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    Originally posted by Wil View Post
    You should just stop watching it. Surely that's the best thing if you're not enjoying a TV show.
    I didn't even realise that was an option! OMG MIND BLOWN!!!

    No matter how **** it is, it's only 40 minutes a week out of my life, I've watched it from the beginning, there's no way I'm dropping out for the "final" season.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      I didn't even realise that was an option! OMG MIND BLOWN!!!

      No matter how **** it is, it's only 40 minutes a week out of my life, I've watched it from the beginning, there's no way I'm dropping out for the "final" season.
      Sorry, it probably sounded like I was being sarcastic but I wasn't. I woudn't bother wasting 40 minutes watching stuff I thought was poor.


        I've invested too much time to stop now!


          I'm starting to like the 'alternate reality' or whatever it is, bits more than the island stuff. Its weird showing the plight of a disabled man and then cutting back to some stupid cave with names carved on the walls and scales with coloured rocks on them.


            This weeks episode confused me even more.

            Intially, I thought the scenes where Losties actually landed in LA, shows us what would have happened if the plane didnt crash. That must have been due to a alternative time line caused by the bomb going off and changing the past etc. When we saw the Jack episode, he landed in LA with the intention of attending his dad's funeral (although the coffin went missing) and we also saw Kate episode when she was still on the run. The Clare episode showed she landed in LA to give up the baby. All of these epsisodes are consistent to their flashbacks shown in earler seasons.

            But with Locke's episiode, it wasnt consistent with his past. This episode he was with his Mrs. Correct me if I am wrong, in season 2 or 3, she left him cause he kept helping his dad. And of course, his dad put him in a wheelchair so why would he invite him to the wedding? It doesnt make sense? DId something happen to change his past altogether?

            Also, i still think evil locke is the bad guy and Jacob is the good guy all along. Dont forget smokey killed Mr Eko!


              Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post

              When that Lockalike was talking to the (possibly) Boy Jacob, he came out with something along the lines of "Don't tell me what I can or can't do!", which is what Locke himself used to say quite frequently when he was alive. I wonder if there are still elements of Locke in there even though he's taken his body?

              I thought another element of Locke was the fact that he chased the boy on foot (and ended up tripping over), and not on smoke (well, you know what I mean!) even though he was quite able to do so (and *wouldn't* have tripped over!)


                Originally posted by D J Kix View Post

                I thought another element of Locke was the fact that he chased the boy on foot (and ended up tripping over), and not on smoke (well, you know what I mean!) even though he was quite able to do so (and *wouldn't* have tripped over!)
                Isn't that more down to

                BadLockeMIBSmokeMonsterWTFBBQ not being able to use his powers against Jacob tho?


                  Is it me or does anyone feel

                  a whole matrix balance story

                  coming on?


                    Episode 4 was ok, got a bit more answers to our questions, but not the whole picture...... Gotta luv

                    Sawyer's agressive mannerisms...... Found it hilarious how he looked in his drunken state, which he miraculously sobbered up from as soon as he put his trousers on


                    for some strange reason I have an inkling that perhaps Jacob is not the 'good' one in all this, and perhaps Locke 2 is infact the 'good' one........ I dunno, maybe tehg island is a prison for bad demi Gods and Jacob is like the bad warden.

                    Something interesting that my brother noticed was when Mathew Fox was doing the rounds promoting the last season of Lost last year, he said that he didn't know the ending, but was aware of the last image of the show, which had a very strong meaning. Waht could this image be? Could be anything really......... perhaps a small island floating in a bottle, lost at sea? A marble on Gods table? Or maybe something more closer to home with the viewers, like the Bermuda Triangle effect....... but to another planet even lol........

                    Can't wait for tomorrows episode! Damn, makes it sound so close.......



                      Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                      Isn't that more down to

                      BadLockeMIBSmokeMonsterWTFBBQ not being able to use his powers against Jacob tho?

                      Yeah maybe I thought it might have been the case, but moving from one place to another as smoke surely isn't using any powers against anyone? Unless maybe the transformation (and subsequent recovery?) takes a short period of time, making it quicker to just run after the kid.

                      Whatever, I prefer my theory of a specially abled Locke wanting to do things as if he were a normally Locke, even if it's not really Locke. I thought the "Don't tell me what I can't do" (a line spoken most frequently by Locke, although other characters have been known to say it or variations of it) proved he was in there somewhere.


                        Yeah I think he is in there somewhere for sure. Really looking forward to

                        dead Locke coming back to life and rising from that shallow grave at some point!


                          Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                          Yeah I think he is in there somewhere for sure. Really looking forward to

                          dead Locke coming back to life and rising from that shallow grave at some point!
                          Not likely, did you see how pale he looked?!

                          I loved how ben appologised for murdering him when they buried Locke, and Lawnmower man pulls off a classic one liner (a one liner which I can't remember the words for at the moment)



                            What if..

                            When bad locke got ben to kill jacob, when he stabbed him that wasn't what actually caused his death and bad locke pushing him onto the fire was the cause, meaning he had broken the rules. Thats what i thought of when the kid said "you know the rules, you can't kill him"


                              Originally posted by 112 View Post

                              Lawnmower man pulls off a classic one liner (a one liner which I can't remember the words for at the moment)

                              "Weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to." Thanks for calling him Lawnmower man, I knew I recognised him from somewhere but couldn't think what!

                              As I was searching for the above quote I also came across something that I hadn't thought of when I saw it: if the bomb went off in 1977 and sunk the island, and if the flashes we're seeing are a new timeline created by that event... how is Ben Linus a teacher at Locke's school? He was a child on the island when the bomb went off and thus should be dead in the new timeline! Adds weight to Spatial's theory that it wasn't the bomb going off that sunk the island.


                                Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post

                                "Weirdest damn funeral I've ever been to." Thanks for calling him Lawnmower man, I knew I recognised him from somewhere but couldn't think what!

                                As I was searching for the above quote I also came across something that I hadn't thought of when I saw it: if the bomb went off in 1977 and sunk the island, and if the flashes we're seeing are a new timeline created by that event... how is Ben Linus a teacher at Locke's school? He was a child on the island when the bomb went off and thus should be dead in the new timeline! Adds weight to Spatial's theory that it wasn't the bomb going off that sunk the island.

                                Perhaps it was Hurley sitting down too fast that sunk the island.

