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    Bit disappointed with the

    "Oh okay we'll take him and fix him up. But he won't remember anything".

    How convenient.

    I think they're building up to a big finale though.


      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
      I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it has been stated that

      Locke remembers that it was ben that killed him. The ending of this weeks episode was actualy the best bit, Ben actualy being suprised about somthing was extreamly amusing.

      I like what they are doing with Jack, the progression his characther has made into seemingly not caring about anything or anyone but himself is intresting.
      Oh, must have missed that bit...

      I like the new Jack, in fact I said it to my girlfriend just as Kate said "I liked the old Jack" - which was weird. All he needs to do is start mixing booze and pills and listening to Nirvana again >_<

      Why have none of them made a surfboard yet? Whats wrong with these people! I demand Hurley on a surfboard!


        I felt a bit let down about what happened with Aaron. When she told Jack never to mention what happened to Aaron again (or something to that effect) I was expecting something a bit more interesting than simply leaving him with his grandmother!


          I thought that scene was heartwrenching. Brilliantly done to show Kate's struggle to give him up. I love the Lost 'emotional' music.


            I cried.


              Oh don't get me wrong, it was really good, but the way she said it I thought

              maybe he'd been snatched by those scary-looking types or something like that


                Managed to stay up and watch the new episode. My god, its a fantastic episode. I'm gonna spoiler the rest just in case:

                Amazing to see how much charles widmore is involved. I presume that we have not heard the last of the pilot (lavidas is it?) And ben all of a sudden becomes one of the greatest villains in tv history. Assuming he is a villain!


                  Yup, another fantastic episode.

                  I love the way Ben was really uncomfortable having to follow Locke and not knowing certain things, great role reversal.


                    4 More episodes to go, this season has been non-stop fun for me and it's great we're starting to see the answers which we've wanted since Season 1.

                    even though we don't know what the monster is, at least we know what it's purpose is. In previous seasons does the monster come out after someone has died, to judge them? I remember Eckos brother getting the flashy imagery a few seasons back

                    Airing dates (US) are :

                    #99 - April 15th
                    #100 - April 29th
                    #101 - May 6th
                    #102 - May 13th (2 hour special)
                    Last edited by Dezm0nd; 13-04-2009, 09:46.


                      great episode, though wasnt too convinced about the

                      flashbacks of ben and alex in the whirly black smoke...


                        Originally posted by mr_rich View Post
                        great episode, though wasnt too convinced about the

                        flashbacks of ben and alex in the whirly black smoke...
                        I concur. For me it ruined the episode.


                          Lost keeps it current form with another episode though I have a few questions that you guys might be able to answer.

                          Really glad Faraday is back, he's one of my favourite characters but what happened to him in the first place? Last I remember he went a bit crazy when that red headed woman died and than little mention of him after that so do we actually know yet, or is this something I'm jumping the gun on?


                            I thought it was another good episode, not been a truly bad one this series.

                            Jezzace, as for the question you asked well I don't think we really know what happened but I'm sure in the next couple of episodes we will find out.


                              Yeah i think you're right. I'm guessing that he was a bit messed up after the red-headed woman died (can't remember her name) and decided to leave whilst the others stayed. I reckon he's back now because he's worked out how to get them back to the original time. Maybe...


                                Well the theroy that

                                two versions of you can't be on the island is blown out of the water. Will also be interesting to see what been going on with Faraday

