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    Anybody tell me why
    with the other


    Last edited by spagmasterswift; 30-03-2009, 16:23. Reason: Soz Dan


      Good episode I thought.

      As far as
      goes, surely either

      a) he won't die and will recover. Then when Sayid sees future Ben and asks him what's going on he'll show him a scar where the bullet hit or b) the Ben killed isn't the future Ben we know - Sayid really did kill the poor little guy and our Ben took his name thus the natural order of things remains.

      On a side note, how much does

      little Ben

      look like a Harry Potter wannabe?!


        Was good not even gonna try and guess what the Ben shootin means in the story arc. Always enjoy lost even when it confuses me.

        Last edited by JU!; 02-04-2009, 23:58.


          Aw c'mon people, use the spoiler tags!


            Bit of a dull episode this week, though it does explain why kate is went back pretty satisfactory. Feels like this was just filler & nexts weeks will be a big 'un.


              I hate the term 'filler' thats banded about. There was no filler in this episode at all, and it was good as usual. I really love how they use Hurley as a confused viewer. It's a neat way of telling the audience not to worry if its not making much sense - it will eventually!!

              The end was strange - look forward to seeing the explanation next week.


                Agreed, another awesome episode.


                  Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                  Anybody tell me why
                  with the other


                  The same reason that

                  Yeah I know it's not much help!!!


                    Originally posted by funkydan View Post
                    Aw c'mon people, use the spoiler tags!


                      The reason

                      Sun and Ben didnt go back in time is because there can't be two versions of you existing on the island at the same time. Ben was there as a youngster and Sun was actually born on the island in the Dharma camp. Remember back to the first scene of this series - The korean guy (Marvin Candle?) was actually Sun's biological father and you see Sun as a toddler in the cot when he wakes up. This also explains why the redheaded girl died, because when they all zapped to a point in time when they were already there, they got nosebleeds and started to feel really ill...


                        that cant be right.
                        we saw sawyer go back and see claire give birth. and he and some of the other people he was with were on the island back then.
                        i'm not convinced thats sun either.


                          The Kate story line is boring as hell, so this wasn't a great epsiode for me

                          How all of a sudden was Juliette able to steam in and start working on young Ben without even a word of wtf from anyone?

                          She's supposed to be a mechanic lol

                          I think next week is going to be a little more interesting, and that's a good shout from space terrapin about the nosebleeds and two people in one location thing. If you rememebr Sawyer did start to get nosebleeds too


                            Did MrEyeliner say that Ben wouldn't remember anything before the treatment? If so is that what happens when you are 'reborn' on the island? Would make the power play at the end of last nights episode more interesting...


                              Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

                              Did MrEyeliner say that Ben wouldn't remember anything before the treatment? If so is that what happens when you are 'reborn' on the island? Would make the power play at the end of last nights episode more interesting...
                              I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it has been stated that

                              Locke remembers that it was ben that killed him. The ending of this weeks episode was actualy the best bit, Ben actualy being suprised about somthing was extreamly amusing.

                              Another fun part this week was Hurley trying to wrap his head around time travel, seemed like it was a coversation taken directly off an internet forum lol.

                              Besides those things though this episode wasnt that exciting, Kate has always been a dull characther, though I like what they are doing with Jack, the progression his characther has made into seemingly not caring about anything or anyone but himself is intresting.


                                The conversation between Hurley and Miles was brilliant - if for no other reason because they recognised the viewer's are probably sitting down each week with "WTF?!" going through their heads.

