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    21 September


      Wow, soon then!
      Really can't wait to see it. I loved Lost, thought it was a superb series..


        I thought it was 24 episodes? There is an Exodus 3.. Hmm. Ah, that could be the last one split into two, so its not 2hrs like on TV.

        List from the R1 DVD:

        1. Pilot (1)
        2. Pilot (2)
        3. Tabula Rasa
        4. Walkabout
        5. White Rabbit
        6. House of the Rising Sun
        7. The Moth
        8. Confidence Man
        9. Solitary
        10. Raised by Another
        11. All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
        12. Whatever the Case May Be
        13. Hearts and Minds
        14. Special
        15. Homecoming
        16. Outlaws
        17. ...In Translation
        18. Numbers
        19. Deus Ex Machina
        20. Do No Harm
        21. Lost: The Journey
        22. The Greater Good (a.k.a. Sides)
        23. Born to Run
        24. Exodus (1)
        25. Exodus (2)
        26. Exodus (3)


          just watchin episode 4 now, where jack (i think its jack) sees the guy in the suit by the tree, that was intruiging.


            dc-arena,is that list definitive ,as according to mine 'The Journey' is the very last 'episode' (its not numbered)?



              Watched the last two episodes of Season 1 at the weekend (Exodus (2) and Exodus (3). Absolutely loved it. Had loads of action on the island with minimal flashbacks, can't wait to get my hands on Season 2 now


                USA Episdoe list here

                but don't lose sleep over it guys, seems some uncertainty over here as to wether the last episode is the characters best bits as I believe it was in the States.


                  I think once you've seen Exodus Part 2 you'll see its the last one Part 3 must be Part 2 split into two, as its 2 hours long.


                    Originally posted by Nick Pavey
                    dc-arena,is that list definitive ,as according to mine 'The Journey' is the very last 'episode' (its not numbered)?

                    The Journey isn't an episode as the rest are. I think it's a making of or best of type affair.

                    I'm up to epsode 16 now and enjoying it. Far too many flashbacks in some episodes but still an entertaining series.


                      the Series 1 boxset has just been shipped from Movietyme, so i should get it hopefully just after the weekend

                      then its gonna be a lost-fest


                        I just finished watching season 1! A very good series I must say, and it got better and better the further it went. The ending sure makes we want season 2 to hurry along...!

                        The only thing I didn't like about the series were the flashbacks. Sometimes interesting but often not, and mostly irrelevant. Back story is fine in moderation, but they did go on and I really wasn't that interested after a while. The island is where the interest is, not someone's arguments with their father/mother/boyfriend/girlfriend.

                        Still, a good series and one I'm sure you guys will enjoy.


                          Actually, I thought it was the other way round - the island is only really interesting because of the monster etc - the flashbacks/backstory are what feed into the characters' actions and what we understood of them in retrospect.

                          They're the meat.
                          Last edited by anephric; 26-08-2005, 13:40.


                            season 1 arrived today and i'm upto epsiode 9, watched 3 of them this afternoon

                            nice dvd set - looks like some work has gone into it

                            in the 3 episodes that havent aired in the uk i loved

                            That the Korean woman actually can speak english, she learned it so she could run away from her husband


                            the torture sequence was quite well done, when Sayid put those bamboo splinters down Sawyers finger nails i proper cringed


                              Please tell me the series gets better I think I?ve watched like 5 or 6 ep's now all the ones that air one week in advance on E4. For me its a little dull, what attracted me was the magic of the isle and so far all I've watched for me personally is irrelevant flashbacks.


                                You're missing the point. If you want to watch Adventure Island go and watch, well...

