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    Yeah. They're only young then. She makes him some wooden dolls of them both.

    May not be her, but given how important she was to Ben (still is actually, Ben has the doll to this day, as seen sometime last season), if it is her, it will have resonance across the whole story.

    Doesn't she say she was born on the island, or did I mistake that? If so, that's a big turn up, given why Juliette got bought to the place.


      Just watched it on Youtube,

      IT MUST BE HER!!1 I bet she gets found in the desert with loads of Darma stuff at some point...


        I don't think she escaped via the time portal for two reasons - one it would ruin my theory on why, once you've gone out that way, you can't get back (as you can clearly return to the island if you left via a boat or copter, as we've seen); two, she'd have known about the desert location already, and when we see her looking for the polar bear there, she looks pleased like she's discovered a huge piece of the puzzle, not confirming something she knew already.

        We see her as a kid, but do we see her when Ben is a bit older and kills the Dharma group? I can't recall.

        Actually, this just occured to me - she's Widmores OTHER daughter! Oh yes! You read it hear first She's English, Oxford educated, like Penny. Oh yes, I like that idea a lot. Adds a new dimension to the characters, and Ben saying he's going to kill Widmore's daughter - we assumed he meant Penny, but maybe Charlotte.


          Anyone got any clues as to why Michael was kept alive until that exact point?

          And how did the Not Penny's Boat crew know the island was there before the Looking Glass station went down? EDIT: Never mind about this one, I just remembered that the island gave off a signal when Desmond turned the failsafe key. I'd still like to hear thoughts on Q1 though!


            I really got into Lost with the first & second seasons - but it is very drawn out. I mean... really really milked to the extreme.

            I reached a stage, where the main characters started to irritate me. Jack always has that perfect haircut - and postures like he's in some commercial for jeans. Kate has that goofy smile all the time - which does my head in.

            It is good, though. I'll keep watching, but you can tell the studio behind it have asked the writers to make sure everything is dragged out, so the show lasts longer than it should.

            The variety isn't that good - and things are more predictable now. I was hoping that there would be more to it - bigger and better things.

            I think I enjoyed the first two seasons - more than the third and so far... the fourth. There was more mystique - and a raw edginess, which has faded quite a bit.


              Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post

              I think I enjoyed the first two seasons - more than the third and so far... the fourth. There was more mystique - and a raw edginess, which has faded quite a bit.

              So far? the fourth has ended now!

              Anyway IMo this season has been the best by far, and for me its also been more edgy and dare I say it, even more original. The flash forwards have added alot and the story has been done in such a way that even though you knew they eventualy left off the island, you were never in a hurry to see them leave it becuase there was so much intresting stuff still going on on the island.

              This season has also had more stand out episodes than any other season IMO, Sayids and Bens flash forward eps were in particular brilliant I thought, I love how we can hate ben so much one minute but the cheer for him at other times). And this 3 part Finale, words just fail me for how exciting i thought it was.... its just been stunning TV all season IMO.


                Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                So far? the fourth has ended now!

                Anyway IMo this season has been the best by far, and for me its also been more edgy and dare I say it, even more original. The flash forwards have added alot and the story has been done in such a way that even though you knew they eventualy left off the island, you were never in a hurry to see them leave it becuase there was so much intresting stuff still going on on the island.

                This season has also had more stand out episodes than any other season IMO, Sayids and Bens flash forward eps were in particular brilliant I thought, I love how we can hate ben so much one minute but the cheer for him at other times). And this 3 part Finale, words just fail me for how exciting i thought it was.... its just been stunning TV all season IMO.
                Well.. I agree in some ways. I still feel that the fourth season didn't send any chills down my spine, like the first & second. It doesn't seem so spooky, or sinister anymore.

                I guess it's because so much has been revealed - that the mystery has diminished to a large degree.

                Maybe.. the producers have dragged it out a bit - which has spread things quite thin, and that's why I'm a bit bored with it.

                It's still good, and I like it, but there are irritations that won't make it a classic for me. I wish it had been a bit more raw. Hollywood, American TV etc.... always want a big layer of gloss, which is pointless imo. I like things to have more of an edge.


