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    That's the link!

    I get the impression the wheel releases some Exotic Matter.

    It's definitely looking like the island is meant to be Lemuria, and The Others may be original descendants.


      Why do we think some people want to leave and some people want to stay (2 of Daniel's friend's wanted to stay behind - had they been there before)? Also, why does the island seem to have design's on Locke? Benjamin wasn't born on the island, yet he's leading the others. Why did he kill all the Dharma people? Why can Locke walk now - was the island trying to endear itself to him so that he'd stay and look after 'The Other's' now that Ben can no longer return to the island after moving it. What does Sun have in mind for Widmore? She's obviously a very powerful woman now but how will she use that power? I have to stop asking questions now or I'll never stop! I realise I'm asking some questions about things that happened a while back but feel free to answer any of them, but don't worry if you can't/don't want to as I don't mind either way


        Didn't the ginger girl say

        that she was born on the island?


          Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
          Didn't the ginger girl say

          that she was born on the island?

          I thought she just said that she had been there before

          Also, just found some interesting info about the Season Four Finale at this site (it's quite spoiler-y [but not about future stuff]):

          Every season, the producers have a special name for a secret scene in that season's finale. This time the special name was to be literal - "Frozen Donkey Wheel" - so a donkey would turn the wheel? Is Ben half-man,half-donkey?!

          Two alternative endings were made for the final scene of Season 4. The original ending shows John Locke to be the man in the coffin, whereas the alternative endings show Sawyer, and the other shows Desmond.

          In the orientation video, there a bunny with a 15 painted in his back. It's just like Ben's bunny, who had an 8. 8 and 15 are two of "The Numbers".

          The strange phone call Kate gets in her dream says "The island needs you. You have to get back before it's too late" backwards. So will Kate have to leave Aaron behind when she (almost certainly) goes back to the island?

          During the airing of this episode (in the U.S.), a commercial for "Octagon Global Recruiting" aired. This organization is looking for applicants for the DHARMA Initiative. Their recruitment drive begins in San Diego on July 24th - 27th, 2008. This is the same date as ComicCon '08.


          I also think Sun will fund the return to the island as I reckon she'll get some indication that Jin may still be alive

          Last edited by funkydan; 03-06-2008, 14:02.


            OK Dan let me have a crack. May we wrong on a lot of counts...

            >Why do we think some people want to leave and some people want to stay (2 of Daniel's friend's wanted to stay behind - had they been there before)?

            The woman had been there before. I think she was the childhood friend of Bens we saw in a flashback to Young Ben last season, the one where he kills Dharma and takes on the role of Leader for The Others.

            >Also, why does the island seem to have design's on Locke?

            I think it's all tied in to the End Of The World as detailed in the Valenzetti equation. How about the Island is there for the end of the world, and then keeps jumping back, putting in place all the elements needed to prevent it? That will explain why these people were on the plane that crashed. The Island natives are putting together the pieces needed to stop the end of the world. They fail, and just before the world ends, the islands jumps back and the keep tinkering until eventually they'll get it right. Maybe the island causes the end of the world and they are trying to undo it.

            This may all be tied to Widmore causing the end of the world by locating the island. But maybe not. Who the **** knows at this point

            >Benjamin wasn't born on the island, yet he's leading the others.

            Maybe The Others, who I think are Lemurians, need an outsider for a prophecy for averting the end of the world. Maybe the island has told them that an outside must lead them. Can only speculate at this time.

            Likely something to do with Jacob. The Others need someone to commune with Jacob.

            >Why did he kill all the Dharma people?

            I think Dharma is Widmore's company and he's an evil bastard. He was protecting the island, as he still is.

            >Why can Locke walk now - was the island trying to endear itself to him so that he'd stay and look after 'The Other's' now that Ben can no longer return to the island after moving it.

            The Island may be the birthplace of life (Adam & Eve in the first series, and Lemurian legends). The Island cures all diseases, it's magical Jack only gets ill when he has the opportunity to leave.

            >What does Sun have in mind for Widmore? She's obviously a very powerful woman now but how will she use that power?

            I don't know. It's likely to be one of these:

            Lock told her Jin is alive and she needs Widmore to help get back.

            She blames Jack for Jins death and wants to use Widmore to get at Jack. Unlikely as she has lots of money and could have Jack killed.

