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    Originally posted by Chain View Post

    Were the fans asking for him to make a return? I'm glad he did, it wrapped up at least one loose end, plus we learned something that is no doubt significant - even when you're off the island, you can't die until the island is done with you.

    Is that the same on the island? As I've said, certain people who die seem to reach, well not exactly a conclusion, but they've come to see things more clearly.

    And that would mean the island wanted Locke dead.

    I'm not convinced that Michael is actually dead. Just before the ship blew up, that man appeared and said to Michael that he could now go, as if he had served his purpose. Now, somehow, Walt got home and maybe that was Michael's deal with Ben - if he brought Jack and co to him, he and Walt could leave the island, and Walt would be safe back at home - but only if Michael took a job on Widmore's tanker, to be Ben's mole. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think that it was perhaps Michael who set up all the C4, thinking he'd be blowing up the bad guys. When he realised that Desmond and Jin would also be in danger, he knew exactly how to slow the bomb's mechanism down in order to give them time to escape. But I think Michael managed to leave the time or space where the boat was before it exploded. We don't know who it was that appeared to Michael do we? Jacob perhaps?


      Michael had a part to play in ensuring that the Lost peeps didn't leave the island, until he had blown up the freighter he could not die. He had a case with him that had a bomb in it but also a sign that told him 'not yet', he kept the bomb from going off until it was meant to which is why Jack's dad appeared and told him he had served his purpose and could now die in the explosion. But saying that because Ben made the bomb go off be stabbing up that army n00b and the Lost peeps were still able to escape it could be that the Island isn't yet finished with Michael - maybe he will be instrumental in their return to the island...


        Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

        Michael had a part to play in ensuring that the Lost peeps didn't leave the island, until he had blown up the freighter he could not die. He had a case with him that had a bomb in it but also a sign that told him 'not yet', he kept the bomb from going off until it was meant to which is why Jack's dad appeared and told him he had served his purpose and could now die in the explosion. But saying that because Ben made the bomb go off be stabbing up that army n00b and the Lost peeps were still able to escape it could be that the Island isn't yet finished with Michael - maybe he will be instrumental in their return to the island...

        I don't think so fellas. With Lost you never know, but I think we're all looking a little too hard in to this part of the puzzle. Mike had done his job. He wanted to die, and the line, "Now you can go" would really seem to be saying, "Now you can die".

        I could be totally wrong

        Though if he is still alive, that means Jin and everyone else on the boat are alive - though Jin may be anyway, he was in a good position to jump off. But then if Jin did dive off in time, he'd be in the middle of the ocean, the island's move didn't pull in things from that distance (as seen by the copter, heading back to the island, not getting moved). So Jin would have to either be the worlds fastest swimmer, or he is actually dead.


          Originally posted by Chain View Post

          Though if he is still alive, that means Jin and everyone else on the boat are alive.

          Jack's dad is able to come and go - as are a few other characters - from place to place so maybe 'Now you can go' means now you can go with me to this place that we wont be showing the views until the end the end...I'm still down with the idea that certain characters are sending messages and visiting the events of the show at certain points from the future. Michael could be alive, but now in the future.


            Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

            Jack's dad is able to come and go - as are a few other characters - from place to place so maybe 'Now you can go' means now you can go with me to this place that we wont be showing the views until the end the end...I'm still down with the idea that certain characters are sending messages and visiting the events of the show at certain points from the future. Michael could be alive, but now in the future.
            Maybe. Interesting idea that hadn't occured to me. I don't think that is the case but who knows??

            Life and death are certainly blurred in Lost, but I genuinely think that meant "Mike it's time to die" - Christian didn't say "Die" as death is a transitory state on the island. But remember, Mike wasn't on the island, or even that near. But then Christian managed to get out that far from the island and he's dead. So who the **** knows


              I'm still not sure of anything...


                Originally posted by Chain View Post
                Maybe. Interesting idea that hadn't occured to me. I don't think that is the case but who knows??

                Life and death are certainly blurred in Lost, but I genuinely think that meant "Mike it's time to die" - Christian didn't say "Die" as death is a transitory state on the island. But remember, Mike wasn't on the island, or even that near. But then Christian managed to get out that far from the island and he's dead. So who the **** knows

                once you have been on the island you share a bond with it and it can contact you whever you are. Also I dont actualy belive its jacks dad talking, I think the island takes on the form (and possibley knowledge) of dead people. The island talking through an image of him, if his dead body had never ended up on the island then the island would have taken on someone elses form instead.... well thats what I think anyway.


