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    ...and it was awesome, as usual!!


      Gonna spoiler the whole thing just to be safe :

      Yeah, agreed it was awesome especially the first episode. Really enjoyed how it managed to bring everyone back into it seamlessly. Not sure who the old lady is who told ben he only has 3 days, but i reckon that means that they will get back to the island in a few episodes.


        Isn't she the old lady who spoke with Desmon a while back?


          Originally posted by Jaz View Post

          Isn't she the old lady who spoke with Desmon a while back?

          Ah good spot, forgot about her.


            Enjoyed it, so pleased it's back. But it gave me brain ache ... there was a hell of a lot going on to try and take it all in.


              Not really a spoiler, but still:

              First of all, gimme your shirt!


                In relation to Billy's post

                Yeah he does seem like Mr Angry, and he plays the part so well. Love the way he calls everyone by a nickname - that he created, wether they like it or not.



                  It's a link to a thing about him. Anyone not up to date would be wise to stay away from it


                    As much as I hope we might be back on the island this season, they did state that season 5 deals with how to ge back to the island, and the final season is what happens when they are back.

                    It was a pretty cool start to the season, I enjoyed the first episode over the second one - It was also quite bizzare seeing old cast members back in on the game


                      oh is it back! That was quick! Tonignt's evening is now planned


                        Anyone reckon

                        Michael from Prison Break will make a cameo to get Hurley out?! I reckon that will be a major focal point - getting Hurley.


                          Originally posted by SS004 View Post

                          As much as I hope we might be back on the island this season, they did state that season 5 deals with how to ge back to the island, and the final season is what happens when they are back.

                          It was a pretty cool start to the season, I enjoyed the first episode over the second one - It was also quite bizzare seeing old cast members back in on the game

                          Initially I thought the same (WARNING - FUTURE POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD

                          - but they've been drumming on about how the losties get back far sooner than most people expect. The "why" they had to go back is apparently not going to be explained until the final season. There are various photos etc out there from the mid-point episodes on that confirm the rumours, or they are shooting the longest dream sequence ever haha


                            Two cracking episodes imo.

                            was surprised to see that old lady who was in the desmond episode from season 3 - when he buys that engagement ring. Who is she I wonder? But what is for sure, she knows how to work out where and when the Island will pop up again!



                              I assumed it was faradays mom



                                I'm amazed you remember someone's face from a short clip shown about 18 months back

