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    You might want to spoiler that...


      Originally posted by jagvirdi View Post

      oh yeah did anyone else notice, in the previous episode the doctor of the boat was washed up shore dead with his throat slit. But he was killed in the latest episode O_o

      That was mentioned on the boat - someone said about it to the doc (that he'd heard it said in the morse code message from the island), and 2 mins later, when the pilot refused to ready the chopper, the 'orrible mercenary dude slit the doctors throat and threw him overboard - it has been said on several occasions on here that the time frame on the island is different to that off the island

      And yeah, jagvirdi - better spoiler your post dude as you mention vital points that some may not want to read yet!


        oops sorry, dumb q, but how do you put in the spoiler thingy?


          [spoiler*]text here[/spoiler*] - but without the asterisks.

          Don't know what to suggest about the USA/UK airiing differences and this thread, USA viewers could spoiler everything for ten days, but then it's the same as the UK viewers just avoiding the thread for ten days as 99% of chat is about the latest episode.


            Apparently ABC have announced season 5 as starting in Jan '09


              Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
              [spoiler*]text here[/spoiler*] - but without the asterisks.

              Don't know what to suggest about the USA/UK airiing differences and this thread, USA viewers could spoiler everything for ten days, but then it's the same as the UK viewers just avoiding the thread for ten days as 99% of chat is about the latest episode.
              Thanks for that David.


                I read somewhere that apparently, when Locke said he has to move the Island that meant he needed to move it through time rather than pysically moving the thing. I still dont see how that will save them though. Also there appears to be a pattern in relation to being the chosen one? I think Widmore was the first person to have been chosen to protect the Island, then Ben was chosen and now Locke.


                  Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                  [spoiler*]text here[/spoiler*] - but without the asterisks.

                  Don't know what to suggest about the USA/UK airiing differences and this thread, USA viewers could spoiler everything for ten days, but then it's the same as the UK viewers just avoiding the thread for ten days as 99% of chat is about the latest episode.
                  How about if everyone who is talking about the US episodes could write US at the top of each message they post, and just spoiler their comment entirely so as not to reveal anything to those watching the Sky episodes, or to those whose download speeds are not as swift?



                    Originally posted by jagvirdi View Post

                    I read somewhere that apparently, when Locke said he has to move the Island that meant he needed to move it through time rather than pysically moving the thing. I still dont see how that will save them though. Also there appears to be a pattern in relation to being the chosen one? I think Widmore was the first person to have been chosen to protect the Island, then Ben was chosen and now Locke.

                    If the island was phsically moved in someway, then Sayid would not be able find the island on the bearing he was given. Also, it may mean that Widmore's mercenarys who are about to fly to the island in the chopper would not be able to attack the island and find Ben. Locke said to Christian (Jacob's right hand man) 'How can we save the island', so they need to move it either in time or space - it doesn't really matter which I don't think, although physical movement of the island would perhaps work better.

                    Maybe, and I'm going back a bit here, when the survivors would punch the numbers into the computer, it would actually move the island a certain amount, making it impossible to find. And when Desmond turned the failsafe key and activated the magnet thing, perhaps that was like slamming on the brakes of the island, which allowed Widmore's ship to finally locate the maybe there is another computer somewhere on the island into which the numbers will need to inputted again, so that the island can move again...maybe...? Just a thought!


                      hmm interesting theory dan! Whatever is going on they need to answer some more questions quick! Whats really annoying me is the whole

                      jacob thing. When are they going to ruddy show who or what is jacob?




                        But becuase the phones (the one that Charolte and Dan have, and the other one that was thrown from the copter) have tracking devices built-in, I don't understand how moving the island would stop the boat people from finding the island


                          Originally posted by KIT786 View Post

                          But becuase the phones (the one that Charolte and Dan have, and the other one that was thrown from the copter) have tracking devices built-in, I don't understand how moving the island would stop the boat people from finding the island

                          And BAMMM!!! There's the hole in my theory...I knew there would be one Although....the island maybe jamming some signals and not others....maybe.....


                            Originally posted by funkydan View Post

                            And BAMMM!!! There's the hole in my theory...I knew there would be one Although....the island maybe jamming some signals and not others....maybe.....

                            Didn't the "Looking Glass" station jam signals? and well Charlie destroyed that. Will be interesting to see how they do it though


                              Originally posted by KIT786 View Post

                              But becuase the phones (the one that Charolte and Dan have, and the other one that was thrown from the copter) have tracking devices built-in, I don't understand how moving the island would stop the boat people from finding the island

                              Ah - but can the tracker phones track through time - if what Dan says is true and the islands gonna track through time rather than position then the phones may not work......


                                oops sorry, read the post wrong.
                                Last edited by rmoxon; 14-05-2008, 17:20.

