wonder what form he takes from here ? It would be ironic, if he was like Smokie/Dark shirt man. That he took someones form too ? Locke's body is outside ! Not sure, i think he want's to encourage the characters to find themselves.


                            One other

                            interesting thing i just thought earlier. Miles has the ability to read peoples memory up to death. Isn't it a bit like Smokie ? Without the shape-shifting ? Also, notice young Sawyer's pen didn't work, a bit like Claire. When she was going the give up Aaron, for adoption.

                            Looking back.

                            Poor Eko, you turned your life around and meets Smokie, instead of Jacob


                            Totally agree awesome !


                              Mind blowing finale. Amazing to think they've got to resolve this in one more series.

                              My theory is that when

                              Jacob said "They're coming" he was talking about the original Oceanic lot coming back through time.

                              My bet is they don't reboot it to before the crash but it does catapult them forward to present day.

                              Last edited by Spatial; 17-05-2009, 22:19.


                                True Spatial101, i

                                can't see them back at the airport either. They have only 18 hours left to show the rest. Also, "they're coming", not only the O6, but there's plenty outside our favourite foot statue. That are pretty annoyed, not counting Richard