                  I think it's a monumental series. It will be defining for a generation of TV viewers. Look at American TV right now, the top 20 shows - over half are reality bull****, with the CSI (yawn) knockoffs, and House and 2 1/2 Men. Then right at the end some weeks is Lost.

                  An intelligent, genre bending drama in the top 20! Despite all that reality crap, it's there. I'm stunned. This show could so easily have bombed, but the producers have managed to not only make
                  a thought provoking series (usually a death sentence in it's own right, never mind that fact it's a genre piece!) but actually make it popular.

                  They've played it very smart. They decided on the length, they know it's easy to overstay ones welcome; we have an end date, something a lot of shows in the past could have done with.

                  And the show keeps evolving. S1 was all whimsical mystery. S2 was the low point for me. S3 became something more, the show evolved, the characters changed. Usually a show finds it's feet and stays on them, repeating beats week after week. Not so with Lost. S1 was very different to the show we now have.

                  I can see people saying it's drawn it, you can certainly argue that. But Lost is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, and all these flashbacks do pay off if you pay enough attention. S4 was basically filling in the gaps of the last episode of S3; and you know S5 will be filling in the gaps of the last episode of S4. So while we're not necessarily moving forward in the traditional sense, we are learning more pieces of the puzzle so it makes more sense.


                    Originally posted by Chain View Post
                    we are learning more pieces of the puzzle so it makes more sense.
                    It a huge puzzle, and a clever one. I agree that it's a fresh show - that is well made. It's not perfect, but I do rate is as "Very Good".

                    I might actually appreciate it more in 10years. I'm like that with quite a few shows. The X-Files is a show that I admire even more now, than I did in the 90s.


                      I'm planning re-watching all the series in preparation for the final S6 - best start saving to get them on BluRay

                      The X-Files is a good show to bring up here, because that really dig drag. I stuck with it to the end, but it could have been 4 seasons shorter with a proper, fixed end point. That's another reason I like Galactica - I know it's going to end. Too many shows drag on until they're cancelled. And in these kind of shows, an undelivered ending is torture.

                      It will be interesting to see if Lost does hold up in 10 years time. I'd like to think it will. I'm hoping it will leave a legacy and inspire other genre dramas.


                        I also thought season 2 was a low point with season 3 improving but with quite a few filler epsiodes and season 4 being excellent except for the jack episode with was really slow moving (and felt like a filler episode) compared to the others.


                          okay this is random, but I was thinking about Walt and when the others kidnapped him. Why the hell kidnap him in the first place? I recall them saying he was special? Maybe he could

                          travel through time and space which is why he appeared to Shannon in season 2 before she got shot. Also locke said Walt spoke to him, in s3 or s4 i think? Seems to be a good explanation as Lost appears to be going in the time travel direction


                            I think Walt is special the same way Locke is - Richard visited him as a kid as well. I imagine these "special" people can commune with Jacob. As to people seeing "ghosts", that would tie in with the idea the island judges people, forcing them to face things they would otherwise avoid. Quite a few characters have died in the show, and for most of them, their death has occurred after they've had a moment of clarity and acceptance.


                              Loved the premise of lost, plane crashing on island, with mysterious goings on in the woods, and the first season was impressive, but too much needless back tracking and some quite ridiculous story lines have taken the shine off it in my opinion.

                              Will watch the remaining episodes for sure, but more to see how they tie it all together rather than because it's edge of the seat entertainment.

                              Anyhow, does anyone else think the return of Michael turned into one of the biggest let downs in the entire history of the programme - What a pointless exercise that was.
                              Last edited by Shez; 04-06-2008, 23:13.


                                Originally posted by SS004 View Post
                                Anyhow, does anyone else think the return of Michael turned into one of the biggest let downs of the entire history of the programme - What a pointless exercise that was.

                                Were the fans asking for him to make a return? I'm glad he did, it wrapped up at least one loose end, plus we learned something that is no doubt significant - even when you're off the island, you can't die until the island is done with you.

                                Is that the same on the island? As I've said, certain people who die seem to reach, well not exactly a conclusion, but they've come to see things more clearly.

                                And that would mean the island wanted Locke dead.

