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    Season 5 and 6 has 17 episodes each as total episodes is 48


      Sneak-preview 2-mins of new series at this site (scroll down a fair bit to find it).

      Don't worry, doesn't spoil helluva much.


        That picture reminds me of The Sopranos Promo posters.

        It's got a cast of characters with a subtle theme in there too


          Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
          First official Season 5 promo.
          Never did watch this video, and it's now been removed, any ideas if it can still be found anywhere ? thanks.

          Can't wait for the new series to start.


            Given how much Lost has improved of late I'm starting to become anxious with the new series. This one is def gonna be mainly build up to 'things to come' but as it gets bolder I'm beginning to worry that Season 6 won't be able to end the story in a satisfying way...


              I think I can honestly say that Lost has been my favourite TV show of the last 20 or so years and the worst thing I can think of is that they drop the ball from now on and it ends up rubbish with a cop-out ending.


                I hope we get another recap trailer like the one before the last season started.


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  Given how much Lost has improved of late I'm starting to become anxious with the new series. This one is def gonna be mainly build up to 'things to come' but as it gets bolder I'm beginning to worry that Season 6 won't be able to end the story in a satisfying way...
                  Let's be honest though, no matter what they come up with it's never going to be satisfying, there's just too much mystery to round it all up in a plausible way. That said, I don't really care, Lost has been one of my favourite TV shows (tied with Dexter for 1st place) so I forgive them the crappy ending in advance .


                    New LOST preview clip
                    Last edited by funkydan; 19-12-2008, 08:14.


                      cannot wait for this to be back! Personally I dont mind the shorter seasons as long as they actually answer some bloomin questions!


                        Originally posted by Wil View Post
                        I think I can honestly say that Lost has been my favourite TV show of the last 20 or so years and the worst thing I can think of is that they drop the ball from now on and it ends up rubbish with a cop-out ending.
                        It's such a compelling experience, that if the final stretch is weak, and the ultimate conclusion lame, it will be very much the ultimate anticlimax.

                        The thought that the writers are genuinely brilliant is strong, so I have faith that there will be a satisfying conclusion.

                        We can only watch, enjoy, and hope for the best.


                          Back next week! it's come so quickly


                            Yay, finally! Sky One, 9pm, Sunday 25th January, double episode


                              Was on in America last night so beware spoilers if visiting any fan/TV sites.

