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    I don't suppose

    Penny's phone number had/has any relevance to the numbers punched in inside the hatch every 108 minutes did it

    ? That was an amazing episode though - very intense and emotional!!


      have a look here Spags

      Desmond David Hume was a Scotsman who spent years on the Island. He had a number of unusual experiences there with electromagnetism, sending his mind repeatedly through time. Before coming to the Island, Desmond's life seemed to be defined by failure. He was fired as a monk, sadly broke up with his girlfriend Penny Widmore, dishonorably discharged from the Royal Scots Regiment, and regarded with contempt by Penny's father Charles Widmore. In an attempt to regain his honor, Desmond entered Charle


        I really enjoyed the episode, but I think if I try to analyse it too much and work out exactly what was going on, I'll start to enjoy it less and my head will hurt tbh.


          Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post
          Thats saved me some time and money - props to teh peado bear!


            Originally posted by funkydan View Post
            I don't suppose

            Penny's phone number had/has any relevance to the numbers punched in inside the hatch every 108 minutes did it

            ? That was an amazing episode though - very intense and emotional!!

            Not sure about her phone number but they did turn up in her address, the auction number for the Black Rock journal and the number Des had to tell Faraday.

            New official podcast is now up at
            iTunes feed seems to be buggered at the mo but you can listen to it from the site. Has a few interesting tidbits.


              I've now got some theories on the whole Pesmond thing (penny and desmond) after it distracting me way too much from work.

              Two I think could make sense. The other one is kind of out there.

              1. Time is running the same on and off the island .The storm that has to be gone through to leave/enter the island is a time anomaly/warp that takes ages to get through. Juliette said it should take 20 minutes to get back to the freighter, clearly it took longer.

              2. It is still 2004 on the island (the 90 or so days have passed). However, in the real world it's a few years in the future. This could explain why Penny took so long to pick up the phone when Desmond was calling her as she was expecting the call in 2004 Christmas Eve. According to some people I've spoke to state that the calendar on the freighter is actually so they can keep track of what date the islanders think it is.

              3. It seems that contact over phones and radios is immediate. Could this mean that since the islanders are in 2004 when Charlie got ahold of Penny at the station that he was contacting 2004 Penny who was looking for Desmond after the sailing event?

              To expand on that, could that freighter actually have been comissioned by Penny? Charlie could have contacted Penny from the hatch in 2004 and said he's alive and she ramped up her search efforts? Then eventually in 2007 did send a freighter to go find him. (Or was maybe looking for soemthing else on the island?) This was a wild theory though.

              Penny's father seems a bit more involved than we see. Notice when he turns the water on he grabs a towel to turn the faucet off. Could he be clogging the sink for some reason? Maybe he knows about Desmond's flashes and using water helps? Other evidence is he gets given a drink at the professors office before a flash, the storm and the rain, and the rain while training with the military. o.O

              I think I'm inclined by either 1 or 2 though but 3 is a little bit of fun You never know with Lost... Sorry if this all is a bit confusing, I've tried to clear it up a bit.

              Last edited by elaniel; 03-03-2008, 13:07. Reason: tried to make it less confusing.


                elaniel - is it ok if I didn't really understand any of that


                  I'm trying to figure out

                  how they could get in touch with each other at Christmas time if there's a time delay between the island and the outside world.

                  It's confusing enough as is, let alone to explain it.

                  I cleaned up my previous post to try and make it make sense.
                  Last edited by elaniel; 03-03-2008, 13:09.


                    Originally posted by elaniel View Post

                    Penny's father seems a bit more involved than we see. Notice when he turns the water on he grabs a towel to turn the faucet off. Could he be clogging the sink for some reason? Maybe he knows about Desmond's flashes and using water helps? o.O

                    I think I'm inclined by either 1 or 2 though but 3 is a little bit of fun You never know with Lost...
                    I think the towel thing is to show how posh he is and used to show the passage of time with the sink blocking up. But I agree that he is probably much more involved than is suggested so far...

                    was surprised he gave up his daughters address so easily after being such a prick to him on their first meeting (and third meeting)

                    ...maybe the contents of the

                    Black Rock ship Captain Log Book was more important to him at that moment

                    Last edited by spagmasterswift; 03-03-2008, 13:00.


                      I agree that he is probably much more involved than is suggested so far...
                      Didn't I read somewhere that it was his company who were contracted to build the various stations on the Island? Widmore Construction or something?


                        His company also sponsored the boat race!!!


                          Interesting - I wonder if we will have an episode with Sayid sent to kill Widmore, if Desmond also goes with Sayid maybe the 'friends' that Sayid is protecting are Desmond and Penny?

                          LOL, second guessing Lost >_<


                            I read this information somewhere, it could have even been here and my age is getting to me but I thought I would post it in case people don't know. It's to do with the timeline of the final 2 seasons.

                            Apparently Season 4 is dealing with the flash forwards and them being off the island. Season 5 is supposed to deal with why they need to get back to the island. And Season 6 is them going back to the island.


                              Do you think the last 3 seasons follow the Past Present and Future philosophy?

                              To follow on from Elaniels post -

                              Season 4 - They are in the future thinking back (past)
                              Season 5 - they are in the present dealing with the present (present)
                              Season 6 - They are in the past dealing with the future (future)

                              Ok the season 4 one makes sense, but the other 2 needs abit more thinking.



                                Mentioned on another forum, is this right or just idle gossip?

                                Michael & Walt went off on 325 (as per Ben's instruction)
                                The helicopter went off on 305 (as per Faraday's instruction)

