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    So Charlotte eventually kicked the bucket, and left us with some info that she was once on the island when she was a young girl, and Farraday had told her she must leave and not to come back - Hmmmm, a total punt but I wonder if she was the young girl that was friends with Ben.

    As for Farraday, he is becoming a pivotal player this season, and is starting to appear more suspicious than Juliette ever was.

    Are we to assume that Locke has stopped the time hops now? - If so at what year is the island stopped at? - It could be very interesting for when the oceanic 6 get back there.

    Factor in Desmond too, he's got a part to play - Lookiing forward to seeing how that one turns out

    Oh and this whole turning the wheel business is soooo lame

    Last edited by Shez; 14-02-2009, 02:14.


      episode 5

      great episode in my opnion, its really getting good now.

      I assume Charlotte was Bens mate when they were kids.

      I loved the smoke monster bit, seems that he is a protector of that temple or whatever it was. Hope they clear that up.

      I think that Jacob is the Island's spirit in a human form which gives its chosen physcial
      leader guidance/order so that the Island remains protected. It wouldnt make sense if it was Locke, cause then Locke is giving himself guidance.

      I just remembered that end of season 2 when the hatch exploded, the sky lit up the same way it is lighting up now everytime the Island moves through time. I think the Island may have moved through time when the hatch blew up as well. I dont think it has been ever explained what happened when the hatch did explode...or did I miss that explanation?


        Originally posted by SS004 View Post

        Oh and this whole turning the wheel business is soooo lame
        It looked like someone was on the other side jiggling it about! Reminds me of that bit in Simpsons when Leonard Nimoy was telling Barney about how the Star Trek doors were opened and closed by a couple of guys
        Last edited by randombs; 16-02-2009, 16:21.


          Bit of a cock tease episode (shock) which doesn't do a whole lot in progressing the story but still entertaining as always!


            What? It showed us how

            they got back! Some brilliant, brilliant moments IMO.


              Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
              What? It showed us how

              they got back! Some brilliant, brilliant moments IMO.

              thing is though i wonder what happend to the rest on the plane and why was syide was in handcuffs, kate was like that during the 1st episode. interestingly enough was with the white flash they landed into the island but there wasnt a plane crash.


                i thought the severed arm thing was rubbish! and what is the temple all about? is there anything in there thats important?


                  Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                  What? It showed us how

                  they got back! Some brilliant, brilliant moments IMO.
                  yeah I know, hence why I said it was entertaining as always! I just know some people only watch Lost for the progression of the Island story, rather character story.


                    Next ep should provide that, with us

                    in the past now, and Jin works for Dharma!

                    Terrific stuff.


                      Quality episode,

                      they're back on the Island!



                        Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                        Next ep should provide that, with us

                        in the past now, and Jin works for Dharma!

                        Terrific stuff.

                        i think when jack+crew landed the time zone was around 1960 when the Dharma initiative started their research and i'm guessing Jin is working with the others left behind on taking it down.


                          That bloke who wished his condolences to jack at the end might be important since he's quite a well known actor. Well he was in Three kings and I'm sure I've seen him elsewhere. Ah according to imdb he plays a character called ceasar, who is in one more episode called 'the life and death of jeremy bentham'. So, I guess he has something to do with Locke.


                            Thought I recognised him.

                            Why did

                            nobody question that Ben had been beaten up?



                              Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                              Thought I recognised him.

                              Why did

                              nobody question that Ben had been beaten up?

                              They were probably happy that it happened


                                Long post this, so bare with me, somewhere, someone told all of the

                                losties to recreate the first crash as much as possible (not just the old lady telling jack)

                                , so.....

                                Jacks dead dad = Locke with his dads shoes
                                Kate in cuffs = Sayid in cuffs
                                Charlie & Guitar = Hurley & Guitar
                                Walt & Comic = Hurley & Comic

                                when i started writing this i thought there was more than that, so am going to go back and rewatch and update again! Absolutely quality episode though, so glad

                                they are back!!


