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    Ahhh I knew this was due today, I was thinking about it all day when I was out and kept meaning to check the forum to see if anyone was talking about it. It's a double whammy too isn't it! Off to get it now!


      Top draw finalé, it's all taking shape finally!!


        That was brilliant!

        Desmond and Penny was superbly executed. Such a nice moment. Can't wait to see how Locke ended up in that coffin. Also, what exactly happened to Ben when the island moved? Hope they show that

        Loads of things to do next series now - convince everyone to go back. Reckon they will also show what has happened on the island since or will they leave that for the final series?



          Four out of four for excellent finishes, what a great episode


            Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
            That was brilliant!

            Desmond and Penny was superbly executed. Such a nice moment. Can't wait to see how Locke ended up in that coffin. Also, what exactly happened to Ben when the island moved? Hope they show that

            Yep, absolutly brilliant!

            Not just how locke ended up in that coffin but how did he ever get off the island. Especially when it looked like he got what he wanted.

            You see what happened to Ben when Island moved in one of the previous episodes, he teleported to the sahara desert, complete with his dharma jacket.


              COOL WATERRRR!

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              Anyone notice that bit in the episode.


                Awesome finale, when does season 5 start? September 08 or Feb 09


                  Originally posted by KIT786 View Post
                  Awesome finale, when does season 5 start? September 08 or Feb 09
                  Jan 2009 I read somewhere.



                    Just finished watching the finale, awesome stuff. Sets up season 5 perfectly, can't wait to see

                    what happened to John after the island moved and also what happened to Julliet and Sawyer!



                      lol I instantly thought of that davidoff advert when he took the plunge, good to see he's not dead....yet?

                      Such a barmy episode, but it's getting pieced together now so well. Like seeing ben put that dharma jacket on which will then spit him out to the sahara. Gathering all of them to go back? For what? argh! love it


                        LOL was brilliant. What the hell is it about

                        Desmond and Penny that instantly makes my eyes start to water?! As soon as I saw her, I almost starting bawling!

                        Such a fantastic episode, figured the
                        bit out though, kind of an obvious but still a great one.
                        Roll on Season 5 (in about 7 months)


                          Random musings. Spoilers because it deals with season 4, and also has ideas about where it's all going.

                          Very glad Desmond is off the island and with Penny. His journey felt sincere. If we never see him again, I'll be sad, but happy for the character. I'm sure he'll be back though, Penny will have more to do next season.

                          Locke dead - quite a shock, though looking at it afterwards I can't help but feel he was setup. Look up Jeremy Bentham, who was a utilitarian - really tying in to the character of Locke, who after all shares his name with the real John Locke who was an inspiration for the real Bentham. Bentham had the idea of a prison where the prisoners never knew if they were being watched or not. Ergo the island is a prison, and people have to earn their escape. That would make The Others the wardens I guess, and maybe Ben really is "a good guy".

                          Jack will emerge more as a "hero" in the coming seasons. He's never been my favourite character but I think I can see his arc. With his dad in the lodge, I'm thinking Jacob is Jacks grandfather (there have been references to both characters as Great Men). The whole family is tied to the island, which is why it's imperative Aaron go back - though Clair must have been told that only Aaron can leave the island, there's no way she'd have left him otherwise. And a Clair was told by her dad, that's just more confusing! Note Jacks slide in to alcoholism since he left the island, much like his dad and his drinking problem - so his dad would have been and left the island previously as well.

                          Not sure where Sun is going right now. Is she pissed at Jack for Jin? There is likely more going on there.

                          I'm not sure where the story is going to go now, from a narrative point of view. End of S4 and we're really back to where we were the end of S3. I didn't think the whole season would be about the escape and aftermath, and it's credit to the writers it kept my interest telling that part of the story. I'm guessing S5 we'll learn more about Locke once he was in charge, and that will all tie in with why Jack must go back, and we'll have the second strand of Jack and Ben convincing the others (that's going to be easy!).

                          We'll also find out more about the new scientists. The revelation that Charlotte had been to the island before, she'll be Ben's childhood friend we saw in S3.

                          Not a corker of an ending, but how could they ever hope to top S3? Going to be a long wait for the new season (I wait until the season is complete then watch them over a week, a single episode of Lost is never enough!).

                          Last edited by Matt; 31-05-2008, 10:37.


                            What happened to

                            Daniel and the guys on his boat? Did they make it to the tanker?


                              Not sure, thoguh they didn't get back to the boat. They could be screwed - no boat, no island!


                                I dont really get why

                                Jack, kate and Hurley are all calling the dead version of Locke Jeremy, They know him as locke, even if hes changed his name for some obscure reason wouldnt they still call him Locke or John?

