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    What's the deal with Farradays ex-girlfriend - I'm guessing he tried some time travel exercise on her, and it went tits up.

    And with Charlotte, is she dead now? - Was she born on the island, and the time traveling is killing/killed her?

    Is ellie, the little feisty piece actually faradays mom?

    Also the producers are going to tie up all the loose ends a lot easier with the time travelling - Not sure I'm too keen on that, it's a bit of a cop out.


      Originally posted by SS004 View Post

      What's the deal with Farradays ex-girlfriend - I'm guessing he tried some time travel exercise on her, and it went tits up.

      And with Charlotte, is she dead now? - Was she born on the island, and the time traveling is killing/killed her?

      Is ellie, the little feisty piece actually faradays mom?

      Also the producers are going to tie up all the loose ends a lot easier with the time travelling - Not sure I'm too keen on that, it's a bit of a cop out.
      I think that

      Charollete has the crazy time displacement disease that effected the people on the boat

      Faraday apparently left his Ex girlfriend and disapeared to the US,that can only be becuase of his trip to the island, so maybe he has more personal reasons for going than we first thought, I dont think Ellie is faradays mom, I think he meant she looked like his Ex, not his mom.


        Spoiler for episode 4

        Jin's ALIVE


          Again Ep 4

          but what time are he and the French people supposed to be at? I'm well confused, if you couldn't tell that already


            I'd guess about 30 years before the events on the island - so the 70's

            judging by the French woman's age


            According to the above it's 1988 - that is when Danielle arrived. Can't remember where that tidbit was revealed, though. I must say that she looked more than 16 years older than the young version of herself when she died!!

            Last edited by cutmymilk; 06-02-2009, 13:32.


              You might want to spoiler that cutmymilk.


                Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                Can't remember where that tidbit was revealed, though.
                well shes pregnant when she arrives at the island, and we know how old her daughter is/was.
                i guess she just aged horribly with the island lifestyle.


                  Good point. I'm a dumbass today!


                    The people bleeding is significant in my opinion, and only seems to be happening to people that (if I was to guess) have a history on the island - I think that Miles is the baby we say from the first episode being lifted from the cot: The Dr from the the orientation vidoes

                    Good to see Jin back, but why in the future wasn't Russeau able to remember him? - We'll have to see how that one pans out.

                    Also near the end when they had the shooting match in the canoes, we saw Juliette hit someone with a shot - That could be very interesting


                      Good to see Jin back, but why in the future wasn't Russeau able to remember him? - We'll have to see how that one pans out.

                      because it hadnt happened in the past yet. if russeau was still alive, she wouldve remebered it in he present day like how desmond did when he dreamt about daniel visiting him in the hatch back when he was on his own.

                      so when locke and co find the french debris on the beach, they are at the same 'time' as jin and russeau then?

                      ugh, trying to describe time travel events is tough eh?!


                        oops, didnt quote you there SS004 - but it relates to your post


                          Originally posted by SS004 View Post

                          The people bleeding is significant in my opinion, and only seems to be happening to people that (if I was to guess) have a history on the island - I think that Miles is the baby we say from the first episode being lifted from the cot: The Dr from the the orientation vidoes

                          Thought it was a pretty lame episode tbh, with the

                          nose bleeding

                          being the most interesting part...the end was meant to be OMGWTFBBQ but very poorly executed, was anybody really going OMGWTFBBQ I wonder..?

                          Did buss out the A-Team theme tune in the middle when they were rolling around in the van

                          Also, I really hope that the people

                          shooting at them in the cannon aren't them from another time - so they are shooting at themselves - that would be pretty poor.

                          Last edited by spagmasterswift; 09-02-2009, 11:41.


                            Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                            Also, I really hope that the people

                            shooting at them in the cannon aren't them from another time - so they are shooting at themselves - that would be pretty poor.

                            Of course it will be them! They'll be trying to stop themselves from going to the Orchid I imagine


                              That was my guess with it.

                              Re: the bleeding thing, isn't it the same thing that happened to Desmond when he had his little episode last season - the one he had to stop it by finding Faraday? I've assumed so far it's the same thing happening to everyone else.


                                episode 4

                                Pretty lame episode I though. Thought it was obvious that

                                Jin would make an appearance sooner or later.

                                Have to say Ben is a devious so and so. Got the lawyers to **** up Kate by thinking Aaron would be taken away hence giving her a reason to run back to the Island. Seems like that Sun is ready to pop a cap in his ass which would mess up the plan to get back!

                                It would be awesome to see if they explain how the black rock ended up in the middle of the island, oo and the broken statue foot with 4 toes! Surprised they havent bumped into good ol smokey in the

                                jungle :P

