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    Yeah, I am surprised so many of you know

    who that old woman was

    . I had no idea.


      Welcome to the old gits club ezee. Thanks for making me feel a little better.


        I just though it would be revealed in time

        who she was (which will probably be done anyway)

        but at that precise moment I had no idea.

        As for the 2 episodes, thought they were great. The season is set-up really well now, hope it turns out to be a cracker.


          I didn't know either, if that helps!


            A stonking start to the series!

            I reckon they do get back sooner, rather than later. The Sky specials topping and tailing last night's eps were filmed, supposedly, around eps 8-9 and had all the characters at the Others/Dharma village.

            And, sadly, I spotted Ms.Hawkins straight away. I just hope they get back in a slightly more imaginative way than her just flicking a switch on her big time pendulum swingy-thingy.

            Oh, and one more thing. Was one of the two 'agents' who came looking for Hurley at his home scary-looking Abaddon?

            Last edited by Wil; 26-01-2009, 08:25.


              At some point in a crazy timeline, a group of strangers were sent to a mystery island via Oceanic Flight 815 possibly because of a "system Failure". These men promptly escaped from a maximum security invasion to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The Lost-Team.

              Seriously though, did anybody else draw some comparisons in the start of the new season to The A-Team? You got Ben (he always loves it when a plan comes together) as Hannibal the leader of the team. Jack back to his handsome self now shaved and off the drugs makes Faceman. Sayid is the muscle and even gets knocked out BA style and they have to keep breaking Howling Mad Hurley out of the mental hospital. The whole time rolling around in a van and being hunted by Widmore AKA Colonel Decker!

              Great to have it back.

              Did a google search to see if it really is just me that thinks that and found this -

              Independent, ad-free, uncensored comedy. Watch new episodes of Dimension 20, Um, Actually, Game Changer every week.

              I LOL'ed!1
              Last edited by spagmasterswift; 26-01-2009, 12:41.


                Lost Initiative is back this season with a video podcast this time.


                  Originally posted by SS004 View Post

                  I assumed it was faradays mom
                  I also thought it may be

                  faraday's mom, but he said to desmond to find her in Oxford, given Ben is in the USA trying to get everyone back, I assume that lady was also in the states, so can't be faraday's

                  mom. I think...


                    Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post

                    I'm amazed you remember someone's face from a short clip shown about 18 months back
                    lol I know, this head full of useless pieces of info! I find that when I'm watching Lost I am constantly concentrating looking out for little clues and links etc!

                    Btw the opening scene in first episode was brill. Had no idea it was

                    Dr Marvin Candle! Also anyone else notice the clock was 8:15! Another reference to the



                      Originally posted by jagvirdi View Post
                      I also thought it may be

                      faraday's mom, but he said to desmond to find her in Oxford, given Ben is in the USA trying to get everyone back, I assume that lady was also in the states, so can't be faraday's

                      mom. I think...
                      Well after watching the latest episode, my oh my, it certainly could be.....well probably is

                      Faraday's Mother


                      Another cracking episode, alot to get your head around but superb nonetheless.

                      Charles Widmore was on the Island 50 years ago

                      , man I didn't expect that!


                        Episode 3 related:

                        Nothing explained, more questions lol. And a whole episode without Jack/Kate/Hurley, Sayid etc


                          Not quite true

                          We know:

                          How Charles is related to the island and not part of the Darma, like most (well me at least) thought

                          Why Richard visted John when he was a little kid

                          The Others speak Latin

                          but nothing much other than that. Still a good episode though


                            Pretty dull episode I thought, apart from the things mentioned by KIT786 above.


                              episode 3

                              well looks like that

                              old lady is faraday's mom after all as she is in LA. I knew ages ago that Widmore was on that Island at some point, which is why he so desperately wants to get back or get control of the island. Anyone notice the picture in his office of the polar bear and the words "namaste" referring to


                              Overall good episode. Seems like Richard

                              must be immortal or something as through time he remains the same. He must be an original inhabitant of the island who looks after the island and anoints a new leader on behalf of jacob, first ben then locke.

                              I reckon the beef between ben and widmore began after the purge when ben and the others killed the dharma lot. Then must have hid the island hence why widmore has been in search of it.

                              all these theories. think my head will explode.


                                I wont spoiler it since it already has it explained why the island disappeared?

                                might have missed it

                                since everything is time shifted, why would the island move, unless the Island is out of sync and appears to be missing but is still there

                                also they stated that

                                everything they had will time shift with them (shirt etc) so why did the ropes that binded 2 of their hands time travel with them just before the girl fell over

                                good to see there is more momentum

