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    Originally posted by 112 View Post
    What i wanna know is

    why the bloody hell jack wont go see the baby as in Aaron, does it bring back haunting memories or something? Also, i reckon the the that Miles (the ghostbuster) is the mole and what he said to Ben was some kinda code in front of Kate

    Aren't Jack & Claire

    Brother & Sister or half brother / sister, if Claire died and Jack couldn't save her, being the way he is maybe's he can't bring himself to see his nephew? - Possible Answer.


      I wonder how old Aaron was supposed to be in the last episode.


        Originally posted by ascender View Post
        I wonder how old Aaron was supposed to be in the last episode.
        2 and a half to 3 perhaps


          That's the age i was thinking. That would though make Jacks bearded, alcoholic, guilty, death seeking decline even more drastic...!

          Hey, ascender, makes you wonder. The writers are suppose to big fans of Dickens (aswell as countless others !). He's well known for publishing his stories weekly and monthly. Which means the writer can have an A to B story in mind, but will alter story when needs be.... read on...

          A great example of that appears in the monthly novel Oliver Twist. At one point in this work, Dickens had Oliver become embroiled in a robbery. That particular monthly installment concludes with young Oliver being shot. Readers expected that they would be forced to wait only a month to find out the outcome of that gunshot. In fact, Dickens did not reveal what became of young Oliver in the succeeding number. Rather, the reading public was forced to wait two months to discover if the boy lived.

          Another important impact of Dickens's episodic writing style was his exposure to the opinions of his readers. Since Dickens did not write the chapters very far ahead of their publication, he was allowed to witness the public reaction and alter the story depending on those public reactions.

          Sound familiar....?


            Looks like there is a plan.

            From the New York Post

            While it's unknown just how much of seasons 5 and 6 is already planned, Damon Lindelof confirms that the general ideas are already set in place. "Season 4 is about who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back," he points out. "Season 5 is about why they need to get back, and season 6 is about what happens when they get back."

            I love it when a plan comes together.


              Gah. Just wrap it all up already. I'm getting pissed off with this. I WANT to know what happens, but it seems such a chore now. Nothing happens in the episodes.


                Originally posted by funkydan View Post

                Not if Miles was trying to tell Ben a code, as three and a quarter million would be 3.25 milllion, not 3.2 million which is what Miles actually said!
                Yeah, I get that ... I was replying to the post above mine at the time.


                  Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                  Yeah, I get that ... I was replying to the post above mine at the time.
                  Sorry, I see what you meant now


                    would It be correct to assume that

                    Arron dosent actualy count as one of the Oceanic 6... seeing as he wasnt born when the plane crashed?


                    how exactly could kate pretend that Arron is her baby?.... she crashes on an island then in 3 or 4 months when shes rescued she has a child come back with her that she says is her own???


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      would It be correct to assume that

                      Arron dosent actualy count as one of the Oceanic 6... seeing as he wasnt born when the plane crashed?


                      how exactly could kate pretend that Arron is her baby?.... she crashes on an island then in 3 or 4 months when shes rescued she has a child come back with her that she says is her own???

                      Due to the time difference between the island and the rest of the world. So its easily presumeable.


                        WOW!! an awesome episode of Lost. Lots of information this episode

                        The islands time is slower than the real world we already new that bit, but it differs because the helicopter had been gone what like a day on the island and the tanker persons were shocked to see them back so soon. But the Rocket had a delay of 31 minutes.

                        The Black Rock journal which was being sold by Hanso, why would he sell it? surely it would tell all secrets of the island. Bought by Pennys Dad.

                        “Faraday can’t even help himself!” .
                        We also found out that Daniel will suffer like Desmond did because like Desmond Danny has come into contact with radiation/electromagnitis and before coming to the island had no constant which now he has as we find out in his journal at the end of the epsiode.

                        What Daniel sed puzzled me about the future not being able to be changed surely this is untrue, what type of law is Lost going by if the future cannot be changed, if this is true why did Ben try to stop the tanker people from getting on the island if it was inevitable he could of just gone to book club or something.

                        Next weeks episode looks good also, with Danny and Charlotte in Hazmat suits

                        Last edited by halfhearts; 29-02-2008, 11:01.


                          Yeah that was a great episode! It's really getting crazy now though!




                              Originally posted by djjimbob View Post
                              Basically, everyone dies!


                                Yeah that was a fantastic episode, really well written.

                                Gah. Just wrap it all up already. I'm getting pissed off with this. I WANT to know what happens, but it seems such a chore now. Nothing happens in the episodes.
                                At this point in season two and three I would have agreed, but they've really reinvented it for the latest season and now it's better than ever. The secrets are actually being revealed very slowly (unlike say, the numbers from season two), and the secrets are also a lot more interesting than they were in season three. It's up there with season one, easily.