                  Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

                  once you have been on the island you share a bond with it and it can contact you whever you are. Also I dont actualy belive its jacks dad talking, I think the island takes on the form (and possibley knowledge) of dead people. The island talking through an image of him, if his dead body had never ended up on the island then the island would have taken on someone elses form instead.... well thats what I think anyway.
                  Maybe. It's great we can speculate and still have no real idea

                  When they get Locke back to the island, that will be interesting. Christian arrived in a coffin, and the coffin is found empty. Is it the smoke monster in Christian's form? Unlikely. Clearly Christian convinced Claire to stay and leave Aaron behind, which must have been a pretty convincing argument.

                  Here's another bit to think about. If Christian wanted Aaron off the island, and assuming Christian and Jacob are one with the island (which would seem to make sense), why now would the island want everyone, including Aaron, to return? Did it get the Oceanic 6 off the island as there was danger coming, the island knew it, and wanted them safe - only to get them back at a later date? Because the danger seems to come from Widmore, who shouldn't be able to find the island now it's moved.

                  The answer must be Charlotte, as I say I think she may be a Widmore herself. She causes some trouble? But then she wanted to protect the people on the island by disabling the gas.

                  Locke gets off the island, tells everyone how horrible it's been in in the intervening years....

                  **** knows


                    I'm not sure

                    if the island wants them to return, it wasnt the island, it was Ben that told jack that the only way for them to return was if they all went back together. I think it was Locke that convinced jack to go back in the end.


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      I'm not sure

                      if the island wants them to return, it wasnt the island, it was Ben that told jack that the only way for them to return was if they all went back together. I think it was Locke that convinced jack to go back in the end.

                      Locke, the last time we saw him alive, was still Pro-Island, so if he wanted them back, we should assume it was for the good of the island. He never wanted them to leave in the first place though, and seemingly the island did??

                      I don't think Locke could convince Jack of anything, stubborn **** that he is, but Jack seems empty having left the island. In fact he was "empty" before the island as well. Like his dad. The island is linked to their family, somehow. Jack wants to go back. Locke may be the final push he needed of course. We need to know what happened on the island afterwards!

                      Now saying as I did earlier that Christian managed to appear on the boat that far from the island, Hurley has been seeing Charlie and Ecko in the institute, so there seem to be no boundaries in ghost-projecting distances.



                        I'm sure that in the finale Jack tells kate that he wants to go back to the island becuase locke has told him too. I'm not sure that the island ever wanted anyone to leave, It was Ben that seemed to want jack off the island, he offered jack the sub and then the helicopter instead of letting jack follow him and locke underground. Maybe Ben had yet another hidden agenda, this time concerning jack, that we dont know about.


                          Originally posted by Chain View Post

                          Hurley has been seeing Charlie and Ecko in the institute, so there seem to be no boundaries in ghost-projecting distances.
                          Either that or Hurley is bat**** crazy...


                            Ben is a sneaky git, you never know with him. He shot Locke to try to prevent him becoming leader of The Others. Clearly the island wants Locke as the leader, as Ben said he should known better. And the Others do nothing to prevent Jack leaving, and they are the original inhabitants / Lumerian descendants by my guess.

                            None of it is really clear. I do think the Island want the O6 off for safety, and now needs them back. Could Jack have prevented what happened on the island after he'd left? We don't know what happened, but it must have been bad if Locke left (maybe the island had to be moved again?)

                            So, so many questions. Just when you think you've got a grip on it, you remember another incident that contradicts your theory.


                              Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                              Either that or Hurley is bat**** crazy...
                              He was bat**** crazy before he went

                              I think he's just more sensitive to spirits, like the new island psychic, and the guy who told Claire she must catch that plane (was he psychic or a fraud? I recall he was a fraud but then had a real experience? I can't remember).


                                Ghosts (Jack's dad), people sent from the future (Claire), figments of an insane mind (Charlie), hired hands (that d00d off The Wire), etc - would be fun (and possibly revealing) to try and put all the characters into different groups!

                                Anybody fancy giving it a go?

