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    It's nice to be able to join in on a thread as I'm never up-to-date on any shows!

    I've seen all of Lost so far though, but really appreciate the fact you all make the effort to spoiler your comments, big or small. Thanks!

    Anyway, I recently heard a rumour that

    Jacob is Jack




      Well I wouldnt put it past them now with the

      time shifting

      Also Jacob

      in hebrew is apparently Jack

      which is kinda cool writing if its meant that way of course, too much of a coincidence.
      I'm starting to enjoy watching this again after taking season 3 off.


        I thought last season we found out Jacob was

        Jack's dad


          Originally posted by jagvirdi View Post
          episode 4

          Pretty lame episode I though. Thought it was obvious that

          Jin would make an appearance sooner or later.

          Have to say Ben is a devious so and so. Seems like that Sun is ready to pop a cap in his ass which would mess up the plan to get back!
          I imagine that Ben knows that

          Jin is alive and will tell Sun that they need him (Ben) to get back to the island to find him (Jin) and that she (Sun) needs to come too.

          How are they gonna get Hurley out of county jail though? Is that what Ben was talking to Lawyer about in the car park? I'm certain the lawyer guy said something to Ben about the fact that Mr someone-or-other would be released the next morning - am I right? Were they talking about Hurley? And will Jack be able to persuade Hurley that is ok to go with Ben, back to the island?


            I expect

            Charlie will help him escape



              Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
              When we caught a glimpse of Jacob in the cabin chair at the end of last season (I think it was last season at least) there were screen caps which people took that looked like

              it was Locke with his old hairstyle.


              With the time traveling it wouldn't surprise me if it was.


                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                I expect

                Charlie will help him escape

                Possibly, but you have to remember that

                Hurley thinks he is safer in prison as Ben can't get to him there - Sayid told Hurley to do the opposite of anything Ben asked him to do, so it's gonna be tough to make him come to the island with Ben even if they do get him out somehow as he hates Ben


                  Originally posted by funkydan View Post
                  I imagine that Ben knows that

                  Jin is alive and will tell Sun that they need him (Ben) to get back to the island to find him (Jin) and that she (Sun) needs to come too.

                  How are they gonna get Hurley out of county jail though? Is that what Ben was talking to Lawyer about in the car park? I'm certain the lawyer guy said something to Ben about the fact that Mr someone-or-other would be released the next morning - am I right? Were they talking about Hurley? And will Jack be able to persuade Hurley that is ok to go with Ben, back to the island?
                  Yeah my understanding is that

                  he was taking about Hurley. So no reason for them to try and get Hurley out as he will be released in the morning

                  On another note do they

                  need Desmond to come with them also?


                    Originally posted by KIT786 View Post
                    Yeah my understanding is that

                    he was taking about Hurley. So no reason for them to try and get Hurley out as he will be released in the morning

                    Right, but they've still got to somehow persuade Hurley to return with them

                    On another note do they

                    need Desmond to come with them also?

                    No I don't think so, just the Oceanic Six that left the island:


                    They are the key people

                    I just looked that up (on to check that
                    was one of the Oceanic Six (he is) and discovered that they all left after being on the island for 108 days! Hadn't noticed that before - clever!!

                    The piece also states:

                    According to Ben, however, the Island would not permit just one of the Oceanic Six to return; all of them must return together, along with Locke's body (and possibly Frank, Walt, Ben, and/ or Desmond).

                    So you could be right...
                    Last edited by funkydan; 11-02-2009, 15:22.


                      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                      It's nice to be able to join in on a thread as I'm never up-to-date on any shows!

                      I've seen all of Lost so far though, but really appreciate the fact you all make the effort to spoiler your comments, big or small. Thanks!

                      Anyway, I recently heard a rumour that

                      Jacob is Jack


                      I think your spoiler could be right, I seen the Lost Mobisodes recently on the extras of Season 4 DVD, filling in gaps of the story from Season 1 etc and this one is intruiging:

                      Go wake my son up, he has work to do! - WTF! what work?, then Jack wakes up and Season 1 begins.


                        Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                        When we caught a glimpse of Jacob in the cabin chair at the end of last season (I think it was last season at least) there were screen caps which people took that looked like

                        it was Locke with his old hairstyle.

                        I'm still down for

                        Locke being Jacob, his back story demands it - if he ends up always being the tragic figure I will be

                        sad panda. The theory that he was

                        sending messages through time to himself in the cabin

                        still holds up imo.


                          Do you think it's possible that

                          Daniel, Charlotte, Juliet, Miles and Sawyer will never be free of the time flashes - maybe, maybe not?

                          But I've just realised something else, anyone caught in those time flashes must surely be the whispering voices that people heard in previous episodes - would anyone agree with that? Seems about right considering the islands penchant for weirdness! And also, when someone appears as a ghostly figure to someone else on the island, I think they have just come through a rift in time as opposed to a ghost - it seemed to happen to Walt and Jack's dad with them popping up all over the place - weirdness!

                          Last edited by funkydan; 12-02-2009, 07:50.



                            Also I'm expecting the bit when Hurly heard his name and said "dude, did that bird just say my name" to be explained too....


                              That was just a bit of an in-joke.

                              During the first season fans were convinced that one of the birds in a scene were calling Hurley's name. They decided to throw it in the next series as a bit of a knowing wink to the fan base.

                              Lost geeks everywhere probably exploded in unison that day.


                                what ever happened the
                                storyline when he was considered as