            Lock came back, spoke with her, and she now understands why Lock done what he did and he told her she needs to get Widmore to do something.

            Or totally left of field, the Widmore she spoke to really doesn't know her, and the flashbacks we've been watching the last few years are a cross section of occurences of different versions of each character happening in different space/time dimensions and parallel universes

            I like discussing Lost, as just when you think you have a grip on it, something new is chucked in.

            I don't think it will ultimately be about any one thing, more about EVERYTHING. It will stay a mystery and there will be some easy, obvious answers offered, but there's a lot more hidden below the surface.

            I think the Valenzetti equation is the key and the Island is trying, or causing, the end of the world. The people on the crash are being observed by the Others, the island acting as a Panopticon in which the Others (and Jacob) learn enough to stop the end of the world. Eventually, after repeated attempts.


              Originally posted by funkydan View Post

              Every season, the producers have a special name for a secret scene in that season's finale. This time the special name was to be literal - "Frozen Donkey Wheel" - so a donkey would turn the wheel?
              Oh double snap!!1


                I think Donkey Wheel is a generic term used to describe old wooden wheels used for irrigation, in which a donkey would spend all day walking in circles. Like Arnold in Conan.

                In this case, it's frozen. There is no donkey, it's just a name. Unless they mean Ben is a mule, which would have connotations.

                The wheel would have been turned previously by polar bears, needed for the cold, and hence the one found in the desert.


                  I didn't think they had got a donkey hidden down there, LOL!! You would only need to use Polar Bears to turn the wheel if you were going to be turning it for a while though...and they would need to walk the full 360 of looked purposely blocked off to me not stuck in ice - but that could have just been a cheap set >_<


                    Maybe they needed really strong animals to turn it and went with Polar Bears due to the cold, which would mean that Ben has superhuman strength - he does hold up well to some serious beatings...


                      Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

                      I didn't think they had got a donkey hidden down there, LOL!! You would only need to use Polar Bears to turn the wheel if you were going to be turning it for a while though...and they would need to walk the full 360 of looked purposely blocked off to me not stuck in ice - but that could have just been a cheap set >_<

                      The bears would also have been needed because anyone turning it gets dumped out of the island, never to return. Polar Bears are needed because they don't mind the cold, and are strong. The cages we saw Sawyer and kate held in S3 were used to train the bears.

                      As I've speculated a page or 2 back, you can still return to the island after a time travel incident like Ben had, but you actually die in the same way Desmond almost died, as your mind jumps between past and present - Desmond got whacked out of time, so to speak, after the hatch fail safe incident end of S2. At that point, he could see in to the future indicating that, as he was at ground zero, he'd had some kind of time travel experience. You can time travel once, but not twice. Maybe that's how Lock dies.

                      Note as well, the wheel won't ever turn 360 degs. It's not like Ben turned it a little then hit a button to activate it. I's turned until enough exotic matter is released, then voila, magic moving island.


                        Originally posted by Chain View Post

                        The bears would also have been needed because anyone turning it gets dumped out of the island, never to return.
                        Good point, or

                        the wheel could actually be a turn style through which people had to turn and pass as the island spins through time and space, each one thinking its their chance to attain a higher spiritual existence while the whole time they are simply being used as a fuel source for the island, their bodies being flung into the void...


                          That's a left field thought right there! Possible, absolutely - in Lost anything is possible at this stage. I don't think so though.

                          I'd like to say in 2 years time we'll know, but there's no way they'll wrap all this up in a neat and tidy package.


                            Originally posted by funkydan View Post

                            I thought she just said that she had been there before

                            When she is talking to the science geek she says something like "You know how I've always been looking for the place of my birth" when he questions why she wants to stay on the island. Maybe she only has the Darma logo to go on and wants to discover herself, who her parents were or something?


                              Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

                              When she is talking to the science geek she says something like "You know how I've always been looking for the place of my birth" when he questions why she wants to stay on the island. Maybe she only has the Darma logo to go on and wants to discover herself, who her parents were or something?

                              It's Ben's childhood friend I'm telling you. I'd put money on it!


                                how old was she, I can't remember Ben having a girlfriend when he was a lad, but thats not to say he didn't - I did fall out with the show for a bit. Was it the episode when you see him and his farther coming to the island?

