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    One of the theories abound on the net talks about

    a time warp being created back in the 70s that could warp back 108 minutes. The button had to be pressed to keep them at 108 mins since the warp was created. This explains why the tech on the island is so old. Now that the button is no longer being pressed it caused a time ripple and now the two timelines are running simultaneously, seperarted by, let's say 30 years (judging by Ben's age). This might also explain why Jack can't find the island anymore - gloabal warming / flood whatever has just wiped it out in the current timeline.

    Don't know why we should be spoilering any more. Anyone who's anyone will have seen it now


      That would also explain the non aging of some people?


        It's a great theory - I posted a link to it pages ago - But I think events which have transpired since then in the finale etc may have put paid to some of that.

        For example, according to the theory there needs to be 2 doors - If Jack comes to know about this he could easily go find the other door and instantly be back on the island 30 years back.

        Boggy - Doesn't work like that so no it doesn't explain the non-aging !

        Or does it ????? Bloody show I'm confused - I guess the guy who looks young could've gone through the island door and came out in the future where he recruited Juliette then returned back to 30 years before.........

        What I don't get though - The looking glass was blocking comms right ? It wasn't a shield around the island ? So surely once the "time bubble" around the island was broken (when the failsafe key was turned) it should've been visible to all ? Not just for the brief second the 2 guys in the Antarctic noticed it ?


          Ye that was an amazing twist I could never have predicted still so much unanswered tho.


            Can we stop spoilering now? I'm assuming anyone interested will have seen the finale by now?


              Just to remind you how many questions a single episode can raise, here's some that appeared on AICN recently following The Man Behind The Curtain:

              * “You do remember birthdays, don’t you, Richard?” asks Ben. Why does he ask this?

              * Why did The Others go to the trouble of bringing Locke’s dad to the island? What did they get out of Locke killing his own father?

              * Why does Ben keep lying about being born on the island? Why is it important that the other Others believe he was born there?

              * Is it significant that Ben met Dharma mathematician Horace Goodspeed and Dharma teacher Olivia minutes after Ben was born?

              * When Locke begins beating Mikhail into unconsciousness, Ben calls for Tom and Richard to intervene, but neither lifts a finger. Why? And what made Locke think he could beat Mikhail without repercussions?

              * “I hear you’re going to go see Jacob. You’re going to need this,” says Alex as she hands Locke a pistol. Why does she give it to him? And why does Alex give Ben such a mean look when she wishes Ben a happy birthday? Does she know Ben wasn’t born there?

              * Why did the hostiles keep attacking the Dharma camp? Why have the 815ers been spared similar attacks?

              * Do the hostiles let Ben live because he could see his dead mother? What does this mean for Jack, who could see his dead father?

              * Locke and Ben cross a strange line of sand (or something) on their way to see Jacob. What is that about?

              * If Richard Alpert is truly a “native” of the island, why does he speak American English? Where did he get those cool hippie clothes?

              * Why has Richard not aged a day in 30 years?

              * How long has it been since the purge? And why do the Dharma groceries keep parachuting in?

              * Why can Locke hear Jacob asking for help when Ben can’t?

              * Why does Jacob ask for help?

              * Who or what is Jacob?


                Should be no need for spoilers over recently aired episodes at all really. Common sense that if you haven't seen the latest episode yet, then stay out of the thread until you do.

                Only genuine spoilers - stuff that won't happen until the next episode or beyond - should be spoiler tagged.


                  There's no way all the questions will get answered. We just have to accept the Kojima-style of storytelling (after the last episode with the Looking Glass looking exactly like the enterance to the Big Shell, and Desmond hiding in a nearby locker, a la Raiden, I'm beginning to suspect MGS is influencing certain aspects of the episodes). I wish that was a joke.


                    huh? what was that noise?

                    if someone says "whose footprints are these?", i'll break the telly


                      I was going to make a comment about Desmond running around naked and doing flick flacks to scare The Others ala Raiden, but we've already been half the way there at the start of last season when he was running around in the buff

                      I can only assume it's down to the Terminator theory of having to time travel naked.

                      Spent a lot of time looking as Lostpedia yesterday and it's amazing the amount of stuff that's in the show. Having read large chunks of it there a literally loads and loads of loose ends and unanswered questions.

                      If it's going to go on for only two more series of 16 shows each then it needs to be pretty much non-stop answers all the way. So I agree that there'll probably be a lot of stuff left with no explanation and the viewer just has to fill in the gaps with their own ideas.


                        Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                        Spent a lot of time looking as Lostpedia yesterday and it's amazing the amount of stuff that's in the show. Having read large chunks of it there a literally loads and loads of loose ends and unanswered questions.
                        But it is stuff that is intentionally put there, or stuff obsessed viewers have noticed and read too much into?


                          Undoubtedly as some of the stuff is so complex and interwoven the Lost writers would have needed to have been working on it for God knows how long.

                          But if some of it is a coincidence then it's one hell of a coincidence


                            Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                            What I don't get though - The looking glass was blocking comms right ? It wasn't a shield around the island ? So surely once the "time bubble" around the island was broken (when the failsafe key was turned) it should've been visible to all ? Not just for the brief second the 2 guys in the Antarctic noticed it ?
                            the 2 geezers with Penny saw the magnetic discharge thing rather than the island itself. It helps point to a location but the island itself is still invisible as it exists in a different dimension/space-time pocket. One where people have dodgy feet and an endless supply of Oil of Ulay.


                              Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post
                              the 2 geezers with Penny saw the magnetic discharge thing rather than the island itself. It helps point to a location but the island itself is still invisible as it exists in a different dimension/space-time pocket. One where people have dodgy feet and an endless supply of Oil of Ulay.
                              I think you'll find it's called Oil of Olay now!


                                Watched these over the weekend, best finale of all three US shows finishing this week by far, it's taken me ten minutes to read all your theories since it aired

                                Guessing S4 won't be on 'til about February/March time, god that's a long way off
                                Last edited by VR46; 29-05-2007, 12:01. Reason: grammar at it's worst

