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    Agreed. Thought it was a ****e episode. Since when would Sayid and Sawyer cry like a couple of 12 year old girls.


      yeh i was pretty disapointed with last nights episode.


        I felt that way too, especially since they have two groups of characters, and they focussed on the ones I was least interested in.

        As per usual, answering one question but providing another twelve.

        Sayid is the hardest mother****er going, yet he sobbed like a baby...don't buy it, sorry. The entire plot with the "others" is just...God, we're still doing this, 6 seasons in and we're still doing this?

        Seriously, it's gone far beyond suspension of disbelief, the amount of **** going on that nobody questions, the stupidity of "the others". Both my wife and I were sat there shouting "Just tell them what's ****ing going on and they may co-operate!!". It's absurd. It's as though the island has gathered together the most stupid people on the planet now!

        I have absolutely no faith whatsoever that "the end" will be the end. There is no way they will let this cash cow end.
        Last edited by Jebus; 13-02-2010, 12:09.


          Sayid was so not Sayid that I was expecting some crazy Lost reveal, him being replaced by the alternate reality Sayid who isn't a torturer but a school teacher or something...and they kept it pretty open for a while until he knew he'd been shot and then I was all WTF thats Sayid crying about being tortured? No Wayz!

          Did like the bit in the hospital tho.


            But that stupid way they keep showing the shots where you are made to think that THEY are thinking "Hmm, I know that guy...why do I know that guy?" (Kate on Jack, airport)...

            It's just irritating, get the **** on with it and stop messing us about.


              I agree with the general consensus that last night's episode was pretty disappointing. Although after the ending I am hopeful that we'll get an episode

              showing what Claire has been up to on the island for the past three years

              which could reveal some interesting stuff.

              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              Seriously, it's gone far beyond suspension of disbelief, the amount of **** going on that nobody questions, the stupidity of "the others". Both my wife and I were sat there shouting "Just tell them what's ****ing going on and they may co-operate!!". It's absurd. It's as though the island has gathered together the most stupid people on the planet now!
              That's started to annoy me as well. The Others are ****ting themselves because of the danger the smoke monster poses to them / the island and have hinted that they know Jack, Kate, Sawyer et al are "important" and possibly key to helping them stop the smoke monster... yet they won't even answer the simplest of questions from them or give them any info without a huge song and dance.


                Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                I agree with the general consensus that last night's episode was pretty disappointing. Although after the ending I am hopeful that we'll get an episode

                showing what Claire has been up to on the island for the past three years

                which could reveal some interesting stuff.
                But it's that very point that pissed me off the most. They spent an entire 40 minute episode leading up to her coming back, which was always going to happen at some point, and now we have to wait (I'd guess, since they seem to do one episode about Group A and the next Group B) another 2 weeks to find out what has been going on there...if they decide to tell us straight away! More likely is that we won't find out her story for weeks on end.

                My patience is wearing thin, but I can't stop watching no matter how stupid all the characters are, no matter how much Kate shows she wants Sawyer to rag her even though he's getting over some serious ****. Seriously Kate, just **** off for once will ya, and stop that horrible miserable smacked arse face for just an episode!!

                Suddenly everyone is so transparent yet rather than go with it, they invent more mysteries.

                I'm wondering, is this season 40 episodes long? There's an awful lot of story needs tying up, I mean...are we at any point going to actually find out the truth about Neighbours Jim? (Can't remember his name). Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? Argh!

                There are so many stories running at once that my wife didn't even get the "your sister" reveal because it hadn't been mentioned for so long she'd forgotten who that was!!


                  I completley agree with the comments for the episode just gone.

                  Next week's trailer although very brief for 'The Substitute' (Locke centric episode) looks like it could be belter.

                  Judging from that trailer

                  and Locke trying to recruit Sawyer - which should be easy as he hates Jack for killing Juliet (in his eyes). Makes me think this will happen at the end:

                  There will be a big battle, one side lead by Locke and the other side lead by Jack but with the god / devil possessing or 'claiming' both Locke & Jack, all the other Losties die in this battle which then it comes down to Locke Vs Jack (they've been fighting with each other since near the beginning) but to which side is good and which side is evil won't be revealed until one dies at the very end, obviously the goody wins and resets everybody to a different timeline (dimension or reality) they wake up forgetting everything that ever happened. The End?

                  & Richard Alpert gets a contract with Oil of Olay

                  Haven't got a clue how it will end but it's fun to speculate.
                  Last edited by Miguel007; 13-02-2010, 19:15.


                    Not been impressed with either of the first two outings yet - I agree with Spatial though, and I think that is the end we are heading for.


                      As posted a few pages back, I completely disagree Spatial

                      Bomb did go off, it's what sunk the island. And we know the Island sank in that timeframe, and not say 500 years sooner, as we see the Dharma village undersea.

                      I can see where people are coming from by saying, "Just TALK and you'll solve all the issues!". But that's been the case since Episode 1. Always frustrated me, I go with it these days. A bit like 24, where a whole series would last 20 minutes if only people listened to Jack


                        It'd be like those Mini Adventure ads!


                          Originally posted by Matt View Post

                          Bomb did go off, it's what sunk the island. And we know the Island sank in that timeframe, and not say 500 years sooner, as we see the Dharma village undersea.

                          I dont see how a

                          bomb going off would sink an island, I know they can move it but never thought of it floating tbh. Also if it was powerful enough to do that then the landmarks would surely be destroyed too.


                            Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                            I dont see how a

                            bomb going off would sink an island, I know they can move it but never thought of it floating tbh. Also if it was powerful enough to do that then the landmarks would surely be destroyed too.
                            This is Lost. Anything goes

                            The nuke went off on an area with, it's safe to say, "strange magnetic properties." Who knows how that might have affected things.

                            The show makers wanted to make it clear the island had sank, but also in a certain time period - hence showing it before undersea but Dharma barracks remaining. It's a nice, eacy visual way to say, "It sank because the nuke went off, to make things clearer we'll show the Dharma stuff so people know it sank recently, not a thousand years ago. And we'll back that up further by showing the Foot destroyed, not the full statue.


                              may be the bomb going off back in the past accelerated global warming, which caused the glaciers to melt more rapidly thus flooding the island? lol

                              On a more serious note, ep 3 was poor. Cant stand

                              Clare and couldn't be bothered whether she returned or not


                              Frustrating episode indeed. Took them 40 mins to say something which could be summed up in a sentance. Arghhh!


                                Originally posted by Matt View Post
                                This is Lost. Anything goes

                                The nuke went off on an area with, it's safe to say, "strange magnetic properties." Who knows how that might have affected things.

                                The show makers wanted to make it clear the island had sank, but also in a certain time period - hence showing it before undersea but Dharma barracks remaining. It's a nice, eacy visual way to say, "It sank because the nuke went off, to make things clearer we'll show the Dharma stuff so people know it sank recently, not a thousand years ago. And we'll back that up further by showing the Foot destroyed, not the full statue.

                                foot was destroyed and looked exactly like it had done earlier in the series when the island still remained afloat. This would indicate that at somepoint a bomb had gone off and destroyed the statue in the original timeline anyway, so perhapse it wasnt the bomb that made the island sink at all but somthing else entierly.

